Ministry of WA Affairs Office

I would like to announce that I have received and accepted the resignation of Deputy Minister East Isles from his position. We are saddened by his departure and would like to thank him for his service to the Ministry. We would like to wish him well in his future endeavors both here and elsewhere.
Given that they have not logged into the forums for 14 days, I have chosen to sack Deputy Minister Morover from his position. I sincerely hope he returns to work and engagement in TNP soon and would like to thank him for his late service to the Ministry. We wish him well in his future endeavors both here and elsewhere.
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Two bits of news! A new voting policy has been implemented with the assent of Delegate MadJack. It will come into effect immediately.

Additionally, after interviews with both candidates and some long and hard thinking about their potential as future leaders in this Ministry, I have decided to appoint @Concrete Slab and @Sincluda as Deputy Ministers of World Assembly Affairs effective immediately. They should take their oaths ASAP!
The Minister accepted the resignation of Deputy Minister @Concrete Slab today. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors, both here in TNP and elsewhere. We hope that they will be able to return to active service soon.
The Minister has three brief announcements to make today:
  • A new task has been created. This task will involve creating concise summaries of the Proposals at hand for Gameside integration. Interested staffers should ask the Minister regarding receiving a new role in the Executive Staff server entitled @WA - Gameside. The templates for this can be found for staffers in the WA Affairs Headquarters.
  • The Minister has asked for, and accepted, the resignation of Deputy Minister Sincluda. While this was a disappointing conclusion to their tenure as Deputy Minister, we still wish them all the best in their future endeavors, both here and elsewhere.
  • The Minister has promoted Gem to the rank of Deputy Minister. Gem has been incredibly helpful in WALL-wide discussions and proactive in reaching out regarding Heroes' work. They have a very bright future ahead and we hope you all will wish them luck. They should take their oath immediately.
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Brief announcement:

Given that Greater Cesnica is still dealing with real life things and cannot necessarily fulfill his duties of office at the moment, I have decided to appoint @Cretox a Deputy Minister for at least the duration of GC’s leave of absence.
Brief announcement:

Given that Greater Cesnica is still dealing with real life things and cannot necessarily fulfill his duties of office at the moment, I have decided to appoint @Cretox a Deputy Minister for at least the duration of GC’s leave of absence.
Thank you, happy to help out at least for the time being!
Hello all,

I’ll be keeping this one brief, sort of out of necessity, sort of out of because there’s not much to report at the Midterm. Briefly, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has kept up the work of the previous term and is closing in on the goals set out in my Opening Address. Here I’d like to look at what we’ve done in the last two months.
  1. On point one: we have completed the draft of the new internal procedures. While some things I had wanted to iron out and include in the circular don’t look like they’ll be included, this draft is basically ready.
  2. On point two: we have indeed created a new onboarding task for our new staffers! However, we have not fully managed to incorporate it yet. Staffers can find the template for this in the HQ. I should note that the How-to guides for new staffers are not written yet. They have been assigned and I hope to fully follow through on this by the end of the month.
  3. On point three: we are 90% of the way there. Prior to their departure and due to their eye for graphic design, I appointed @Gaudium Aeternum to this task. They have since left but agreed to keep working on it graciously. I am waiting for one last piece of the puzzle to fall in administratively and these should be debuted!
  4. On point four: Commend Calvin Coolidge is passing right now! Additionally, I can confirm that work has at least started on one other draft that was not presented to us in the late drafting stages. We anticipate we will move on to working on a new nominee soon. We very well might beat my “at least one resolution passing” goal!
  5. On point five: currently, this is something that is private. I will be working shortly with the Deputies to ensure we at least have a public catalog of internal votes by the end of the term.

I’ve also hired two new Deputies since the term started: Cretox and Gem. I am very happy with their work, and all of my Deputies, thus far and certainly hope they can keep it up!

