Democracy Day 2020 Kickstarter!


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation

Democracy Day 2020 - Kickstarter Announcement

Hello all! As mentioned here, there will be, as there has been in years past, a Kickstarter to fund the production of Pocket Constitutions and other rewards for Democracy Day 2020! Now, before I begin, as mentioned in the previous thread, an obvious disclaimer. Promoting this project on is a violation of NS rules. DO NOT DO IT. DON'T MENTION A WORD ON THE NATIONSTATES SITE. SERIOUSLY. Nothing whatsoever about this project in telegrams, on the NS forums, in factbooks, WFEs, and especially the RMB; et al. Discussion about it and promotion of it on Discord and offsite forums is permitted, so it'll all happen there.

As with last year, the standard Pocket Constitution will be a 3.5"x5" saddle stiched booklet, with a cardstock cover. The booklet will contain the text of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as of July 7, as well as many other interesting pieces of content to be determined. All backers will receive a special edition with a unique front cover and a message of thanks on the inside back cover. For said backers, special rewards are also available! In addition to their Pocket Constitution, all backers contributing at least $5 will receive a bonus Sponsor of Democracy Edition. This version contains a special message of thanks for support on Kickstarter! Higher tier pledges can get you a full Constibillocode, a set of TNP-themed coasters, and even the coveted Compendium of Law, a truly voluminous text including everything in the Constibillocode plus the rules and procedures for the RA, Security Council, Election Commission, and Court, as well as all current treaties and agreements. And, of course, courtesy of the Cards Guild, there is also a set of 3.5" x 5" trading cards available, made to look like the Season 1 and 2 trading cards on NationStates, with a TNP twist!

Got any questions? Post them here and we'll be happy to answer! Myself (@Syrixia) and @El Fiji Grande are supervising this event, with additional consultation from former supervisor @Crushing Our Enemies. Major props to everyone who's been involved; we're looking forward to a strong and successful process!

Oh, and HERE's the link to the Kickstarter! :P

Minister of Culture of the North Pacific
This is awesome! You should do it for the Maps again too
Unfortunately the maps weren't possible this year. When it was mailed last year, it was mailed rolled. It would have been too costly to do so this year. Not to mention, we thought it impractical: not only does the Eras Map change often - the last Democracy Day Eras Map was already out of date when they shipped out - but it's one of many maps used by the TNPRP community. That being said, the Ministry does have an RP-related project in the works in a similar vein to this project; so stay tuned! :D