Food Security Organization


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The Food Security Organization was founded in 1956 in the wake of the Fascist War. What began as a loose organization of neutral nations looking to provide relief to war-torn countries soon grew into a formal organization dedicated to ensuring stability of food production and fair prices. Former belligerents from both sides of the War were invited to strengthen the group's food and agricultural output. The FSO is headquartered in Saintes, the capital of the Kingdom of Saintonge.

Full Members:

Observer Members:

Saintes Agreement

In light of the devastating conflict that has rocked civilized society to the core, world leaders across Eras whose nations are leaders in the export of foodstuffs and agricultural products agree to the formation of the Food Security Organization. The organization is dedicated to the stabilization of the world’s food supply and holds the following five goals as their core mission:

  1. The stabilization of prices to ensure a fair market for all nations;
  2. The security of supply to ensure ready access to foodstuffs and agricultural products;
  3. The assurance that farmers and producers are adequately compensated;
  4. The collaboration of nations to develop technologies and techniques to improve agricultural production; and
  5. The coordination of export based nations with their markets.
With these goals in mind the leaders of the Kingdom of Saintonge, the Imperial Federation of Goyanes, the Federal Commonwealth of Demescia, the Kingdom of Prydania, the Most Serene State of Predice, the Commonwealth of Merilia, the Republic of Saperisole, and the United Kingdom of Ulstome come together for the good of the world.

Article 1

The organization shall be known as the Food Security Organization (FSO).

Article 2

All nations party to the Saintes Agreement pledge themselves to the founding five goals of the Food Security Organization and to work internally, with one another, and with markets across Eras to fulfil them.

Article 3

Any nation that is a net exporter of foodstuffs or agricultural products may petition to become a Full Member of the FSO by a majority vote of its existing full membership.

3.2: Any nation that is a net importer of foodstuffs or agricultural products may become an Observer Member of the FSO by a majority vote of its existing full membership.

3.3: Any Full or Observing Member of the FSO can be suspended and demoted from Full or Observer status by a majority vote of existing full membership.

Article 4

The leadership of the FSO consists of a co-equal Council of Representatives with membership drawn from the Full Member Nations.

4.2: The Chair of the Council of Representatives rotates among the representatives of the Full Member Nations on an annual basis.

Signatories (Full Members)

King Justin II Saintonge
Prime Minister Pierre-Paul-Patrice Bathenay
Kingdom of Saintonge, 20 March 1956

Grand Emperor Natan III Tages
Prime Minister Ragnar Adolfus
Imperial Federation of Goyanes, 20 March 1956

Delegate Premier Keno Gohan
Federal Commonwealth of Demescia, 20 March 1956

King Robert VII Loðbrók
Prime Minister Kristvin Austdal
Kingdom of Prydania, 20 March 1956

Grand Doge Pietro Mavoia
Gonfaloniere Pietro Andreotti
Most Serene State of Predice, 20 March 1956

Ard-Rí Gaibriél Raghallaigh
Taoiseach Liam Mordha
Commonwealth of Merilia, 20 March 1956

King Karl II Falkenstein
Ceannaire na Mais Thomas Evalsted
United Kingdom of Ulstome, 20 March 1956

King Jourdan
Kingdom Of Lanceria, 20 March 1956

Premier Jirou Yoshi'hiwe
Socialist Republic of Skanda, 17 June 1960

High Chief Teodoro Biya
Naizerre, 1 August 1976

General Commissioner Biǎo Bēi
President Weng Shaofeng
Federal Democratic Republic of Nagumay, 7 April 1980

President Oliver Vida
Director of Natural Resources Tamás Erdős
Republic of Hexastalia, 23 November 1985

King Tobias III Loðbrók
Prime Minister Magnus Brandt
Kingdom of Prydania, 24 May 2020

Jean Baptiste Leroy
Minister of the Exterior
Republic of Ultramont, 21 December 2021

Signatories (Observer Members)

Emperor Surendra II
State Curator Rajendra Sahab
Empire of Syrixia, 2 April 1956

Emperor Heinrich IV Severyn-Mitterestenburg
Chancellor Erik Schröder
Mintorian Realm, 5 May 1985

Chairman-President Thomas Nielsen
Syndicalist Republic of Prydania, 1 November 2002

King Arthur IV
Prime Minister Harold Osborne
Deputy Prime Minister Andrew Cameron
Deputy Prime Minister Jeremy Wilson
United Kingdom of Esthursia, 17 November 2020

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The Lancerian Empire is very interested in joining the FSO. There are few things more fundamental than the right to food and nutrition to feed the families of Eras. Lanceria would be proud to contribute to this cause. We wish to formally apply at this time.