Wishing you all the best,
Following discussions with @Greater Cesnica, we have mutually agreed that he should part ways as Executive Deputy Minister (and as a Deputy) for now due to the terms of his deployment and his general inability to contribute. I informed him that he would be more than welcome back if I'm Minister when he can return to regular activity. I wish him all the best with his future endeavors.

World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
Quick appointment here to start off the term! I hereby reappoint @Gem as Deputy Minister of WA Affairs. Their experience in the modern Ministry will be invaluable as we move forward.


World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
Holy smokes more appointments! It's my great pleasure to welcome back a Deputy who served under Hulldom. Also, it's been my long-standing belief that active members of the Ministry should be rewarded for their initiative, as such, I hereby appoint @Fregerson and @Caius as Deputy Ministers of WA Affairs.

World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
Look at this! Another appointment! @Chipoli has shown a dedication to this Ministry and I believe they would make a welcome addition to ministry leadership. Because of this, I appoint @Chipoli as Deputy Minister of WA Affairs.
Please take your oath.
World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
I'd like to announce the appointment of a new Deputy Minister. This staffer has shown commitment, and promise in both the ministry and the WA. He also has a good idea of how things work around here and has been one of the most reliable and consistent staffers so far this term, and expressed interest in the role being given to him. He has most certainly proved himself to me. Hereby, I appoint @simone_republic as a Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs!

Please take your oath.
February 2023 - Ministry Updates

This is not quite as formal and official as a mid-term address, but given that we are reaching our 1 month mark, I just felt the need to provide a short update, and also use this as an opportunity to review the current Ministry Staffer roster. And so I am here.

Firstly, providing an update on the long-term plans. For the WA Accelerator Program, while the outline of the revitalized WA Accelerator/Mentorship Program has been confirmed, I am working out some details, as well as the list of mentors for the Program. Meanwhile, @Hulldom has also brought on TEP onto the Heroes of Valhalla program, and if you are interested in helping out with the commendations of the various nominees, you may join the discussion on our discord.

Secondly, everyone with an eye on the World Assembly may have noticed the General Assembly queue is stacked with proposals, all the way up to April 2023. Because of this, it would have made the IFV writing process easier because we have quite some time to plan out the writing. This would also mean it is an extremely good time for newcomers to come on board to join us - you have a long time to work on IFV. The knowledge of the votes to come will allow us to properly plan out on which of the proposals we would use on the gameside voting trial.

Lastly, for the staffer pruning for this time round:
@Edgeware Govt. and @Namwenia has been removed for not having a resident nation.
@Anne of Cleves @Faradutait @Jedinsto @JOHN ANTO @Kosova @Kronos @Neptune @r3naissanc3r @Turbiatop @Yasanka @Zyvetskistaahn have been removed for inactivity/not responding to the roll call.
If anyone would like to contest their removal, please DM me on Discord separately. Thank you!

For existing/new staffers, they may have realised they are getting new roles on Discord. Details of the role change on Discord would be revealed in the Executive Staffers #wa-affairs channel.

That's all for this update, if there are any questions, you may comment in this forum or contact me privately.

World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
I will be adding another body to the leadership team. This new deputy minister has served in the role 3 times in the past and has authored multiple WA resolutions. Despite not being involved in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs for some time now, I believe his experience in both the ministry and as an author would make him a great addition to the team. Without further ado, I'd like to announce @Robespierre as the newest deputy minister of World Assembly Affairs! Please take your oath.

