[Inaius] Galactic News Thread V2


OOC Note: Hello! This is a remake of an older thread that has been lost in time. I figured it's best to start fresh with this, since Inaius and the nations in it have changed so much since the original 2018 thread. This is pretty simple. It's for news posts in Inaius nations be they just for fluff or for more serious topics. Just like the Eras news thread. Here's the original thread for anyone who is interested: 2018, severely outdated and no longer canon. Happy posting!
Akida battlecruiser The Maw

Ding dong. Notifications show up on all akida’s data slates.

Only a small room is visible. A short akid walks onto screen. He sits with his legs crossed. Whilst looking at his data slate, he speaks up.

“Ship’s daily happenings in order of occurrence. New commands have been sent in. Quiet running. We will be drifting silent between some human planets. Exciting. Next were the power outages on the reactor decks 13-15. The power was restored. No Containment field failures. No fear here! During mealtime at the C time block there was a large brawl between forty akida over a thrown water pouch. Saw it myself. Ishka, our resident knife hand champion, broke her right arm and jaw in the brawl. Any future champions now would be the time. Ishka if you’re watching. I threw the pouch. Worse mistakes have been made. Our shipmother made us run several drills, you all know this. Basic safety and stress testing. Ah, in four cycles time, our new recruits will be arriving. Live showings of the trials will be available shipwide if not able to attend in person. For bets talk to Tarashok. She’ll make her passes through decks 3 and 17 the day of each trial. You’ll find her there. Next thing is-”

There’s a louding banging noise on the door of the akid’s room. He flinches. There is muffled yelling on the outside.

“Ishka I know you’re angry and I know you’re watching. I was trying to aim for the garbage chute. I’m not the one who broke your arm! Don’t make me have to fight you!”

There is now loud scraping against metal and electrical zapping noises. The akid stands up quickly. The door slides open as another akid pries her way into the room. “Ishka use your words! Words Ishka!”

The clearly angry akid pounces. There is a scream before the feed cuts off.

Ding. Dong.
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Akida battlecruiser The Maw

Ding dong. Notifications show up on all akida's data slates.

Only a small room is visible. A short akid limps onto screen. He struggles to sit down and cross his legs. He picks up data slate before speaking.

"Ship's daily happenings in order of occurrence. We're still on quiet running orders. Been intercepting transmissions for days now. Intelligence Ops has their work cut before them. Heard there were exabytes of information. Standard drills on the flight decks for pirates. No contacts yet. Bridge crew tried throwing a surprise celebration for the Shipmother during mealtime at the B time block. There are two crew in med-bay with puncture wounds. I wonder how that happened. Later will be a trial showing for recruit Betnar. She is fourteen cycles of age and will be facing off with none other than our Mavta* Captain, Chok. May the huntress be with you kid! You're gonna need it! Remember Tarashok is taking bets. You all know where to find her. In regards to bets, do remember they are due by week's end. Tarashok is about punctuality. There will be multiple showings of the trial. I myself will be attending. Broadcasting might be spotty depending on crowd excitement. I will do my best. "

The akid sighs in relief having made it through his broadcast. He taps the data slate and the feed ends.

Ding. Dong.

*Mavta are the shipboard marines.

Vigilante group activity on the rise in outer rim worlds
By Torba'Inrab, FNS
Updated 1425 HAST M9 3, 4327AY


(FNS) — Vikal Nik is the founder of the New Esbeth Guard, a militia in its namesake hometown on planet M'henga. Donning a blue wifebeater and a green bandana to cover his face, the 35-orbital-old ausar braves the streets of New Esbeth at night with volunteer neighbors and residents to protect their community. With a population of 5,000, the local community is relatively quaint. Crime is almost non-existent. But the plantwide chaos caused by anti-government protests has opened opportunities to criminals and gangs. Riots turned to widespread looting, vandalism, and violent assaults. Inner cities were trashed. Suburbs and small towns caught in their path were ravaged.

"Them police's no good. The mayor's one of them freaks. Non'na them willing to act." Nik said, loading the magazine in his gun. "By virtue of their collective cowardice, it's up to us every peaceful folk to put our very lives on the line. Just to defend our livelihood."

