Opening Address
May 12, 2020
Going forward, our focus is to revive the ministry, which has been struggling over the last few months to publish on a regular schedule. This will take a multi-step strategy. Firstly, we will be more active in accepting and mentoring new applicants to the ministry. The Ministry has suffered from a staff shortage for some time, so accepting new applications actively should go some way in retaining more staff members and alleviating this problem. Secondly, we will endeavour to catch up on late issues of The North Star by having them written at a faster pace - these articles should not take long to produce, so this is an entirely realistic goal. My hope is for the next issue to be published by June 1.
Next, we tackle the elephant in the room, The Northern Lights, which has not published a new issue since January. Our first step would be reviewing any previously drafted articles that are available, and determine if they are suitable for publication. We will also be holding a staff-wide consultation regarding the future of The Northern Lights, specifically how each issue should be structured, what topics should be included, and who should be writing these articles. Once this is done, I expect to get right to work, assigning authors and regularly checking up on article progress. I expect at least one issue to be published this term, but I am aiming for two.
Last but not least, I am appointing @Bormiar, @BMWSurfer and @Pierce as Deputy Ministers for this term. Bormiar has extensive experience as a previous member of NationStates Today and a current member and former media officer for The Rejected Times. BMWSurfer has previously served as Deputy and Acting Minister of Communications, bring experience from previous Ministry administrations. Pierce is a relative newcomer to the region and the ministry, but has displayed excellent initiative, and has extensive government experience in Europeia and other regions. I'm excited to work with this team of Deputy Ministers.
As you can see, there is plenty of work cut out for us, so let's get right into it!
Your new Minister,