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bruh i can't belive he's actualy being serious with this, i mean look i don't wanna sound mean or anything but let just face it he doesn't have the knowledge that it needs to become delegate, i mean prydania got chosen because he actualy knew what he was talking about and not just spitting random nonsense without thinking cuz i can go out there too and say i wanna become delegate
Prydania once appproved a poorly-written proposal to liberate the North Pacific, just to troll the author. I will cast my vote for Pigeonstan for the same reason. :)
bruh i can't belive he's actualy being serious with this, i mean look i don't wanna sound mean or anything but let just face it he doesn't have the knowledge that it needs to become delegate, i mean prydania got chosen because he actualy knew what he was talking about and not just spitting random nonsense without thinking cuz i can go out there too and say i wanna become delegate
i didnt think he was running
Litteraly everybody in TNP are against you because they know you will turn this region in to a hellhole and the ones that are with you want the worst for us
Nah I know that he's not gonna win so I will cast my vote for him as a joke.
You have yet to present any sort of plan on how you will do it or run the region. Just this weird WA thing that would 1. never work, and 2. Will turn other regions against us. Can you at least list who will be in your cabinet and what positions they will have?
You have yet to present any sort of plan on how you will do it or run the region. Just this weird WA thing that would 1. never work, and 2. Will turn other regions against us. Can you at least list who will be in your cabinet and what positions they will have?
i could hold an election
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i will by making it faster more efficent and more international
That makes no sense first of all you can't make a region more faster its impossible second of all this aplies with making it more eficient too what do you mean by that and third of all again what do you mean by more international
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Pigeonstan can help improve TNP by first working towards more comprehensible grammar in his posts. :)
That makes no sense first of all you can't make a region more faster its impossible second of all this aplies with making it more eficient too what do you mean by that and third of all again what do you mean by more international
international means
like having international culture
international WA affairs
make foreign affairs job to overlook all international actions like
interegional puppets for WA proposals ... ETC
international means
like having international culture
international WA affairs
make foreign affairs job to overlook all international actions like
interegional puppets for WA proposals ... ETC
Looks like i'il have to do this again
First of all we don’t have any culture
Second of all we're already a WA nation
And third of all do you hear yourself your litteraly trying to decieve the WA proposals votes by using puppets just like you did in TNPV and you wonder why you got kicked out from the contest
Looks like i'il have to do this again
First of all we don’t have any culture
Second of all we're already a WA nation
And third of all do you hear yourself your litteraly trying to decieve the WA proposals votes by using puppets just like you did in TNPV and you wonder why you got kicked out from the contest
not puppets but moving WA nations to small regions so they can approve proposals
and culture is GCRGT
TNPV that is our culture
also region not nation
not puppets but moving WA nations to small regions so they can approve proposals
and culture is GCRGT
TNPV that is our culture
also region not nation
Face it, you have most nations against your delegacy and have a poorly planned race
not puppets but moving WA nations to small regions so they can approve proposals
and culture is GCRGT
TNPV that is our culture
also region not nation
You litteraly said puppets
And what GCRGT stands for speaking for the rest that isn't culture , TNPV is an singing contest not something from our folklore and the other one when did we had something that is called TNPMEMES and why did you wrote "memes" in caps
Also sorry i always confuse them for some reason
You litteraly said puppets
And what GCRGT stands for speaking for the rest that isn't culture , TNPV is an singing contest not something from our folklore and the other one when did we had something that is called TNPMEMES and why did you wrote "memes" in caps
Also sorry i always confuse them for some reason
i meant regions in which we send WA nations to become delegates and approve proposals we like
i meant regions in which we send WA nations to become delegates and approve proposals we like
You can't just send other nations to a anonimous region and aprove proposals YOU like cuz lets be honest you don't care about the others
Just tell me whats the actual reason you wanna become delegate
i meant regions in which we send WA nations to become delegates and approve proposals we like
You realize how quickly that would bite us back?
Give us a more detailed answer of how you would keep it from getting us instead
I thought this was a dumpster fire before, but y’all have really uped the game now.
You can't just send other nations to a anonimous region and aprove proposals YOU like cuz lets be honest you don't care about the others
Just tell me whats the actual reason you wanna become delegate
ACTUALLY that is a great idea in that it gives us greater power over NS as a whole
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