Recent Cosmetic Changes to the Forums?


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore
I’m not exactly sure what happened with it, but did the forum recently undergo some cosmetic changes? It appears as though the text in quote boxes is smaller than it once was and that the boxes themselves are outlined differently.

The outlines of spoilers are not as pronounced as they used to be and the headers for sections of the forums aren’t the same as they once were. Additionally, by my observation, the masking colour for registered members has also changed and is much lighter and brighter, as well as the “Post Thread” button and the “Preview” button having the same bordering issues as spoilers and quote boxes.

I use TNP Dark theme, for reference, as it’s the only theme I can tolerate using due to my eye condition and sensitivity to brightness/light. Whatever it is, could it be changed back to the way it once was or can there at least be an option to keep it that way in settings?

I’m not a fan of it at all and it’s making me not want to post on the forums since I discovered it yesterday. I’d appreciate it greatly if a forum admin were to look into this.
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I've also noticed this, and I'm in dark mode too. I don't quite like some of the colors used for links, they all kind of blend into the color of the background. I'd also like to have a setting to change it back.
I've also noticed this, and I'm in dark mode too. I don't quite like some of the colors used for links, they all kind of blend into the color of the background. I'd also like to have a setting to change it back.
Yeah. It’s especially difficult for me considering I already have vision impairment and was used to viewing the forums the way they were before whatever happened to them.
Are the tables different for anyone else too? I'm pretty sure that they used to be bordered with black but in dark mode, but now they're double bordered with white. I think that the double border makes it look too complex, or stuck together.
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I've been playing around with the colors to make that theme more readable and a better blend. I'm certainly not opposed to change, but I need to understand the criticism in order to correct it.

1. The quote boxes have not changed in size. I only changed the color. I can work on changing the border colors to something more pronounced, but that is not going to change the size (as it was never altered). Which color would you prefer?

2. I changed the registered user color from midnight blue (a color completely unreadable with the TNP Dark background color) to light grey to make it visible. I can tone it down, but it does leave me to question why this bothers you and not the GIGANTIC BRIGHT FORUM HEADER BARS that used to exist or the text throughout the forum with almost an identical color or the super bright logo bar. Do you have a color in mind?

3. @Arichia what specific areas are not pronounced enough for you with the colors aside from the aforementioned buttons and quote bars?

4. I changed the borders of the table from black (a color completely unreadable with the TNP Dark background color) to light blue to provide visibility. Again these are the same table lines you see across all themes, I just changed the color. Do you feel double lines are overwhelming on the other skins, or just TNP Dark?
I've been playing around with the colors to make that theme more readable and a better blend. I'm certainly not opposed to change, but I need to understand the criticism in order to correct it.

1. The quote boxes have not changed in size. I only changed the color. I can work on changing the border colors to something more pronounced, but that is not going to change the size (as it was never altered). Which color would you prefer?

2. I changed the registered user color from midnight blue (a color completely unreadable with the TNP Dark background color) to light grey to make it visible. I can tone it down, but it does leave me to question why this bothers you and not the GIGANTIC BRIGHT FORUM HEADER BARS that used to exist or the text throughout the forum with almost an identical color or the super bright logo bar. Do you have a color in mind?

3. @Arichia what specific areas are not pronounced enough for you with the colors aside from the aforementioned buttons and quote bars?

4. I changed the borders to table from black (a color completely unreadable with the TNP Dark background color) to light blue provide visibility. Again these are the same table lines you see across all themes, I just changed the color. Do you feel double lines are overwhelming on the other skins, or just TNP Dark?
Heya, Siwale!

Thank you for shedding some light on what exactly the recent changes were - I appreciate that. Unfortunately I’m completely colourblind IRL due to an eye condition known as Achromatopsia and so I’m afraid that I’ll only be able to offer very little help in the way of specifying which colours would work better.

What was the original colour of the quote boxes before they were changed? If the size hasn’t been altered then perhaps an easy remedy to that would be to return to the colour they were originally and not mess with the size (which as you said was never changed).

Luckily, the registered user colouring doesn’t bother me too much and I feel it would be unreasonable to ask you to alter that. I think the light grey will work just fine for the reasons you changed it in the first place and it’ll only take a bit of getting used to on my part - which I can manage.

As far as Arichia’s comment regarding the outlining of tables, I actually quite like this change and think it’s an improvement. For me, the two main visual issues are just the spoilers and quote boxes. If those were returned to the colours they were previously then I think the registered user colouring and the table outlines are just fine :)
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1. So, I would have preferred a light blue for spoilers, or perhaps something lighter than the actual background color.
2. I can sometimes find links in text like here a bit hard to distinguish from regular text and the background color.
3. Well, looking back at the tables, it's a lot better than what I thought when I first saw them. I think I was just used to the old look. I would be fine with the current table borders.
Thank you for your feedback. I'll work on the skin tomorrow with these suggestions in mind.
Spoilers and quotes are good! Mentions and links stand out too! I'm fine with this. Thanks for the work :)
Spoilers and quote boxes are looking much better! A lot more pronounced on the spoilers and quote boxes are much more readable for me now.