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- Cretox#0125

Commend Christian Democrats
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Christian Democrats
Proposed by: Marxist Germany | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:The World Assembly,
Praising the significant contributions brought about by the nation of Christian Democrats, to the World Assembly and the Nation States; including its skilled General Assembly ambassadors, its regional leadership abilities, and the several issues of great importance that have been highlighted and presented to national leaders by it,
Impressed by the numerous resolutions passed by Christian Democrats' ambassadors through direct authorship, and co-authorship, in both chambers of the World Assembly, which amounts to 13 resolutions: 12 in the General Assembly, and 1 in the Security Council; these resolutions have covered varying and momentous topics, and include: GA#213 which protects the right to privacy with some exceptions for criminal activity and other minor situations; bans on non-consensual marriages and marital rape in GA#160 and GA#231 respectively; GA#285 that provided member-states with the prerogative to decide upon the legality of euthanasia, and banned forced euthanasia; GA#310 which gave the franchise to people with disabilities; GA#233 which banned businesses from taking life insurance on their workers and subsequently profit over their deaths; and several others,
Recognising that Christian Democrats is the current and longest-serving delegate of Catholic, with 1260 consecutive days and over 2200 total days in that office; furthermore, during its reign as delegate, the region reached an all-time high membership record of 123 nations, and has enjoyed a long period of stability and security during this era, Christian Democrats also served as the High Councillor of the region from 2012 to 2013,
Applauding Christian Democrats' involvement in the liberation and subsequent refounding of Catholic, which included the authorship of SC#82 Repeal "Liberate Catholic"; the refounding of the region ensured that the region will be safe from raiders, and it succeeded in doing so as there were no raids of Catholic thereafter,
Observing that Christian Democrats served many positions in other regions, these include:
Noting the several issues of national importance that have been brought to leaders by Christian Democrats which are:
- Officer of Internal Affairs, Officer of Culture, Officer of WA Affairs, Officer of Media, Speaker of the Assembly, and Citizenship Councillor, in The Rejected Realms, herein referred to as TRR, under the alias James ii; during its time in TRR, Christian Democrats was active in the regional legislature known as The Assembly, was responsible for writing the regional newspaper during 2015, and was one of the most remarkable and prominent members of the region at the time;
- TRR's Representative to The Founderless Regions Alliance from 2013 to 2016, an alliance that was one of the largest defending organisations in history, it also served as Speaker of the Assembly from 2015 to 2016, and as Deputy Speaker of the Assembly from 2014 to 2015; it served as Speaker and Representative until the Alliance went defunct;
Acknowledging that Christian Democrats maintained a comprehensive list of every known issue brought forth to the attention of national leaders for a period of approximately 14 months before it decided to pass the task to Drasnia,
- Electile Dysfunction, which dealt with different methods of electing a national legislature, such as proportional representation, first-past-the-post, ranked-choice voting, sortition, and plutocracy;
- Foetal Furore, which addressed the issue of protests on abortion outside of abortion clinics, and allowed nations to ban protests outside of abortion clinics, allow them, ban abortion entirely, or ban the pro-life movement;
- Bicameral Backlash, which highlighted the benefits and disadvantages of a bicameral legislature;
- Clerical Errors, an issue that gave nations the option to allow women to serve as members of the clergy, ban them from doing so, or keep the government out of such matter;
Awed by the hundreds of debates that the World Assembly delegation of Christian Democrats participated in, which helped improve and refine numerous proposals and resolutions, and has certainly left its mark in the General Assembly,
Believing that a nation with as many accomplishments as Christian Democrats is certainly deserving of the honour of having a Security Council Commend bestowed upon it,
Hereby CommendsChristian Democrats.
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.