An ex-convict, Nik isn't a stranger to using guns in the streets. But he needed backup, especially after a group of looters passing by decided to break into small businesses, including his pawnshop "Pawning Paw" at Main Street. Not too long, he formed the militia. The New Esbeth town government disarmed the local USG Peacekeeper detachment in a bid to de-escalate the violence. Within the next two deca-cycles, the militia grew as more residents scrambled to defend themselves. Nik claimed he shot five muggers in the last 24 groons.

"They feeling like hotshots, trespassing and spraypainting on our houses." Nik pointed his gun at the vandalized wall on his house front. "Once I took out my mate Jal here (his gun), they be running on all fours. Running like my old sire when the old bitch caught him with my tutor."

Lieutenant Ro-Ab, the Detachment Commander, released a statement asking residents in New Esbeth and neighboring towns to "leave law enforcement to its enforcers." While Ro-Ab praised the "patriotism" and "readiness" of the concerned citizens, he believes their presence will only attract more violence and crime into their neighborhoods.

"People from populated sectors are asking for redress on the streets. That's a lot of people," Ro-Ab said, speaking in a hologram call with FNS. "We're doing our best to mitigate the spillover. If people from the cities found out about these 'militias,' they might think it's a pro-government sentiment or a challenge to their message."

Ro-Ab promised the detachment would be re-armed if the New Esbeth Guard disbands. Nik called it a bluff and refused to participate in any dialogue with the town government.

Countless situations mirroring New Esbeth have followed the spread of anti-government protests across the outer rim territories. Thousands of militias have formed, especially in the rugged and poorer frontier colonies. Many law enforcement and hate group watchers are more concerned about the militias than the rioters themselves. The lack of coordination, proper oversight, and high chances of maximum prejudice will inevitably cause more casualties. Their access to military-grade equipment has also put gun regulation advocates on high alert. It also does not help when some local officials encourage vigilantism to deter rioters, invoking political and ethnic divisions to justify their support.

"I don't mean to imply civil war, but something similar to that kind," said Rhass d'Vak, a retired USG Peacekeeper Commissioner who oversaw operations in outer rim territories. He has been publicly campaigning for constructive social services reform. "A lot of activists and agitators have been thirsty for confrontation all these orbitals. If this goes on without immediate action, we might witness widescale armed violence in the federation periphery. So what if there are more jobs if the wages are too low? And people don't have the right degree? You know it's gotten bad when an adult entertainment worker earns more than a government teacher. Do you know some businesses still employ based on race? Even though it's illegal? That's a whole other set of problems!"
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Grand Elector condemns GSU invasion of the Sekari Empire
By Ts'rok of Ravanok, FNS
Updated 2155 (M5 26, 4327AY) HAST M6 28, 4327AY


RINGWORLD ONE (FNS) — Earlier this mid-sunrise, Grand Elector Jhomneel responded to a question about the Siezon attack at the Sekari border. It was during the Grand Elector's regular news conference in the Glup Shitto Press Briefing Room. The question was from FNS Hyperboloid Correspondent Rodrig den Rothorag. Jhomneel condemned the Greater Siezon Union and called their actions "uncivilized" and "an insult to sentience."

"There is nothing more disgraceful than vain belligerency," Jhomneel said. "The cruelty of war may have no bounds. But only a war, declared by a government with the right to declare war, can be a just war. Pre-emptive strikes in peacetime are immoral and cowardly."

Jhomneel will address the Galactic Parliament to lay out the government's response against the GSU. While Jhomneel refused to name specifics, zie revealed that zis cabinet is actively discussing a wide range of diplomatic, economic, and even military actions. Jhomneel clarified there are "zero commitments" to armed intervention. His electoral mandate calls zim to focus on key campaign promises such as expanded agricultural subsidies and the urbanization of outer rim worlds.

"I am not interested in defending the nations of the galaxy. My duty as Grand Elector comes first." Jhomneel formed a finger with zis gastropodic body to point at the USG Flag behind zim, moving zis shell aside. "I simply believe when an individual is in a position of influence, they are morally obligated to use it for the greater good. Whether it be to build new farms, connect towns with paved roads, and protect innocent lives from preventable threats."

