The Ministry of Defense
11 May 2020
Hello all who happen to be reading this, a new term is upon us, and I'd like to first off thank @Prydania for trusting me to be your next Minister of Defense and giving me this opportunity. I am very excited to be able to work with Pry and I am sure that we will be able to accomplish quite a bit over this upcoming term.
It still kinda seems crazy for me to be the new MoD if I'm being honest. From when I first started defending way back in 2014 in the Global Right Alliance and I was also a FRA Ranger, I never really imagined that six years later I would still be active raiding and defending, let alone being presented the opportunity to become MoD. When I decided to join the NPA back in July of 2019, I was looking for a fresh start in NS and I certainly found it in the NPA. In my time that I've been in the NPA I have been able to work with some of the best people NS has to offer. I truly believe that. We have an amazing Generals Staff and Officer Corps and I would like to give a shout out to all of the amazing work that you have done and the work you will continue to do within the NPA. I am very excited to be working with this amazing group of individuals and to continue the great work we had been doing the previous term.
As for what specifically the NPA will be doing this upcoming term, I plan to continue the high activity level that we were able to sustain over the last term and partake in a wide variety of operations like we have done under previous MoD's. The NPA also has a great many military allies, and we will be pursuing more joint OP's throughout the course of this term, whether that be tag runs, joint detags, or also your standard raids and liberations. Outside of that, we will also continue with the great work we did in the previous term in targeting fascist regions. With the passing of the Military Modernization bill a couple months ago, this allowed us and will allow us to continue to engage in offensive attacks against fascist regions/orgs. The exemptions list will also be utilized by me, and I do plan on discussing with Prydania about adding more regions to said list when the need arises. Also continuing this term will be the NPA Cards Program. I believe this is an amazing program that we have here and that it will hopefully continue to reward continued activity and attract new members to the North Pacific Army.
I would also like to thank @Trondstorm for the amazing work that he did over the previous term and allowing me to be your Deputy Minister of Defense during the previous term. Your service to NPA will not be forgotten, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
As for my Deputies for this upcoming term, I am appointing two Deputies this upcoming term - @BMWSurfer and @Robespierre. BMW has previously served the NPA as a Deputy Minister of Defense in the past, and since his return to the NPA BMW has done great work in his Officer role and I hope to see his great work continued. Robespierre is a former Minister of Defense who has been a tremendous asset to the NPA. I highly value his leadership skills, and his experience as a former MoD will be of great help to me as a I transition from being a Deputy under Trondstorm to being a Minister of Defense myself.
Once again I am thankful for this opportunity, and with that being said, lets get this party started!