[08/30/2020 - 2] Trends, History, and the Future of the World Assembly


Somehow, Palpatine has returned
TNP Nation
Cretox State

Trends, History, and the Future of the World Assembly

Welcome to the second event of the final day of the 2020 World Assembly Symposium! You can see the live discussion on this topic by joining the event's Discord from 1PM to 4PM EST today, August 30.

While the topic is intentionally broad, we also introduce subtopics for the interested:
  • How has the World Assembly changed recently, and are those changes good?
  • Is the exchange of authors between the GA and SC good for increasing activity?
  • What are some predictions for the future of the World Assembly?
You can leave any longer-length essay-style responses here, if you like, or you can just wait for the actual live discussion on the Discord!

This is the last text-based panel event of this Symposium. If you're interested, please join us for an NBS show from 5PM to 8PM EST today, August 30! This show will occur on the event's Discord, and will include a Q&A session with some of the bigger names in the World Assembly, commentary on the discussions that happened over the course of the event, and closing remarks.
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