Jhomneel underscored the ultraimperialistic nature of the GSU as the source of their aggression. Zie commented how it drives their ethnocentric beliefs that the human race is destined to dominate the galaxy to the point that everything is justified based on an undisclosed justification that "likely never even existed." This recklessness, according to Jhomneel's views, only confirms their desperation instead of projecting strength.

This isn't the first time a Grand Elector condemned the SGU. For most of Galaxian political history, anti-Siezon stances have always transcended party lines. Touching a nerve in the inclusive and pacifist sensibilities of Galaxian society, the highly militaristic Siezons have cultivated their human-exclusive society to live and die for their self-appointed birthright mastery of the universe. Siezon extremism has pushed voters to elect politicians who will work to contain the SGU. Interestingly, there is a growing opinion among fringe parts of the population that an alliance with Siezon rivals, including the likes of the Yviiri Combine, is a "necessary evil."

"Someone needs to stand up against evil." Gnevol Predhn said. As captain of USIRV Kothalo, he helped a scientific expedition to study and record the natives of Fen Habbanis. "There is plenty of other sentient life in the galaxy. It's up to us, people who can fight, to protect them from monsters like the Siezons. If that means allying with a planet-eating Leviathan, we have to take our chances for the ultimate sacrifice."

Others, including major political factions in the Galactic Parliament, have remained neutral despite the prevailing anti-SGU sentiments. Glitch Wellpetal, activist leader of the Non-Aligned Citizen League, opposes deliberate policy against major interstellar powers such as the SGU. While he recognizes the brutality of the Siezon government, Wellpetal believes conflict is "never the answer." He claims only peace and patience will change the SGU, the Yviiri, and other hostile nations.

"All forms of intervention will inevitably end in armed conflict," Wellpetal said, pointing at history books detailing the United Stars' unsuccessful involvement in the Sekari expansion wars. "Our military can afford to pick a fight—At the cost of innocent people's lives. The only difference between the oppressors and us is that we added more crossfire for civilians to dodge. I wouldn't be surprised if our enemies thank us for making their job easier."
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"Fully-cloned and automated soldiers" outer rim governor suggests
By Lanolad Ebestra, Regional FNS
Updated 2307 HAST M9 7, 4327AY


M'HENGA (REGIONAL FNS) — Trace Bears is the arthropoid Sub-Viceroy of the Ara Ara system in the Heiakim Republic. Ruling from the system capital world, M'henga, Bears in his planetary seat Esbeth was besieged by rioters and looters. In the outer rim territories, civil unrest has put major cities at a standstill for three deca-cycles. Several governors of the most hard-hit systems hunkered down in their executive mansions. Not Trace. Two orbital periods ago, the Lieutenant Governor signed a deal with FenCo, a military-spec hardware subsidiary of adult AI manufacturer UAC, to create Esbeth's first android police force.

"Automated Rapid Intervention Unit, or AUTORITI, was deployed in the streets of Downtown Esbeth this Primeday." Trace excitedly turned on the hologram in his office to show off charts and figures from the Esbeth Police Department. "After only five solar cycles, we've rounded up 3,500 people and charged 1,400 for violent crimes without a single scratch on our law enforcers."

Protesters occupied the city financial district and set up blockades around Downtown Esbeth. AUTORITI synchronized data and coordinated strategies. It gave them the advantage to efficiently isolate riots into pockets and separated them in strategic areas of the inner-city districts. This made it easier for the police to secure and open up key roads to traffic. It allowed residents, workers, visitors, and other citizens to leave the affected areas quickly and safely. Bears praised AUTORITI's "record performance" and pointed out how Downtown Esbeth easily opened for business after five solars. Compared to the dozens rushed to emergency rooms in other planets, only five people were sent to Esbeth General Hospital to be treated for minor riot-related injuries.

"This has been the smoothest riot control in my lifetime." Bears smiled as he personally toured FNS and other news reporters around Downtown Esbeth. "No casualties, no violence, and, most importantly, no looting. Finally, I can go to the business association luncheon without people shouting at me for not doing my job." He joked. "Though, seriously. To respect the freedom to protest and deal with the unpredictability of angry mobs, I see robots as the future of life-threatening law enforcement operations, not just riot control."