World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
Having quickly become one of the most active contributors to the Ministry, especially through their authorship of IFVs, @AraFuttio is to fill the vacant Deputy position. To that end, they should promptly take their oath. For the sake of documentation (as this was already mentioned in the opening address), @Simone was promoted to Executive Deputy upon my appointment as Minister.
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World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
I have no doubt that @Chipoli, having already served as a Minister and Deputy Minister in the Mowaa, will be able to resume their exceptional efforts as a Deputy Minister. They should thus take their oath. This will also be mentioned in the opening address, but for the sake of documentation all Deputy Ministers (@Nutmeg The Squirrel, @AraFuttio, @Robespierre and @Sauron, as well as @Simone as Executive Deputy) will be continuing in their current positions, and should also take their oaths.
World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
After some discussions and much persuading, @Kenmoria has agreed to take on the role of Deputy Minister, and reinvigorating our IFVs. Kenmoria has a commendation (SC#332) for writing IFVs and should be familiar to all WA regulars, especially GA folks. Please join me in welcoming Kenmoria to the WAA Team. @Kenmoria please take your oath and your other formalities.

Best wishes
World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
@Cookiemonster has agreed to take on the role of Deputy Minister in WAA. @Cookiemonster (formerly Yohannes, now Isabella_van_der_Feltz) has been in NationStates for more than a decade, had been a gameside mentor, and is commended gameside (SC#149). Please join me in welcoming @Cookiemonster back to TNP and to the WAA Team. Please take your oath and arrange to complete your other formalities.

Best wishes
World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Resignation

I would like to express my gratitude to @Robespierre who has elected not to retain his DM WAA designation. As he remains a member of the Executive Council (Cabinet) as Minister of Defense we look forward to continuing close cooperation with him.

Best wishes
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World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
I am pleased to announce that @Attempted Socialism has agreed to become a Deputy Minister in addition to his role as DM in Foreign Affairs. He needs no introduction given his long service to our region in several leadership roles. Please join me in welcoming AS to the team. Please bear in mind the formalities.
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World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment

I am pleased to announce that @Comfed has agreed to become a Deputy Minister in addition to his role as Minister of Foreign Affairs. He needs no introduction given his long service to our region in several leadership roles. Please bear in mind the formalities.

Best wishes
World Assembly Affairs - Mid-Term Update
This Ministry continues to be on a solid footing as it heads into the second half of Kaschovia's current term as Delegate. On the GA side, the queue stretches to late April and IFVs are already in place. On the SC side, there had been some quick votes due to an empty queue, but we have not had any issues with opening threads to garner the opinion of the wider region.
  • One change (as per a request) is for alerts for WA votes to go out earlier in order not to directly coincide with the exact time as the update. This has been implemented and GA IFVs are going out about 2-3 hours before vote, rather than at vote.​
  • Drafts for commendations for TNP members continue, and drafts have been researched or circulated for Prydania and Sil Dorsett (both involving our Delegate), Magecastle, Wymondham (both with first drafts from me), and Siwale (with Ghost as author). As to the remaining two candidates, Westinor is still to be persuaded to accept a commend, and I have myself asked to postpone a commend.​
  • There are plans for a Fourth WA Symposium later this year, but this is subject to the organisations and schedules of other members of WALL, and further updates will be made in due course.

Best wishes
World Assembly Affairs - Deputy Minister Appointment
@Bormiar has returned to the MoWAA as a Deputy Minister. Please join me in welcoming back Bormiar to the team.
World Assembly Affairs - End of Term Report
As we approach the end of Kaschovia's second term as delegate (for those who don't know, he cannot run for re-election), I would first like to thank @Kaschovia for appointing me to this position, and secondly to @Magecastle (who is now mostly doing work on GA GenSec) for his contributions to the Ministry, especially on the technology side. I also would like to thank my deputies and staff for their dedication and hard work.

IFVs are on-time as usual. We remain dominant in GA, with 17 out of the 18 resolutions passed up to now have been TNP/WALL in 2024; the current one at vote is also from WALL (from IA). SC we have had a lot of drafts commending TNPers circulating but none submitted as of now. I am hopeful that with @Bormiar returning to the MoWAA we can push that forward.
Lastly, I wish my successor the best of luck. If I end up punting the outstanding matters to myself in some form, well I'll need the luck.
World Assembly Affairs - Acting Minister Announcement
Due to a number of issues, I will be acting minister for WAA until the end of this week. Further announcements will be made before the end of the week.

