The Public Gallery - The North Pacific v. Ihese


The Young Statesman
Deputy Speaker
TNP Nation
As @Ihese essentially rage-quitted on the RMB, moved his nation to Chicken overlords (thereby no longer maintains his presence in TNP), even went as far as requesting for an account deletion on the forums, will the trial continue?

"The North Pacific v. Ihese"

What is this sh*t?

Ok, you have crossed all possible red lines. For almost a year I tried to help the region endorsing everyone, voting all the WA resolutions by the recommended way, I tried to entertain you with North Pacific Vision 8, etc. And you pay me this way? With "The North Pacific v. Ihese" you made your choice very clear. You prefer a brat, a winged rat that annoys everyone, that lies more than talk, that never admits a fault but judges everyone, a kid that does godmodding, that runs a campaign attacking the WA delegate without proof and proposing things without any basis, etc. This was your choice. Ok, understood.

Let me tell you that First World Order has teached you a lesson, because they treated a troll like the winged rat the way he deserve: banning him. You have a lot to learn from them, because you chose to do absolutely nothing, to be soft with a kid that rarefy the ambient here. Ok. What bothers me about all of this is not the sentence you will apply against. What bothers me is that you didn't reject the initiative of a troll to judge me, you are going to support a brat that only wants revenge on me by the only reason that I ejected him from North Pacific Vision, I discovered all his lies and I said to him at face what everyone wants to say but nobody dares. The stupidest and most childish possible reaction. You have demonstrated you are more nazis than the NationStates Moderators, and it was hard to get over them.

Ok, I'm sick about all of this. I'm going to leave this game, because you don't remember that NationStates is JUST A GAME, not a place to lynch someone. I'll leave, but not in this region. I'm going to move to shake me off all your incompetence, null madurity and lust for blood. I'm not going to waste another second of my time here.

With all my strength, I'll shout these last words:

Does this tantrum-throwing child expect us not to enforce our own laws because Pigeonstan is annoying?
Why? The evidnece is flimsy at best, and unacceptable at worst. Its an easy case for a denfense attorney. I hope we get a prosecutor who will drop the case so you can pursue this mess.
Why? The evidnece is flimsy at best, and unacceptable at worst. Its an easy case for a denfense attorney. I hope we get a prosecutor who will drop the case so you can pursue this mess.
no the way he reacted is why i think that this case will be a shoo in
1. Too late
2. Its up to the prosecutor to add evidence
3. Good luck proving this came from him.
Prove it, a court case is not about what you know its about what you can prove. Read the rules of evidence and prove it.
You have to link the screenshot of the specific telegram that prove Ihese did flame you over the telegram, imo.
If he moved his nation to CO, doesn’t that mean his citizenship is revoked?
i have a question now that vivanco is a justice how will this trial work

Vivanco is recused from the trail and has no part in its deliberations, and a Temporary hearing officer fills the vacant seat
i forgot to screenshot it but he did send me a conversation over TNP forum which had much worse content
This conversation would still be accessible to you on the forum, and the telegram would still be in your onsite inbox. Or did you accidentally delete those as well?
With Pigeonstans history of misleading statements and dishonesty, I am declined to believe things he says until they are verified.
This conversation would still be accessible to you on the forum, and the telegram would still be in your onsite inbox. Or did you accidentally delete those as well?
firstly a mod confirmed the existence of the thing on the forum
secondly i have a screenshot of another telegram
so no this is real
So if Pigeon has admitted to cheating in a contest, are we going to see charges for fraud brought against him? :eyebrow:
2 months ago and it was a song case
besides the contest doesnt matter
But considering this is not the first time you alienate another player for cheating (whether it's for godmodding or for a song like you basically admitted here) I see why Ihese has came to this against you. Not that I'm trying to defend him, he was totally wrong about what he did, but I saw enough people justifying your actions for being "too young" that I think Ihese shouldn't be excluded from it too.

What I'm trying to say is that you Pigeonstan, while not breaking any rules, aren't all innocent as you are trying to show us. You're either a compulsory liar, a troll or both. As I said this is not the first instance where a player has to say something bad against you, this time he simply went to far.

In my opinion, in this case there aren't a good or a bad guy, neither of you two is innocent. Besides, Ihese two accounts have been deleted by the mods, so his punishment has already been delivered as far as I'm concerned.

To me, what remains is to judge what we shall do with you.