Finn Fun Times
Finn leaned back in his lawn chair. It was a beautiful day in Antunum. The hangar provided a lovely shade in contrast to the sunny, clear day before him. He had been switching between answering emails on his phone and working on a sketch of the horizon. It was the slow season for him and his Sjellheim Kleinbjørn after all. The summer months allowed for easier transportation and less need for vital supplies in the remote parts of the Epiphani. He learned long ago to enjoy the slowness while it lasted. He flipped through his phone noticing a fresh email chain from his entire family. Forty six unread messages. Geez they were busy bodies he thought. He smiled though. Perhaps he should visit them. He didn’t have much going on here at the moment. It was then he noticed one of the messages, giving farewells and wishes of safety to his younger brother Brinn. He read on. Apparently he was deploying to Dučrijeka. Finn had heard of the news and the rumblings coming from that part of the world. He decided to respond to the email chain only with ‘Stay Frosty’.
Finn took a sip of his Nærøy Iced Tea. Quite refreshing on the warm day. Almost nap encouraging. Definitely nap encouraging. With a smile on his face Finn pulled his hat over his face and let his mind drift off into sleep.
“Missile! Missile! Missile!” the alarm shouted at him. Finn snapped his eyes open. He was staring out of his cockpit and all he could see was the ground fast approaching. The scream of twin turbine engines nearly drowned out the alarm blaring at him.
“Missile! Pull up! Missile! Pull up!”
Finn checked his altimeter, the numbers were flying by wildly, but he could see he barely had any altitude left at all.
“Where is he?! I lost him!”
The voice was familiar. That’s right. It was his wingman Erik “Boomer” Hegg.
“Eight hundred meters and closing on missile one!”
“He’s 4’oclock high! Keep track of him! Prepare for some Gs! I’m slicing right!” Finn yelled back over comms. He pulled back on the yoke. The entire jet started to vibrate violently as the air rushing by crashed upon it like water. Slowly the horizon came into view. Finn sucked in air trying to not be crushed under the increasing weight all over his body. The alarm was still yelling at him.
“Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!”
No more missile alerts. He must have broken radar lock. That was a start. He forced his head to look up as the g-forces began to release him from their crushing grip. Past the glint of the glass cockpit he saw him. Matrix. Banking in so he could regain Finn’s tail. And in that very short moment. Through the fear that he was refusing to acknowledge. With the taste of stale air in his mouth. He felt himself smiling.

Finn took a sip of his Nærøy Iced Tea. Quite refreshing on the warm day. Almost nap encouraging. Definitely nap encouraging. With a smile on his face Finn pulled his hat over his face and let his mind drift off into sleep.
“Missile! Missile! Missile!” the alarm shouted at him. Finn snapped his eyes open. He was staring out of his cockpit and all he could see was the ground fast approaching. The scream of twin turbine engines nearly drowned out the alarm blaring at him.
“Missile! Pull up! Missile! Pull up!”
Finn checked his altimeter, the numbers were flying by wildly, but he could see he barely had any altitude left at all.
“Where is he?! I lost him!”
The voice was familiar. That’s right. It was his wingman Erik “Boomer” Hegg.
“Eight hundred meters and closing on missile one!”
“He’s 4’oclock high! Keep track of him! Prepare for some Gs! I’m slicing right!” Finn yelled back over comms. He pulled back on the yoke. The entire jet started to vibrate violently as the air rushing by crashed upon it like water. Slowly the horizon came into view. Finn sucked in air trying to not be crushed under the increasing weight all over his body. The alarm was still yelling at him.
“Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!”
No more missile alerts. He must have broken radar lock. That was a start. He forced his head to look up as the g-forces began to release him from their crushing grip. Past the glint of the glass cockpit he saw him. Matrix. Banking in so he could regain Finn’s tail. And in that very short moment. Through the fear that he was refusing to acknowledge. With the taste of stale air in his mouth. He felt himself smiling.
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