Four months ago, I took my oath as Minister of Home Affairs. At the time, I knew what things needed to be improved in Home Affairs, and I had a general plan along with a multitude of ideas for things that I wanted to see become reality. Now, as I look back on the term and think about all that was accomplished, I can say that I am satisfied with how far we’ve come. I’ve done the things I set out to do, and we have had a very successful term as a Ministry.
Above all I am very, very grateful to all my staff who have been driven and engaged throughout this term. You’re the boots on the ground, steadfastly claiming rows and doing mentorship week after week, and without your hard work as a team, we would never have gotten anywhere. I also want to thank @BMWSurfer, @BluieGamer, and @9003 for being amazing Deputy Ministers every step of the way. Your effort, support, and at times moments of sheer brilliance have undeniably changed this ministry for the better. Honorable mention also goes to @Bobberino and @Rocketdog for their advice throughout this term. Thank you guys, so much.
General Work and Events
As I said, Home Affairs has been largely successful this term, and has done an incredible amount of work as a whole:
- Home Affairs has released 20 telegram recruitment lists this term, and in total has delivered 21,292 telegrams.
- Mentors have contacted 307 new members on the forum.
- Home Affairs hosted an Executive Staff Game Night on May 29th with the help of the Ministry of Radio.
- Two writing competitions were held to redraft recruitment telegrams, with the winners receiving cards.
Additionally, HA's paperwork was finally put in order with the creation of a Home Affairs Leadership sub-forum. I've spent time organizing it and formatting information, instructions, and many other things for the future use and convenience of Ministers and deputies. I've also set up a new rotational schedule for HA Leadership to follow that I would say has done an excellent job of ensuring all the crucial administrative work of Home Affairs is done each week, and that no one person is stuck trying to do everything themselves.
At the beginning of the term, I set out to keep proper records of the work and statistics of the Ministry throughout the term, and thanks to HA Leadership's collaborative efforts, we have successfully done so. Initially, we struggled to find a good spreadsheet set up that could both go into detail on individual work and provide a more general picture, all while being easy to update and manage; however, @BMWSurfer set about coding an amazing system that has come to fruition as our new Log and Data Viewer. I have confidence HA's new dossier system will continue to serve well into the future, and will provide valuable insight into the work of the Ministry each term.
Staff Engagement
I would say one of my personal greatest contributions to Home Affairs this term has been "HA for Dummies." Or rather, "the HAndbook," as my staff like to call it. It's a comprehensive guide to the general activities and expectations of Home Affairs, compiled and written to answer common questions and give new Home Affairs staff a sense of direction and a good idea of how to get started. When I first joined Home Affairs, I had many questions and was confused by several things, so my motivation has been to improve the experience of those who are new like how I was once, and to help them out as they get established in the Executive Staff. The guide has received good reception since its publication, and I hope it will continue to be helpful in future terms.
Lastly, with the help of the research and creativity of my deputies @BMWSurfer and @BluieGamer, Home Affairs has begun a new cards rewards program for HA staff. From now on, each month, Home Affairs staff members who contribute a minimum amount of work will be rewarded with Epic or Legendary cards, depending on how the Ministry performs as a whole. This program will encourage participation among staff members without promoting competition between them, which was something we wanted to avoid when we were drafting ideas for a rewards program. I have high hopes for this cards program going forward, and I can't wait to see what effect it will have on HA's performance.
It's been an honor to work as Minister of Home Affairs this term, and I'd like to thank @Prydania for giving me this opportunity. I couldn't have asked for a better team, and I've loved working with all of you.
Thank you all,
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