Protests continued in authorized safe spaces in the city, causing no obstruction, damages, or public disturbance. Using Esbeth's AUTORITI as a model, Bears plans to create more android riot police units in every population center in the system. As a Kriken, Bears used analogies to his arthropoid heritage to describe the importance of safety. Krikens, like many arthropoids, adapted to harsh environments and evolved to have their skeletons on the outside for protection. Many cities adapted to increasing threats and have robotic riot police units, with some police forces entirely automated. Bears thinks the United Stars is ready for the "next step."

"My cousin is a bounty hunter. He's a good sniper." Bears showed a picture of his cousin brandishing a Triskelion rifle. "We both share the same ideas. We both believe there is an opportunity here. Since people aren't too fond of wars, why not send those bred and built for that purpose? If we want to help other people, if we want to stop the Siezons from destroying the galaxy, then it's rational to use dispensable and non-living things to do it for us."

With Ara Ara system galactic delegate Tetran, Bears helped draft a Galactic Parliament bill to introduce "fully-cloned and automated soldiers" in the Federation Forces. The bill, or the "Biotech and AI Enhanced Weaponization Act," proposes a gradual process where clones and androids can fight alongside professional, naturally-sentient FF personnel. At present, Bears could not reasonably predict a fully operational armed force with only clones and androids. He mentioned the Yviiri military, which integrated robotic forces with its conventional forces. Although, he admits there have been studies against the use of clone forces. His chief scientific advisor doubts that modern cloning techniques can maintain genetic stability, making clones susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases over time.

Tetran, a longtime supporter of clones and androids as military combatants, has floated around an alternative for robotics in military applications. He put forward the idea of drone soldiers, each individually and remotely operated. Due to the hesitancy of relying on AI technology, not many voters and politicians are on board with an automated or robotic army. Even if military contractors and AI developers assure "controllable sentience," Tetran could see the inevitability of AI development.

"So what if their overriding purpose is to serve us sentient species? We have seen the capabilities of AI." Tetran narrowed his eyes at the android receptionist in his constituency office waiting room. "They may be designed to do specific tasks. But robotic research is making them more intelligent period-after-period. Some bots have exhibited convincing signs of sentience. There are droid factory workers, bureaucrats, and chemists. Some experimental androids have taken over administrative jobs. The question now is: How far do we go from here?"
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Questionable morality of clone armies raised in Galactic Parliament
By Ts'rok of Ravanok, FNS
Updated 930 HAST M10 12, 4327AY


RINGWORLD ONE (FNS) — There isn't a deca-cycle when Inquisitor Halnes Skolast doesn't stand in front of the Hyperboloid parking exit, blocking government secretaries and ministers in their hovercars, piling up before security escorts him out of the way. Every time the Grand Elector's state hovercar passes by, Skolast manages to throw satirical plushies of vats presumably carrying Clidian clones (Grand Elector Jhomneel's species).

"By T'Jell's Righteous Horns, this government must see the error of its ways before the commodification of sentience destroys what's left of our souls," Skolast said. His beak dipped low at the sight of the Grand Elector disappearing with the merging traffic.

"Commodification of sentience" has become a mantra for the Unger Inquisitor and his colleagues in Tradition against Cybernation, the third-largest opposition party in the Galactic Parliament. As party leader, Skolast has been very consistent with its policies against techno-progressives. He waged his current war against elite units of clone soldiers created by several constituent civilizations. In heated parliamentary debates with Tetran, Skolast repeatedly confronted the Galactic Wealth League delegate from the Heiakim Republic. This Ovir male, in particular, trended on the datanet for his controversial proposal the "Biotech and AI Enhanced Weaponization Act." A bill to introduce clones and androids in the Federation Forces.

Yestersolar, after Skolast's protest at the Hyperboloid, he spars with Tetran again in a 3-groon debate on the Biotech and AI Weapons Bill.

"The Federation Forces will become severely outmoded if it does not innovate." Tetran insisted, munching on a roasted beehive he brought for lunch after overextending the debate through mid-solar meal break. "I see this whole fuss from the spiritualist opposition as a ruse to waste the Interstellar Assembly's precious time on non-secular absolutes. There is no law prohibiting the military mobilization of clone or android forces in the federal government. This proposal does not care about your scaremongering."