And if anyone read my closing address, yes I ended up ultimately punting the oustanding matters to myself since I am still accountable as your Delegate.
World Assembly Affairs - Executive Deputy Minister Announcement
@Bobberino has been appointed as the new executive deputy minister. The appointment is pursuant to my authority as Delegate of the North Pacific. Bob was DM for WA from September 2019 to May 2020 a swell as having been in cabinet and as DM in many occasions. Please join me in welcoming back to the team. @Bobberino will approve all IFVs unless I particularly wish to countermand certain IFVs.

I will remain MoWAA for sometime to give our new EDMs sometime to run in and for me to handle certain projects such as WA Symposium.

Bob, Please take care of your formalities.

Delegate of the North Pacific
World Assembly Affairs - Executive Deputy Minister Announcement
@Nutmeg The Squirrel has been re-appointed Executive Deputy Minister for World Assembly Affairs. This ensures continuity as Nutmeg also participates in certain tech projects internal to this Ministry.

@Rand has agreed to join MoWAA also as an EDM, having been previously P and VP in Europeia.

Please take care of your formalities.

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Appointment of Bobberino as Minister of World Assembly Affairs
Concurrent with this announcement, @Bobberino has been appointed as the new Minister of World Assembly Affairs, replacing myself. Please join me in congratulating them.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs - End of Appointment Report
As I leave the post of Minister of World Assembly Affairs, having pretty much been here in one capacity or another for almost four years, I would like to take this opportunity to thank many of the people I have crossed paths with over the years - perhaps too many to name. @Hulldom @Fregerson and @Chipoli come to mind, as well as @Magecastle as my immediate precedessor and @Kaschovia as the delegate who appointed me. I have also engaged in pretty frank and open discussions on various matters in the MoWAA and it's been fun too.

We've managed to get pretty much every GA resolution IFV out on time (slightly earlier at the request of other ministries towards the end of my term as Minister), and most SC ones on time as well, even those that went live on a single update. I am proud to have got out more than 160 IFVs on behalf of TNP (as well as a few guesting for Europeia via WALL), and passed 36 GA resolutions (plus 2 SC resolutions) so far when I started writing resolutions myself in late 2022.

I wish @Bobberino and the rest of the team the best of luck.

Consultation on changes to TNP WA Voting Policy

Consultation has been published for minor changes to the TNP WA voting policy. Please leave any comments in thread. There are very few changes compared to the policy we've had in the last ten years or so.If there are no further changes, this would become a delegate directive.
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Opening Statement


First, please note that I have unlocked this thread. Public questions may now be posted here.

I am grateful for Delegate Simone's trust in appointing me to the position of Minister of World Assembly Affairs, an office I have never held before. While I will require a bit of a learning adjustment to assume the specific tasks of the WA Minister of TNP, I think I have enough background knowledge of the WA and foreign affairs to hit the ground running.

The Ministry's existing team of Deputy Ministers - alphabetically: @Matzerati, @Noscar, @Nutmeg The Squirrel, and @Rand - will continue, and I look forward to working with them, as well as the WA staff, for the rest of the term. During this last month, my priority is to ensure the continued timely posting of WA voting threads and Information For Voters documents. WA Affairs leadership, starting with me, will be extra-diligent in reminding staff of opportunities to do tasks like writing IFVs and posting voting threads.

Further, my intention by the end of the term is to create a ceremonial award to give to this term's outstanding staffers in my closing address. Watch this space for more details as they develop!

Minister of World Assembly Affairs

Closing Address​


It's been a pleasure to serve you for checks obnoxiously large watch with a calendar in the watch 10 days as your Minister of World Assembly Affairs.

I didn't come into this job with any agenda other than to do my best and I think I hit the mark on that.

