Bob the Builder: Building Bridges in Our Community - A Platform for Vice Delegate
Hi, I’m Bobberino. Better known here as Bob. But you most likely already know that, so I’ll cut to the chase here - I’m running for Vice Delegate. But you most likely already knew that as well, so… yeah I’ll stop with that. There are several immediate questions that a run for Vice Delegate may raise in your mind, so I’ll try and address them here.
First off, why? I have a vision for this region, of some of the issues that plague her and hold her back from even higher heights. Over my roughly 2 and a half years in this region - my first region in this game - serving in all aspects of the Executive Staff, been Deputy in Home Affairs, WA Affairs (incumbent), Deputy of Communications, Deputy of Defense, Minister of Communications and Minister of Defense, I have both served and observed many of the things that this region does exceptionally and that this region can do better. I would like to now take this opportunity, through the office of Vice Delegate, to both improve what we do well and what we can improve on.
What does this entail? Foremost, the office of Vice Delegate calls for an active endotarter to maintain their second place position in endorsements in The North Pacific. I can promise that I will be proactive and forthcoming with exchanging endorsements, and utilizing the resources this region has in place to ensure my endorsements will increase - essentially, a grind session of endorsing the WA list in zen mode with some music on to really get the zen drilled into your skull. Not a bad time in all honesty, certainly better than some of the 2 and a half hour updates we’ve had over the past few months. While I cannot promise anything specific and lofty - there is plenty of precedent to show how that is problematic - I can promise active endotarting, both from myself and from my colleagues in the Security Council. As a player and in real life, I try to brand myself as an energetic person - and my hope is that new blood will assist the Security Council in this campaign to allow them to both increase their numbers and help their image improve to all aspects of the community, which I will now address.
I’d like to build bridges. Thus the campaign name. The blueprints? Foremost, the Security Council to the Community at Large. This is a big one. Progress has already been started on this - there is legislation worming its way through the Regional Assembly regarding disclosing Security Council logs to the public. I would like to encourage this process of declassification to assert that the Security Council is, indeed, not simply a geezer’s club of old names who just happen to sit on a pile of influence and endorsements. The SC waits, the SC watches, and the SC assesses threats - a process that not only takes time, but takes the emergence of a threat to require the assertion of. However, with that said, I would like to expand the role of the Security Council in TNP to be more active within the community. Some remarks are often made - and they quite often hit the mark - about the SC not being an active group of players, and I would like to remedy this.
As a note to security, the Vice Delegate Check. I believe Artemis, the incumbent Vice Delegate, has set a terrific precedent with regards to this in both being speedy but thorough with regards to his completing the checks. It takes time to analyze a nation’s history, the forum account associated with that nation, and where that player (should they be a returning player) may have influences from. Similarly to my blurb about not promising anything specific with endorsements, I will not promise anything specific with regards to this check; however, I will be thorough and will promise that my checks will be done accurately, succinctly, and with confidence the player is not a security threat - should they pass.
With that slight tangent aside, my next target is building a bridge between the Forum community to the RMB community - I would like to work closely with our next Delegate and their Ministers of Communications, Radio and Home Affairs, as well as the Security Council, to actively participate in the RMB and encourage participation from primarily forum players to mix and mingle on the other platform, and/or on Discord - thus allowing for some of the rivalries that may exist between the two to be shaken out. Building this bridge will, again, take time and dedicated participation from all of the above Ministers and the Security Council, both as senior respected members of The North Pacific’s Government and as individual players with their own interests, talents and experiences to bring to the table. I would also like to discuss an event for this specific purpose with the Minister of Culture and the Delegate, but that is an idea in its infancy.
Now for some miscellaneous remarks - I do not see any changes to the WADP that are necessary. The program has been running smoothly for a long time now, and I do not see a reason to interfere with or modify it. For weekly reports, I’d like to continue that tradition - another great job by Artemis.
In summation, I’d like to build bridges in our community. I’d like to defend our community. I’d like to improve the Security Council, both internally and externally, and allow for it to function better as a body as a whole. I’d like to work with the incoming Delegate and their Executive Council to improve their body of work with regards to both their current jobs and interacting with other players. But foremost? I would like to be your Vice Delegate. All I ask in exchange is that you vote me, Bobberino, for Vice Delegate. Thank you. *cue thunderous applause as a short man with luscious locks steps down from the podium*
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