The Mystere Foundation (stories)


"I will be true to you whatever comes."
TNP Nation
Castle in Confidence
Agent Ardor stirred his coffee in the break room at campus. It had been a while since he had an assignment, but he knew freak accidents or reports of the paranormal would come in eventually. He had been reassigned to this chapter just three months prior. It was the Saberbeam Chapter of the Foundation. It was coterminous with Knightley making it one of the smallest chapters by area, and yet there was still some intrigue here. It was a place with a lot of history and cases probably because of the richness of the cultures. The facilities were getting so full that they had to open Saberbeam 5th to in the rural south, if you can call that rural. It was just like yesterday that he could remember his first case. It was to acquire a peculiar object. It was an old envelope opener that had been discovered in an estate sale. No matter who picked it up, they would at some point receive a papercut like injury from the envelope opener before they had the chance to put it down. Quite a useless object, but interesting nonetheless. That object was now officially P - WI - 212. The Wiler Chapter kept him very busy while he was there, but Saberbeam was a promotion. Just three days ago he had bagged P - SB - 691. It was a hotel room in the heart of Knightley City where every night at exactly 10: 21 PM the same murder scene would play out. According to the records, that scene had occurred every night for 5 months. It was a good thing we covered it when we did or else the entire city and then the world would know about it.

He recalled what they taught every new recruit back at agent school. Mystere exists to seek out dangers in the world and shield the world from it before it gets into the wrong hands . . . and learn something new along the way. If people only knew how established the Foundation was in the world, they would probably panic. Here he sat in Saberbeam 1st in the middle of Knightley City. He could see Gerard's mansion from the window. As far as anyone new, they were an insurance firm, but their work was much more important than any firm's could be. The motto was Conceal and Defend. They concealed from people the hard truths out there, and they defended them from the dangers that came along with that. He stood to go look at the classification board that all phenomenons were judged by:

Conceal Parameters

AquilThe phenomenon is easily concealed from public knowledge without much effort or protocol use of Mystere.
CartesaThe phenomenon requires moderate efforts in order to keep the phenomenon classified.
NietzurThe phenomenon requires a great deal of resources and protocols to keep the phenomenon classified.
Defend Parameters
AugustThe phenomenon poses little to no danger to humanity.
KanasThe phenomenon shows potential to harm humanity either in a small way or in a grave way given extraordinary circumstances.
HumaireThe phenomenon is a significant and or imminent threat to humanity.

That knife (P - WI - 212) was only a Aquil-Kanas type. A person could be paper cut to death, but odds are slim. Hopefully he would be trusted with the big cases soon. After he finished his coffee, Ardor left the break room to search for missions in the command room. If he was lucky, maybe even a new phenomenon had been registered.
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