At this point, Skolast agreed that there is no law prohibiting clones or androids in the Federation Forces. He also elaborated there are no laws acknowledging its military applications either and no opposition, including the assembly's resident militarist Martial Order of the Thorn, would have enough political capital to expand Galaxian armed forces. Tetran conceded to all the Inquisitor's points, segueing to add "religion will never have a place in government."

An enraged Skolast leapt on top of his desk, scaring his party lieutenants to lean away as all eyes in the chamber landed on the Unger Inquisitor. "For military purposes or not, cloning is an insidious practice! It violates the right to individuality!" Skolast crowed out. "Licensing genetic templates to create the perfect beings possible as a means to an end degrades the sanctity of life. It is a dangerous commodification of sentience."

Skolast named the Horkbajiri Empire, Kriken Kingdoms, and the Struzan Colonies with sizable clone armies. He referred to them as the "ringleaders" funding the expanding biotech reach in the Galaxian arms industry. Citing top-secret reports, Skolast claimed there are active plans with preliminary blueprints to implant "loyalty chips" that can "override" the individual will of cloned sapients. When asked to identify the source, Skolast refused to protect the source's privacy but assured its legitimacy, staking his reputation on it. Tetran challenged Skolast to send the evidence at once to the Governorate of Justice, where the Prime Justiciar could scrutinize possible sapient rights violations.

Before the debate reached halfway through sun-down, Scout Authority Surveyor-General Ygmata the Ferocious stood in place of the absent Grand Elector in the near-empty executive podium, occupied by a dozen cabinet officers, and all of them were junior ministers.

"I can assure both delegates from M'henga's 6th Urban and T'Jell's 11th Rural that the government has taken their arguments into account. I will personally initiate a constructive dialogue in the next cabinet meeting regarding your takes on this critical issue you both so well put together." Ygmata finished typing down notes in his datapad, gleaming at the last tap. "However, let me remind everybody in this chamber that the honorable Tetran's proposal neither represents the government nor the coalition. Tetran proposed a private member's bill. Not from the party platforms. No cabinet member is a sponsor."

Returning from his bi-orbital vacation in M'henga, Emperor Ikran of Hork-Bajir arrived at Parliament Pavilions to attend a Federation Council meeting. He laughed in response to news of Skolast's attempts to ban cloning.

"What can I say?" The reptilian monarch grinned smugly, wrapping his claws around the waist of his human Imperial Consort Trink. "Don't listen to a celibate when it comes to advanced reproductive science. I got two jewels down below, and I'm not talking about plums. Figure out who's word you'd trust more, journalists."
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Feline Government announces Lockdown of Yergasa and Filsbostia Systems following Sudden Anomaly’s
The Feline Government was Informed of Strange Anomalies Earlier Today, These Anomalies have Included Thing’s such as Gravitational Disturbances, Stellar Fluctuations and Unusual Tectonic Activity on planets throughout the systems

When This was Reported, Several Teams of Researchers were dispatched along with three vessels to one of the systems where there were more of the anomalys, the Feline President has made a comment on the Situation.

“The Feline Geological Survey has Concluded these Tectonic activities are linked, what this means is currently unclear, however, we do know that these activities currently pose little-to no threat to the locals of the planets. Furthermore, we have plenty of starships ready and willing to evacuate the small populations of the planets in these 2 systems in the event there is need for an evacuation. This is not a situation that we have been in before, and we Don’t have any need to panic, as this is not a critical situation. So remain calm, There is literally NO reason to panic.”

This is all for today's presidential announcement, For other News, check the home page or the Headlines.​
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Citizens and soldiers of the Revolution,

On this day, we begin the process of righting a grievous wrong. For many years, we, the scions of the Master Race, have stood proud as civilized beings surrounded by a savage galaxy. We have not only held fast and true to ourselves, but have expanded the Revolution far beyond our adopted homeworld. We stand not merely at the center of the Inaius sector, but at the universe in her entirety. Destiny has always called us forth. But just as it has, there been also always been those who would set the Revolution back and stop it in its tracks. Obstacles standing between Mankind and his birthright. For this, we have always taken arms to defend our way of life against these xenos and their misguided or mutated supporters.

