Das Haarzer Lebenzs | The Monarch's Life ( Solo )


Striving to be Better
TNP Nation
Illusia and Neverendia
Summarized details of Alliaronia go first. Roleplay post at bottom.
Located in southern Gothis is the relatively quiet nation of Alliaronia. Colloquially known as Allia, it is a sovereign nation, bordered by Gotmark to the west, Goyanes and Frisia to the north, and Valland to the east. It is composed of two monarchies, those being the Kingdom of Allia, and the Kingdom of Ronierland. It is a united kingdom between both. In culture, Allia is heavily influenced in Gojan, while Ronierland has its own while interchanging Vallish culture.

In antiquity, Allia were two separate states- with Allia itself becoming a Gojan protectorate, while Ronierland were a series of tribal kingdoms that had a smaller nation-state. Only in the late 19th century would be the time that both states were formed, being freed from their colonial rulers and forming the modern day United Kingdom of Alliaronia. At present, it is ruled by King Hærmann XI and his consort, Her Royal Highness Helgia.


The Monarch's Life

Köngeritzerkapietällstadt Friegöndt | Kapietällbeizsirk, Varnigtes Köngerich ven Alliaronien
19 Maj 2020

The ruling royal family, the House of Hiezergöm, have secured the Alliaronian throne for six decades, with all government affairs situated in the Royal Capital City of Friegöndt, a massive port city in southern Alliaronia. Hærmann XI is the throne's current holder, and has six children, all in line to succeed him in the future. The monarch is old, and has been thinking of abdicating, in order also to heed his children's wishes, which in turn, also have children as well. Nonetheless, Hærmann, along his advisors and ministers, sees no physical reason yet for him to abdicate, because despite of his old age, he is able to conduct his duties properly, and his health remains particularly excellent for a 62-year old monarch.

"Papa! Papa!" a little girl called out to him. They were having breakfast in the family hall of the Friegöndterpalazst (Friegöndt Palace).

"Ah, Erika, my dear granddaughter." Hærmann smiled. "Kommt hiere."

Erika approached her grandfather. He gave him a pat on her head and fed her some food that they were eating. She gladly ate it, but the eight-year old princess apparently wanted to play, as she was holding some toys.

"Can we play, please?" Erika asked. "Pretty please? Väti and Mötti are busy... nobody is here to play with me..."

Hærmann saw the sadness in the eyes of her granddaughter. Her parents, that being Krönprins Herziel and Krönprinseßen Andrija, were often busy due to their line of work. It is also worth to mention that Herziel is in first in line of succession of the Alliaronian throne, and thus needs to prove his worth, before succeeding his father. However, with that, Herziel and Andrija began to slowly lose care of their child due to the pressure of being a successor. With that in mind, he then turned to his wife. Helgia nodded, interpreting his visual cues.

"Very well. Your grandmother Helgia will also participate." Hærmann said to Erika. The latter smiled and was very happy, giving her grandparents a big hearty hug. "Before that, we must clear the table, alright?"

Hærmann rang a bell. The royal servants entered and proceeded to clear the table, as they had just finished breakfast. They quickly did so due to the presence of Erika who was giving a pout and a rather irritated face. After hastening up and making the royal table sparkly clean, they bowed and left the premises. Erika then put her toys on the table, in which Hærmann and Helgia played along. The little princess was very entertained and pleased, with her frowns quickly becoming a big hearty smile. After getting bored of playing, she sat on the lap of her grandmother.

"Can you tell me a story, Mama?" Erika asked.

"Gladly." Helgia smiled. "Once upon a time..."
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Narrated in Helgia's POV.

The Monarch's Life

Köngeritzerkapietällstadt Friegöndt | Kapietällbeizsirk, Varnigtes Köngerich ven Alliaronien
19 Maj 2020

Das Störige ven Zu Köngerichs
The Story of the Two Kingdoms
I began to think of a story quickly in my head. Erika was a child full of curiosity, and like me, has a fondness for history.

I remembered the Störige ven Zu Köngerichs, a classic Alliaronian bedtime story. My parents often told me that in my childhood. I never grew tired of such, but my growing curiosity in my teenage years prompted me to research about it. To my surprise, it was based off the Histörige Alliaronien, the well-known history book that were compiled by a bunch of historians from both Allia and Ronierland alike.