(OOC: I'm pretty late to the party but this is likely the type of thing that Lanceria would've joined in the post Fascist War years, especially as a neutral nation through the war that was probably in a good position to provide some international aid to this end. If you're interested in sort of retroactively saying Lanceria was involved since the 50s or 60s, I'd be good with that.)
- To Whomever It May Concern,

The Ministry for Diplomatic Relations would like to express United Kingdom of Great Osynstry and Cymbria's interest in gaining observer status within the Food Security Organisation. The Osynstric Kingdom is increasingly under pressure to import food due to our large, growing population and demand for food we simply cannot grow in our own nation, and as a government, we wish to ensure that the food that we import is of good quality and from reputable sources who respect the producers. The Ministry speaks on behalf of the Prime Minister, Jeremy Wilson, when we state that it is of utmost importance to ensure that these two are guaranteed, and thus joining the FSO as an observer nation would be the ideal way to carry this out. The devolved administrations of Weskershyre, Lynseshyre and Cymbria/Cymbreland have all expressed their support for this application.

We therefore, with this letter, wish to apply to the Food Security Organisation, and as a net importing nation, we would be applying for observer nation status.

- Foreign Minister for Great Osynstry, Richard S. Anderson
(on behalf of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Osynstry and Cymbria, Jeremy C. Wilson)
Statement of the delegation of the Kingdom of Saintonge to the Food Security Organisation

Good day!

This year has been a terrible year for one of our member states, the Most Serene State of Predice. It is suffering an invasion of its sovereign territory by a fierce rival, New Aleman. As such, there is another big humanitarian crisis in northern Meterra.

Saintonge had done its part by evacuating and accepting hundreds of thousands of Predicean children so that they would not suffer from the depredations of war. We are setting up boarding schools for the Predicean children in Predicean Youth Communities. We want them to have a normal life, better that what they would otherwise have in conflict zones. We are committed to providing shelter, food, clothing, education, and all the support needed for these children. Saintonge and its people are doing everything they can to help their neighbours.

We, however, recognise our limitations as well. The Kingdom of Saintonge is already mobilising its strategic food reserves to feed the children. However, for the programme to be sustainable, Saintonge would need the assistance of its partners at the Food Security Organisation.

The projection is that we would need to provide 1.8 billion kilocalories worth of food per day at the peak of the programme. Right now, the consumption for the programme is 700 million kilocalories per day; we expect this to rise within the next few months as the children come in.

This is why we are appealing to our fellow food producing nations to send us assistance, in cash or in goods, for the programme. Part of our commitment as an organisation is to ensure ready access to food; we believe this is especially crucial for the most vulnerable: the children. It is again time for our venerable organisation to step up and live to its motto: “Feeding the World.”

Thank you very much and we hope for your response.

Ambassador Pascal-Florent Goudeau
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saintonge to the Food Security Organisation
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His Majesty's Government
Kingdom of Prydania

Re: the request from Ambassador Goudeau of the Kingdom of Saintonge

The Kingdom of Prydania rejoined the FSO knowing full well the responsibilities of membership. Additionally the people of Prydania know full well what the horrors of war mean for society's most vulnerable and will do what it can to aid others in need. His Majesty's G will mobilize shipments of wheat, potatoes, pork, and fish to aid in lessening the burden on the Kingdom of Saintonge.