Those who aspire to perpetuate xeno savagery and hold the galaxy back have naturally designated us, the Master Race, as their enemy. They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they have no reason to act this way. It is true that the xeno powers of Inaius have considerable financial, scientific, technological, and military capabilities. We are aware of this and have an objective view of the threats we have always faced and continue to face, and we are equally objectively confident in our ability to overcome any of these obstacles. We have no illusions in this regard and are extremely realistic in our assessments. However, two weeks ago, one of the xeno powers attained a level of savagery not even we could have foreseen. This power, and some within our own Armed Forces who supported it from within, had conspired to create the shadow of rebellion in the western regions of Union space. They had hoped to grind the destiny of the Master Race to ruin. But neither the savagery in their minds nor the blind hatred in their hearts could not be hidden forever.

At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures. That day came two weeks ago, when Military Intelligence discovered and thwarted their plot. Our loyal Armed Forces ended the insurrection before it even began, and ensured the people of our Union may continue to live in peace. The remaining rebels will be hunted down and defeated! Their collaborators within the Union will suffer the same fate. But, so too, therefore, must their supporters from the outside. Our time has come, once again, to rise to the cause of Mankind and defend the Revolution from the xenos behind it all - one of the largest centers of anti-human oppression in Inaius today - the so-called 'Eternal Empire' of Cyrn. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. Not only do the oppressed humans of this Empire call out for help - for their freedom and dignity - but our honor as the scions of the Master Race and sole keepers of civilization in this wild galaxy demands the injustice Cyrn has committed against the Union be righted swiftly and efficiently.

In this context, in accordance with Union military doctrine, with the consent of the Presidium, and in the name of freedom and righteousness, I have made a decision to carry out a special military operation to demilitarize and dexenoify Cyrn, to liberate the humans who suffer under xeno rule there, and bring to lawful trial those who perpetrated the failed plot to incite rebellion and division within the Union. To the humans in Cyrn space, know that your freedom is at hand. Rise up. Take your destiny into your own hands, as we have. All humans must join hands to end xeno oppression throughout Inaius and throughout the galaxy. This is just the beginning. Together, we will attain glories beyond imagination as we strive ever closer to the birthright of our race. No matter how long it may take us, Mankind in his righteous might will win through to absolute victory. We will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery as shown by Cyrn shall never again endanger not just us but any member of our race.

Long live the Greater Siezon Union, long live her Troops, and long live the Revolution and the Cause of Mankind.
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The Official Statement of President Laire Kakovit Armagui​

Of the sovereignty threats made by the New Terran Confederation
Tenth of May, Year 65 After the Divide

Dear Kuvorian Citizens: Six days ago, about two days before the SL0* was officially lifted, the New Terran Parliament members made an unnerving speech regarding our own nation. While it may seem like an innocuous threat at first, the fact that the very Parliament gave space to such acts tells us the true intentions of the New Terran Confederation.

They do not seem to understand the gravity of their words or where their ways are wrong. A war cry cannot be taken lightly, and we shall respond with the same level of animosity. Whether or not they choose to keep this nonsense going, an official apology is in demand if they want to prevent a full-blown war.

The Kuvorian Republic was founded following the principle that "all sentient beings are equal and shall receive the same treatment under the law." The New Terrans do not believe so. Instead, they think human beings are superior to others and that they should exert dominion over all other species.

A supremacist nonsense that is, unfortunately, shared by most of them. It shows how weak-minded and ill-intentioned the new Terrans are. While they are weak-minded, they do not have any fear of waging war with the more powerful. They think highly of themselves because of that; however, this way of life will be their ruin.

Should they follow up with their threats, our answer will be accordingly. Do not worry, Kuvorians, as we are well prepared and well equipped to deal even with the worst threats. The Faceless, who invaded our space a while ago, are the prime example that our response capacity is pristine.

Therefore, there's nothing to fear, as going all out on a war is highly unlikely and, even so, we are able to fend for ourselves.