I know that if I liked it, Erika will like it as well. So I began telling her the story as she listened.

"There were once two kingdoms that were living together, one kingdom to the north, and one to the south. The north were a kingdom of traders, merchants, and explorers. The south were a confederacy of smaller tribal states that were united through the help of one foreign nation and because of their similarities," I said.

"Ahuh? Go on, Mama!" she said. Through her voice, I felt the curiosity vigor up on her veins. I snuggled her up pretty close to me and continued to narrate.

"As the north were closer to a powerful nation, they sought its protection. In exchange, the north slowly adapted their culture and customs. Eventually, they would become a protectorate of that nation, for a very long time," I said. Erika nodded, seemingly reserving her questions for later. After all, who's telling the story? Definitely me, of course. "The southerners also adapted a culture of their neighboring state, and were soon united. However..."

I began to stagger words. I knew that the next part was a bit hard to explain. The fact that Ronierland united against Allia was a hard thing to accept, especially for the Allianvölk. Being an Allianvölk myself makes it a bit weird... as I'm telling a story about how our both kingdoms were united under one crown despite the sudden huge difference in our cultures.

I kept thinking of what to say. Erika looked at me, for I was confused now.

"Mama? Are you alright?" She asked.

"Why... of course, yes!" I said, feigning relief. I let out a nervous chuckle. I thought to myself to stop, but I decided not to. I continued, no longer staggering for words, as I know she was hyped to hear more of the story. "Well, anyway. Back to where we were: the south, backed by a few support via their neighbor, united, to avoid the spreading influence of the northern nations. Both kingdoms went to a few clashes with each other for that, until a queen hailing from the south decided to settle the squabble. She had an affair with a ruler from the north, and with their marriage being publicized, the people of both kingdoms decided to settle their differences, and coincidentally, were both freed from their colonizers."

"That sounds so neat... what happened next?" she asked. She had a hint of yawning and sleepiness on her voice.

"Both kingdoms were united in one crown, thanks to them. The people were now able to settle their differences. Their cultures finally clicked and intertwined, and thus forming their national identity. Isn't that great?" I said.

Well, to my surprise, my sole audience was asleep already. Isn't that something.

I decided to let her sleep. I never knew myself that a classic would work on the later generation...
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The Monarch's Life

Köngeritzerkapietällstadt Friegöndt | Kapietällbeizsirk, Varnigtes Köngerich ven Alliaronien
21 Maj 2020

The Parental Conflict
Erika woke up to the sound of shouting, plates being smashed, and random things being thrown near her door. Hugging her teddy bear, she was so terrified and began to cry silently. She pried through her door, which she slightly opened. The noises became more audible: to her shock, her parents, the Krönprins Herziel and the Krönprinseßen Andrija, were having a marital conflict.

"Why are you so preoccupied in your God-forsaken duty as a prince in the first place!? Just because we're spokespersons of this bloody Kingdom doesn't mean we don't have time for Erika!" Andrija shouted.

"Bloody hell, Andrija! The fate of my succession lies on my competence!" Herziel clapped back.


Erika's eyes were overflowing with tears. Not only a few days ago, she was very happy being told stories and groomed by her grandparents. Now, what she sees through the young, adorable eyes of an aspiring princess is anger, sorrow, and every negative emotion piled together. Unable to handle the situation, Erika's emotional cofferdams broke, and she burst into crying a lot. The arguing couple, which had been unaware she had been watching, were horrified, and for a second, they settled their differences and rushed to their child, who had been crying a river while gripping her teddy bear.

"Erika!" both said in unison.

The little princess rushed back into her room, shutting her door locked, and crying behind it.

"It's always like this!" she thought. "Mommy and Daddy always fight! It never ends!"

The couple tried opening the door. "Erika! Please! Open the door!" Andrija called.