One accomplishment I am proud of is reinvigorating our efforts in the war through changing the ministry's IFV guidance to align with the Modern Gameplay Compact sanctions, marking The North Pacific's enemies as not to be trusted or dealt with, and further bringing us towards a peace without these villains.

After this term's conclusion, I will continue to work with future administrations towards the goals of developing our World Assembly program, including encouraging authorship, more engagement with the WA forums, and opposition to our enemies abroad.

Thank you.
Comments from Simone on Minister of World Assembly Affairs
In this term, with yours truly as a former Minister of World Assembly Affairs holding the Delegacy, I am particularly proud that the MoWAA still performed at its long-renowned exceptional level in delivering views and IFVs to The North Pacific - still the largest and most influential region in NationStates GA/SC.

At the ministry level, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jinkies for signing up as MoWAA on short notice, and for Nutmeg the Squirrel to fill in as EDM MoWAA when Comfed suddenly departed. I would also like to thank Kenmoria, Bobberino, Fregerson, and the entire MoWAA team for this term.

At a personal level, I've done nearly 200 IFVs already, set up numerous threads, re-wrote the IFV guide, changed the voting policy (moved it to a Delegate's Directive), among other things, and my intention is to move on from MoWAA after four years in this Ministry. It's been fun, but I'd like to try new things. I look forward to seeing you all around. I should still be lurking from time to time in the GA.



Opening Address​

Howdy again.

It’s an honor to serve as your Minister of World Assembly Affairs this term. My hope is that we can unite the region behind our new Delegate, @Picairn, and his agenda for this term. I am confident a stronger TNP is possible with the help of a revitalized WAA ministry.

To that effect, I would like to note several agenda items for this term:
  1. No cookies for griefers: we’re going to continue to demotivate our enemies by keeping them as pariahs in the World Assembly. Last term, I updated IFV guidance in the ministry to mention when authors are under MGC sanctions. Our enemies wanted to be famous when they griefed our ally in Europe, we will make sure they remain that way. I will also direct the ministry to scan current General Assembly resolutions written by those under sanctions for weaknesses that could lead to repeal (and if necessary, replacement) of those resolutions.
  2. NatSov time: I will be using aforementioned repeals, and others, to train fledgling GA authors in TNP in the basics of writing GA resolutions. TNP has historically had a strong WA authorship program that has fallen by the wayside as the General Assembly has grown increasingly insular and sophistic. International Federalism is out, National Sovereigntism is in, and these changing winds must be reflected in our ministry’s priorities. We will work closely with our allies in The West Pacific, which has long been a bastion of National Sovereigntism, and also with our allies in The Pacific, to identify proposals which are the weakest in their justifications and thus ought to be repealed most promptly.
  3. More cookies for us: I will also strengthen our authorship program and our international reputation by directing our ministry to propose commendations for several of our most accomplished citizens. While I cannot speak on who exactly is on our shortlist for sake of their privacy, I assure you that we have a plan, and not just a concept of a plan.
  4. Bye bye bot: While I thank @Magecastle for his work in developing automation systems for posting IFVs and related information, I don’t like automating my work and the ministry won’t be relying on that going forwards. Part of doing work on NationStates is, well, doing it, since everything on this game is made up in the end. I will ensure that IFVs continue to be posted in a timely fashion by relying on ministry staff and my own dedication to this role. I feel this will teach ministry staff responsibility and how exactly the job of MoWAA works so that we can mentor good future Ministers.
I would like to thank @Nutmeg The Squirrel and @Noscar for their excellent work as Deputy Ministers. Both helped me immensely during my impromptu transition into the role of MoWAA last term, and for that I am very grateful and impressed with them, and I am delighted to announce they will be remaining as my deputies this term.

I would also like to thank @Matzerati for his service as he steps down to focus on his role as Deputy Speaker and other priorities this term. His contributions to the ministry will be missed, and in the future should his priorities change, I will be glad to re-appoint him.

Thank you for your support, and remember,
Vote Early & Vote Often