OOC side notes:

* The SL0 was established after the Faceless incursion in the world of Bramisk. The SL0 says that all worlds are to be quarantined for an indefinite amount of time (which was up until May 6th)
High Council Passes “Partnership with Sekari” Bill

In a historic move, the High Council of the Causian Commonwealth has passed a resolution approving the leasing of a large plot of land and orbital space on the planet of Saikhanama in the system of Mouwei, Trihugawa Republic. The approved lease offer was for 99 years, with renegotiation for extended leasing rights also being approved. In return, it is expected that the Sekari Empire will subsidize and invest in numerous Causian economic sectors.

The decision came after several hours of closed door discussions between the High Councillors, which High Councillor of Llaathea, U’i Sza-bka, described as, “Strenuous work.” Debate raged among the Lower Council for two standard days.

Particularly, the Far-right, Sleccanan supremacist party Nation First , was in opposition to the bill. They declared the bill to be a thinly veiled attempt at a foreign, alien nation depriving the Commonwealth of its sovereignty bit-by-bit. Councilor Ilikai Dol, a prominent Nation First member, said it was a “slippery slope” and that “they won’t stop with a lease. First, it’s a base, then a planet, then a system, and soon the Council will come to find itself subjugated by a foreign government.” Most councilors have rebutted this as anti-xeno hate and fear mongering.

Also among the critics of the bill were some residents of Saikhanama itself. One councilor from the planet accused the Commonwealth of trying to pawn off defense of the planet to a foreign power. Saikhanama, a historically poorly funded and economically weak planet, has a history of piracy and separatism. According to the councilors who wrote the bill, they chose the planet as the site for the lease in order to bring more money to a poor planet. A significant portion of the investment would be sent to Saikhanama as well. This has done little to improve the situation as the people of Saikhanama criticized the government’s lack of prior action.

Regardless, the bill has now been passed. This, alongside a warming of relations between the Commonwealth and Sekari Empire may soon lead to a formal declaration of alliance between the two countries. The public opinion is, however, still divided. Some have praised the increasing cooperation as a positive step towards galactic cooperation and mutualism. Others regard it as selling off the country’s defense capabilities and acting as a glorified Sekari protectorate. Only time will tell which side is correct in their view.
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Colonel Nomnom Shauux of the Transitional Thuddie Authority was elected President of the Council of Worlds after the abrupt resignation of Empress Myaxx of the Vilgaxxian Empire.

Col. Shauux restored order to the Thuddie Republic after the Ringworld One Attacks. Ex-President Fayng III Tatan was a senior member of the Order of the Ancient Ones, the terrorist group behind the attacks. He attempted to secede from Starsea and invited all "non-humans" to rebel against "Human and Half-Ausar tyranny." Their rebellion failed and Col. Shauux arrested President Tatan.

Many critics, including from his homeworld, have questioned electing the revolutionary leader of a transitional government to the highest office in Starsea. In particular, outgoing President of the Starsean Commission Vukasin Dawnhowler demanded his immediate resignation to "correct the mistake." Col. Shauux told reporters, "Dawnhowler should focus on bringing the terrorists to justice. The danger is still there." He smirked when he said, "Even if Dawnhowler will be a lowly MSA of the Starsean Assembly."

As President of the Council of Worlds, Col. Shauux promised to strengthen the Council Defense Forces, especially in response to Coreworld security. He believed the CDF, as the military arm of the Council, should be always prepared to defeat its enemies, both foreign and domestic.

United Gardens Chancellor Sliman Overeem, the new Council Majority Leader, believed the Saumorian colonel's candidacy would help restore unity in Starsea. He observed Shauux has become a hero for his actions, noting his rising popularity in the Datanet. He and Shauux criticized the slow response from Ringworld Two during the attacks. They pointed out Empress Myaxx was missing when Ringworld One was attacked by the terrorists. He blames her inaction for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, including the late Starsean Commission President Jhomneel Goober.

Col. Shauux praised the former Vice President of the Starsean Commission, High Representative Lela Areopagita, for her leadership during the attacks. She assumed control of the Council Defense Forces and made two state of emergency declarations in Ringworld One and in Molis, allowing her to order military deployment to those worlds without Council approval. Without her intervention, he believed, there was a real danger it could have escalated "beyond terrorism."

Contrary to fears from Starsean People's Party Group, Col. Shauux said he will maintain the Democratic Resilience Policy. While he expressed disinterest in expanding military cooperation with like-minded stellar states, he said Starsea should continue to have a "pro-active stance" against all forms of authoritarianism and xenophobia. They should continue to align government policies against competitor states and engage selectively in areas needing interstellar cooperation, especially on pollution, arms control, and galactic health.
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Translated from Russian into English by your auto-translator.