To no avail, the child refused. She kept crying, gripping her teddy bear so hard that its head burst, causing her to cry more. Losing it, she threw her OWN tantrum, throwing all the toys her parents gave to her, back when the times weren't as harsh. However, the chaos had sparked enough commotion for the royal court of Alliaronia to notice. The Royal Guard (Köngeritzervakte) were dispatched to quell the commotion, as they had interpreted it to be a burglary. They kicked the door of the room where Herziel and Andrija dwell in, and were accompanied by Hærmann XI himself.

"Köngeritzervakte! What is going on over here!?" one of the guards called out. "Krönprins Herziel! Please explain what just happened!"

"I..." Herziel was silenced. Andrija, having enough of his shenanigans, spoke up.

"Well, this bloody Krönprins of this Kingdom doesn't know his responsibilities as a God-forsaken parent! He'd rather spend time hogging all the clout he gets from being a spokesperson of the Kingdom and here I am being forced to not take care of my own child as well!" she shouted.

"I'll get to that later. More importantly, where's Erika?" Hærmann asked, being more concerned at the welfare of his grandchild.

"She's seeking solace in her room... Father." Herziel said.

"Step aside, young man." Hærmann shoved him off. Knocking gently in the door of her room, he spoke softly to the distressed princess. "Erika? Can you hear me? It's your Papa. Open the door." The soothing voice of the old king did its magic- Erika opened the door, revealing the mess she had done. Hærmann spared no time and carried her, in which Erika sniffled in his arms. "It's alright. Now, now."

"As for you two," he suddenly faced the couple, with a serious implanted expression in his face. "Think of what you have just done. I am ceasing your privileges until you are worthy of stepping foot in the royal palace of Alliaronia."

"B-But Father! I'm your issue-" Herziel said.

"And you've made yourself the literal definition of what an issue is, Herziel!" Hærmann scolded him. "I did not ask you to fully engage yourself in being the Krönprins! You are a person too, you have your responsibilities! What more will the nation expect from you if you cannot even properly fulfill your rights as a father? You can't even care about your bloody child, what more to the fifty million subjects of this bloody kingdom, huh?"

The Krönprins was silenced.

"I am giving you until tonight to step out of this palace. If you don't, the Köngeritzervakte will do it for you." Hærmann warned them sternly. The Köngeritzervakte and the King left the premises, with Erika along. The couple sat there, visibly shamed from the altercation. At this point, Alliaronia lost its crown prince, with the title of the Crown Princess being given to Erika, so ordered under a decree.
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22 MAY 2020

Krönprins Herziel and Krönprinseßen Andrija exiled from Friegöndterpalazst

KÖNGERITZERKAPIETÄLLSTADT FRIEGÖNDT - In a rare, surprising event in Alliaronian history, King Hærmann XI used his authority to enact King's Royal Decree №. 112, entitled Royal Decree on Exiling the Crown Prince Herziel and Crown Princess Andrija from Friegöndterpalazst. It involved the forced exile of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of the United Kingdom of Alliaronia away from the Friegöndt Palace, in which was have said to be a marital conflict.

In a statement published by the Office of the Prime Minister of Alliaronia (Staatsministerkontor): ...the enactment of Royal Decree No. 112 was the only parental solution of King Hærmann to resolve the marital conflict between the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. It was a disciplinary act in order to avoid the House of Hiezergöm to deal with other controversies that may harm the Friegöndterpalazst and overall the personal reputation of both the Crown Prince and Crown Princess.

Die Volkshärälds managed to obtain a statement from both the Crown Prince and Crown Princess as well, which were found staying in Brygsmatt, a five-star hotel in central Friegöndt. "It's understandable," the Crown Prince said. "My father is simply a disciplinarian and wants the best for us as a couple." The Crown Princess also agreed with him, saying: "He may be old, but the King is definitely a wise one. As my husband said, he wants the best for us as a couple, and most probably as well, not just for us couples, but also for the nation, if we are to succeed."

The Friegöndterpalazst refused to also entertain the presence of any media outlet, leaving only a statement for the press that said: "The Royal Family, at this point, for now, wishes to be left alone. However, the King assures that the royal decree will be repudiated once the issues have been fixed."

Balanced news. No fear or favour.
Marntinettalle 27, Uhramatzbezirk, Æstfolzea
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