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- Whatermelons#1111

Condemn Ever-Wandering Souls
Category: Condemnation | Nominee: Ever-Wandering Souls
Proposed by: Refuge Isle | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council;
Recalling that Ever-Wandering Souls (Also referred to as Souls) entered into the scene of regional warfare in the beginning of 2014, succumbing to the allure of glory and third-way virtue that was promised during the founding of The Eternal Knights.
Lamenting that, though The Eternal Knights were a shambles of strategic blunders, Souls' monumental work in recruitment, training, and foreign relations was surely all that held the organisation together. Such efforts delayed The Eternal Knights' demise beyond all of the Security Council's hopes.
Distressed by Souls' leadership over the Sicarius assassins as a member of the Dominus Sicarii, overseeing the attacks on over two hundred thirty regions, orchestrated without the aid of advanced technological resources, yet with no discernible handicap in frequency or ferocity. Included among the attacks:
- The malicious interception of Tofuline's refounding, thereby displacing over one hundred eighty nations from their chosen homeland,
- Military support of The Black Hawks's invasion of Canada, which ended that government's two-year reign while razing embassies with some of the greatest powers known at the time, and
- The invasion of Islam, where Westerly Winds, under the control of Souls, infiltrated and seized the delegacy, ejecting nations over the span of a month from which the region never recovered.
Loathing Souls' migration to The Black Hawks in November of 2014, thereafter rapidly ascending its ranks to become a full member of their notorious leadership, The Council of Hawks, by July of the following year.
Noting that The Black Hawks, already once condemned, suffered an incredible second condemnation under Souls' leadership in March of 2017, three months after having been raised to the rank of General. As such a rank signifies the embodiment of The Black Hawks' ideals, may it be presumed that such ideals are portrayed by Souls' reprehensible history spearheading their conquests.
- The North American Union, brutally attacked solely for its association to past defenders,
- The Nations of Intelligence, assaulted for its acronym's unfortunate ability to suggest an entirely different organisation,
- Global Federation, invaded to upend the homes of some of the world's most prominent writers and spokespeople at the time, and
- The United Federation of Planets, clearly designed to demoralise the world's peacekeeping forces through that operation's success, despite its overt and conspicuous tactics.
Iterating that The Black Riders, who twice achieved censure in this chamber for their acts of ultraviolence, became exposed to counterattack when the Black Riders Commander was disassociated from known reality in early 2015. Although a coalition of disenfranchised natives captured and attempted to reform the region into a peaceful society, such attempts were ultimately undone by Souls' employment of Harenhime, which infiltrated the new government and sabotaged its designs, recapturing the region for raider causes once again, and denying The Black Riders any chance at salvation.
Anguished by the destruction of Heroes Rise, a consequential member of the military alliance ORCA, reduced to an empty wasteland in 2016 by Souls' command over The Black Hawks' own coalition, consisting of eighteen armies across seven realms. ORCA was forever stained by this invasion, as it demonstrated it was unable to protect its own members, leading to its disintegration entirely.
Decrying that in the ruthless pursuit of regional destruction, Souls has purged other lands of their native inhabitants on a scale that far exceeds the intervention capabilities of the Security Council. The arrogance of this nation's government extends even to its long tradition of concocting battlefield reports of such atrocities in blisteringly theatrical styles, as if to captivate victims with the fanciful tales of their own demise.
However disavowing that Souls made a mockery of this esteemed body in March of 2018, as its control over Harenhime drove that nation to try confusing World Assembly members with a circular-logic based condemnation. Even then, that resolution was merely meant to serve as distraction, while Harenhime brutally decimated the native peoples of Iran.
Resolving that so long as Souls operates with impunity, the natives of the world cannot know peace within their own homes, for the actions taken by this nation have left a trail of deceit and destruction, well beyond that which could ever be redeemed.
Hereby condemns Ever-Wandering Souls.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Condemn Ever-Wandering Souls was passed 8,800 votes to 5,475 (61.6% support).
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