Rahul Khanna banged his gavel. As the president of the conference's chairmanship committee, it was his duty to head and represent the committee when possible, and to start and end the conference. "On behalf of His Majesty and on behalf of the governments of the home nations of my fellow august committeemen, I welcome you all to this conference." he began. "Without further ado, let us begin the proceedings. I will first call the roll. Please state your name, your role in your nation's government, and your nation, as well as from which world you and your nation come from. After we have received five responses, we will begin; after which, if we have any new speakers, you may simply introduce yourselves before your response."
OOC Note: All relevant information for the International Conference RP can be found in the ADITO 2 Discord Server's #intl-conference-info channel. Questions should be asked in the #rp-discussion channel.
OOC Note: All relevant information for the International Conference RP can be found in the ADITO 2 Discord Server's #intl-conference-info channel. Questions should be asked in the #rp-discussion channel.