The North Pacific Cards Guild presents…
The Collection Spotlight
What is this?
There are thousands of nations in The North Pacific and many card collections to go with them. With all of these collections, the Cards Guild is seeking to find and spotlight the best collections in The North Pacific!
How does this work?
Twice a month, the Guild will vote among eligible collections to select one to be spotlighted. All Guild members can vote, and the Guildmaster will break any ties.
The winning collection will be designated The North Pacific’s Collection Spotlight until another vote takes place.
Which collections are eligible to be spotlighted?
Eligible collections must fulfill three requirements:
- They must exist at the time the vote starts and throughout the vote.
- Their owner must be a nation located in The North Pacific at the time the vote starts and throughout the vote.
- They must have previously received a nomination by a Guild member.
Collections only need to be nominated once and do not need to be re-nominated to be eligible for subsequent votes. Additionally, the owner nation does not need to be a Guild member (although you should totally convince them to become one!).
All Guild members can nominated collections by posting in this forum thread.
My collection was spotlighted! What now?
Congratulations! Your collection will be featured permanently in this dispatch, for everyone to admire.
Additionally, winning comes with a fair few free cards. First, you will be gifted a free legendary card, randomly selected from The Northern Light’s collection. Second, during the period your collection is spotlighted, you will be able to request twice as many cards than you would normally be eligible for in our card giveaway. This means that, if you are a Guild member, you can request two cards per week, and if you are also a Keeper of the North, you can request four cards per week. Make sure to become both to get the maximum number of free cards!
What collections have previously been spotlighted?
Below is a list of all collections that have been spotlighted in the past.
A table will be added once the first Spotlight is selected.
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