Deposition of Pigeonstan - The North Pacific v Ihese

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TNP Nation
This thread shall be used for witness deposition of @Pigeonstan in the trial The North Pacific v Ihese.

Per the Court Rules and Procedures:

1. The witness must make the following oath before questioning can begin: "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

2. Any Justice may moderate this deposition.

3. Questioning will proceed in the following order until both sides have exhausted their questions:
a. Prosecution may ask their questions and any follow-ups.
b. Defense will have the opportunity to object to the asked questions.
c. Moderating Justice will rule on any objections.
d. Witness will answer the questions, if no objections or they are overruled.
e. When prosecution questions and follow-ups are exhausted, defense may ask their questions and any follow-ups.
f. Prosecution will have the opportunity to object to the asked questions.
g. Moderating Justice will rule on any objections.
h. Witness will answer the questions, if no objections or they are overruled.
i. Return to a, if needed.

4. At conclusion of questioning, the Moderating Justice shall publish the official record of the deposition in the trial thread.
With your highness' permission, I shall proceed.

When did your relationships with the defendant begin?
Were you engaged with the defendant in any organisation prior to the events at hand?
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Your honour,

With all due respect, the Defence does not see the relevance of this question to the case. We are here to discuss the incidences accused by the prosecution, not the complainant’s history with the defendant.
Your honour,

With all due respect, the Defence does not see the relevance of this question to the case. We are here to discuss the incidences accused by the prosecution, not the complainant’s history with the defendant.
I take this to be an objection on the basis of relevance, @Vivanco you may withdraw the question or make brief submissions on the objection.

@Pigeonstan where an objection to a question has been made by counsel, you should not answer the question unless otherwise instructed by a Justice.
I will withdraw the question, your honour.

When did you recieve the messages from the defendant?
What do you mean by not being able to believe it?
Thank you for your time, Pigeonstan.

The prosecution is done with their questioning for now, your honour.
Thank you, your honour.

@Pigeonstan do you know why the defendant sent the message to you?
Furthermore, did you report this Personal Message to The North Pacific moderation team?
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I object to the second question, your honour. From Eluvatar's deposition we have gathered that the messages were reported to the moderation team, so this question has no sense.
I object to the second question, your honour. From Eluvatar's deposition we have gathered that the messages were reported to the moderation team, so this question has no sense.
@Comfed you may withdraw the question or make submissions against the objection.

@Pigeonstan, I have already told you not to answer questions that are objected to unless told otherwise. Answering a question that is objected to risks the fairness of this trial, do not do so again.

Also, you have failed to answer a question that counsel has put to you and which has not been objected to, which is below. You should answer that question.

Thank you, your honour.

@Pigeonstan do you know why the defendant sent the message to you?
Your honour,
I would like to withdraw the question, and I request that Pigeonstan’s response be stricken from the record.
@Pigeonstan, why did you feel that messages that the defendant may have sent you were a matter for the Court of The North Pacific, as opposed to The North Pacific moderation team?
Thank you, your honor.

@Pigeonstan do you know why the defendant sent the message to you?
Furthermore, did you report this Personal Message to The North Pacific moderation team?
i cheated in 1 of his competitions a month or 2 beforehand
@Pigeonstan, why did you feel that messages that the defendant may have sent you were a matter for the Court of The North Pacific, as opposed to The North Pacific moderation team?
i think they are a matter for court because they are part of the evidence of his continued behavior and that the behavior was not because of an account hack
i cheated in 1 of his competitions a month or 2 beforehand
Which Competition? How?
i think they are a matter for court because they are part of the evidence of his continued behavior and that the behavior was not because of an account hack
Why did you feel that insults against you, typically handles by the moderation team, were matters for the court, which handles TNP law?
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Why did you feel that insults against you, typically handles by the moderation team, were matters for the court, which handles TNP law?
I would like to object, your honour. The court have accepted the acts provided by Pigeonstan were be a matter for the court with the acceptance of the indictment. The opinion of Pigeonstan on their method of actuation is of no interest to the case. We also have established also that there was an approach to moderation in Eluvatar's deposition.
@Comfed, you may withdraw or make submissions against the objection. If you are minded to make submissions, I would ask that you indicate, in broad terms, what relevant issue this line of questioning is directed towards.
Unless the question is withdrawn or the objections addressed by (time=1600767300) (12 hours from now), I may rule on the objections without submissions. If counsel makes submissions between that time and when I rule, I will consider them.
Why did you feel that insults against you, typically handles by the moderation team, were matters for the court, which handles TNP law?
I would like to object, your honour. The court have accepted the acts provided by Pigeonstan were be a matter for the court with the acceptance of the indictment. The opinion of Pigeonstan on their method of actuation is of no interest to the case. We also have established also that there was an approach to moderation in Eluvatar's deposition.

The Rules require that counsel asking a question be given an opportunity to defend or withdraw when an objection is made. Defence counsel has had opportunity to do so and has been put on notice that the objection would be determined without submissions if none were made, it seems to me that opportunity has been sufficient and so I will rule on the objection.

The objection challenges the relevance on the question to the case. In my judgment, the question does not have any obvious relevance to the issues the Court must decide. The principal issue for the Court is the alleged falsehood, namely a claim that Defendant had not engaged in insulting or harassing conduct towards the witness and that the witness’ reports on such conduct were politically motivated. The question does not appear to me to go to whether such a statement was made, the truth or falsity of it, or other matters that would raise some defence, nor does it seem to me to go to any of the additional matters related Gross Misconduct that the Court may need to consider.

I therefore sustain the objection. The question will be struck and not included in the official record.

@Pigeonstan, you may answer the below question.
Which Competition? How?
@Comfed, absent further cross-examination by (time=1601065800) (slightly more than 24 hours from now), we will either move to re-examination or conclude this deposition.

@Vivanco, presuming there are no further questions, do you have any objections or expect to undertake any re-examination? If not, and no further questions are asked, then the deposition will conclude after the time indicated.
Your honour;
At the current moment, I do not have any objections, and as of how the case stands currently, I do not expect to undertake any re-examination.
I should note, I am minded to bring this deposition to a close. I am currently waiting for the resolution of others matters in the main trial thread before doing so, but it seems to me that both parties have had sufficient opportunity to ask questions, as required by the Rules.
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