Ambassador Arnfinn Mellem
Kingdom of Prydania Ambassador to the Food Security Organization
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Re: the request on the behalf of Ambassador Goudeau of Saintonge to the FSO
As an observing nation of the FSO, and a serving member of the international community, I speak on behalf of my country by stating that Esthursia will be there to aid the Food Security Organisation in this crisis.
This is the first major crisis whereby the Esthursian nation has been affiliated with the Food Security Organisation in some form. Although we are a net importer of food, we still have the potential, and the impetus, to do as much as we possibly can - we must and therefore will help fund the production of food supplies and aid with its transportation to the relevant locations. His Royal Highness' Government has initiated a spending plan whereby Esthursia will directly fund towards the Food Security Organisation until there is a foreseeable end to this crisis of global importance. We know as much as anyone that a humanitarian crisis of this scale is hard to tackle, and works against the lives of hundreds of thousands or even millions - and that we must act fast to counter its long-term effects. We know as well as anyone that war should not detract from the basic right for every child to be well-fed and looked after, and that the loss of this right can affect a child's life permanently - and hope that our involvement can ensure that at least one family doesn't have to go down such a dark path, and many more with them.
Thank you, and we look forward to continuing to work with the rest of the Organisation to ensure that food poverty of all kinds can be minimalised and countered wherever possible.
Ambassador Jane Lesgan
The Union of Grand Esthursia's Ambassador to the Food Security Organisation

Ministère de l'étrangère de l'Outremont
Ultramont Ministry of the Exterior
12 Février 1952

Most excellent nations of the Food Security Organization,

The Republic of Ultramont wishes to seek full membership within the organization.

During the Fascist Wars, we do not boast nor deny that we fought for those who sought power and supremacy. It is through this organization that we desire to make our amends and supply the world with our bounty.

Your acceptance should be appreciated. Ultramont shall provide to feed those who demand an end to their hunger.

Take care to know, messieurs and mesdames, our most distinguished salutations,

Jean Baptiste Leroy
Minister of the Exterior

Les plus excellentes nations de l'organisation de la sécurité alimentaire,

La République de l'Outremont à le désir d'acquérir l'adhésion dans l'organisation.

Pendant les guerres fascistes, nous ne doutons ni se vantons que notre pays nous ait battu cherchant la pouvoir et la suprématie. C'est par cette organisation que nous souhaitons de faire nos excuses et d'amener au monde notre générosité.

Votre garanti sera apprécié. l'Outremont fournira afin de nourrir ceux qui demande un fin à leur faim.

Nous vous prions de croire, messieurs, mesdames, nos salutations les plus distinguées,

Jean Baptiste Leroy
Ministre de l'étrangère
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Esteemed members of the Food Security Organisation,
The HM government of the United Kingdom of Montarc would like to formally request joining the Food Security Organisation. We believe that any and all​
citizens of this world deserve the basic human right to access food and water. Today, world hunger still remains a pressing issue, as millions of people have​
to sleep every night with an empty stomach. Together, we believe we can put an end to this and provide to those who are less fortunate than we are.​
Unfortunately, our beloved nation was under the hands of ruthless, deplorable dictators during the Fascist Wars, and the history cannot be denied. However,​
as we are in the 21st century, we believe we can make a difference. We would like to express our admiration for the esteemed member nations of FSO for​
their noble cause and remarkable efforts, and we would like to be a part of it.​
It would be an honour for our nation to help battle against food poverty. Thus, we request membership to the Food Security Organisation.​
Best regards and wishes,​
Lady Diana Damreu,​
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Membres estimats de l'Organizacion de la Seguretat Alimentària,
Lo govèrn HM del Reialme Unit de Montarc voldriá demandar formalament de rejónher l'Organizacion de la Seguretat Alimentària. Cresèm que totes los ciutadans​
d'aquel mond s'ameritan lo drech uman de basa d'accedir a la noiridura e a l'aiga. Uèi, la fam mondiala demòra encara un problèma urgent, doncas que de milions​
de personas devon dormir cada nuèch amb l'estomac vuèg. Amassa, cresèm que podèm metre fin a aquò e provesir a los que son mens afortunats que nosautres.​
Malastrosament, nòstra nacion aimada èra jos las mans de dictators despietats e deplorables pendent las Guèrras Faissistas, e l'istòria pòt pas èsser negada.​
Pasmens, coma sèm al sègle XXI, cresèm que podèm far la diferéncia. Volèm exprimir nòstra admiracion per las estimadas nacions membres de FSO per lor causa​
nòbla e lors esfòrces remarcables, e voldriam ne far partida.​
Seriá un onor per nòstra nacion d'ajudar a luchar contra la pauretat alimentària. Aital, demandam l'adesion a l'Organizacion de la Seguretat Alimentària.​
Saluts e bons vòts,​
Dama Diana Damreu,​
Ministre dels Afars Estrangièrs