[DRAFT] September 2020 Special Judicial Election Report


TNP Nation
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Due to losing citizenship, Eluvatar abandoned their position as justice, which resulted in a second Special Justice Election of the term being called. The election saw two candidates run, both of whom had experience in the judicial branch: Vivanco and Saintpeter.

Vivanco, a former Attorney General and running for the fourth time, ran on a platform of ‘truth, honesty, and justice’. Citing the importance of stability in the court, and the fact that this was the third judicial election of the term, he promised that he would not abandon his office.

Vivanco received 85.71% of the vote and was elected.

Saintpeter, running for justice for the second time this term, also pledged that they would not abandon office this term if elected. Apart from this, they ran on the same platform as they did in their last candidacy. This consisted of the clear implementation of judicial philosophy into the workings of the court and the court self-regulating its power. As well as this, Saintpeter proposed implementing a trial of law clerks to give people experience working in this branch.

Saintpeter received 14.29% of the vote and was not elected.