Planetary Revolt on Atlas II, Military Intervenes.
May 18th, 2312
Following the recent armed xenophobic revolt against the settlers of Atlas II and their murder of 7 peacekeepers in a recent raid of a city, the Collective's Parliament has decided to send in the Interplanetary Defense Corps after a landslide of a vote, with 524 delegates out of the 600 delegate parliament saying aye to the "Atlas II Planetary Defense Act."

Recently, Ventari was accused of assisting the revolt, due to their recent actions-including the ambush of a Collective patrol fleet and their highjacking of multiple civilian ships. Ventari reportedly shot back at the accuser, accusing the Collective of, "...violating our rights as a sovereign state" and, "...attempting to instigate another war between Ventari and Freestar."

Multiple experts in politics have said that the current diplomatic tension between Ventari and the Collective could be a sign of an approaching diplomatic crisis, or worse, another war. While the government has not issued a statement on this matter as of yet, it is quite clear that Collective-Ventari tensions are the highest they have been in decades.
The Aversville Times

The Aremite Starfleet budget proposal for FY2959 revealed

NEW AREM -- The Chief of the Admiralty, Admiral Michael Singh presented the Starfleet's budget proposal for fiscal year 2958 this past Friday. Let's go over the proposal in brief.

The Aremite Starfleet's budget for FY2959 as proposed this past Friday will be 35.35 trillion ducats, as compared to 32.25 trillion ducats for the previous year. Together with the Aremite Marine Corps proposal, the total Aremite Naval Service budget proposal reaches 45.8 trillion ducats, compared to the Terrestrial Service at 25.5 trillion ducats. The Starfleet budget proposal thus makes up the largest portion of the defence budget proposal for FY2959.

Under the Force 3000 Initiative, the Aremite Starfleet is set to decommission a large number of vessels. A brief overview of the notable vessels to be decommissioned follows.
Battlecarriers (8):
Daidalos-class- 4
Manticore-class- 1
ASFS Sabre- 1
Cataphract-class- 2

Cruisers (74):
Ranger-class- 12
Battle-class- 26
Raven-class- 35
Demeter-class (Destroyer Leader)- 1

Destroyers (120):
Quall-class- 10
Daring-class- 110

Frigates (140):
Galeras-class- 140

Smaller Combatants (1,280):
Defiance-class (Brig)- 320
Lake-class (Sloop)- 550
Captain-class (Patrol Cutter)- 410

Total: 1,622

In addition the Aremite Starfleet is set to divest the remaining Mark VIII Stardancer fighters.

To offset the decommissionings under the present plan, the Starfleet is also set to commission a significant number of vessels in 2959, an overview will follow.
Battlecarriers (25, net +17):
Victory-class- 10
Valiant-class- 1
Bellerophon-class- 1
Prometheus-class- 1
Retribution-class- 12

Cruisers (92, net +18):
Cowan-class (Battlecruiser)- 15
Marathon-class- 35
Confiance-class- 42

Destroyers (240. net +120):
B (Beagle)-class- 240

Frigates (120, net -20):
Minerva-class- 120

Smaller Combatants (556, net -724):
Huntress-class (Corvette)- 220
Warrior-class (Corvette)- 84
Flower-class (Sloop)- 100
Tigershark-class (Brig)- 62
Adventurer-class (Patrol Cutter)- 90

Total: 1,033 (net -589)

New Acquisitions
In addition, the Aremite Starfleet budget proposal foresees significant ship orders and tenders for new designs. The plan is to order some 25 new Retribution and 30 new Victory-class Battlecarriers, 30 new Cowan-class Battlecruisers, 80 Marathon and 120 Confiance-class Cruisers, 120 new B-class Destroyers, 350 new Minerva-class Frigates, and over 4,000 new smaller combatants. In addition, the Starfleet is proposing to put out tenders for the next Fleet Destroyers (C-class) design. In addition the proposal has room for new fighter acquisitions, including plans for the development of the next mark of the Stardancer Multirole Fighter.