Closing Address

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Just a blob chasing cars
TNP Nation

Closing Address - May
May 10, 2020​

Good evening!

Quite a crazy term has come to a close as the world is certainly experiencing unknown times and tribulations. Because of this, I would like to start by thanking all the FA staffers who have stuck with us during these interesting times and have found time to dedicate work to the ministry during these past few months. You are the people who make this ministry and our work cannot be done without all of you! I hope to see you all continue to find time to participate in the ministry and help update and complete more World Factbooks for publishing as time goes on!

When reviewing this term, I learned a lot and gained many new experiences! As a Ministry, we have also accomplished a lot!

  • The World Fact Book Project
    • Currently the WFP is continuously being updated and improved. Some more work needs to be done to improve image formatting and presentation, as well as flesh out regions that we don't yet have enough information on. This project will need consistent and dedicated updating in order for it so succeed and as time progresses, it should be incorporated into month updates.

  • UCR Outreach Program
    • This project went largely on the back burner due to some issues with primary UCR nations to start the program. I'm currently reevaluating how I want to address this concept and would love any suggestions or ideas for how to reapproach this subject for the future.
    • I expect this program to be fully functional (in its new capacity) by the end of next term assuming a reappointment.

  • Organization and 'Spring Cleaning'
    • The Ministry has gone through a phase of reorganization which largely involves the closing embassies that have gone unused and/or involve regions who no longer post. While we close those embassies, we are always open to reopening them in the future.
    • Ambassadors will be reassigned from these regions to open regions and will be stacked onto open regions for additional training if necessary. It has become apparent to me over my time served that turnover is an issue and the ambassador position can be a revolving door. I have ideas to fix this which include panels and teams (more detail to come later) which will not only provide stability to regions but increase our response and updating ability for the WFP.

  • The Incorporated Rum Pact
    • We have taken great steps into increasing relations with Lazarus regarding the current Pact being discussed by the RA as we speak. I look forward to seeing everyone's questions and comments!
    • Link to the Pact can be found here:

Should I be reappointed, I look forward to serving the region as MoFA for another term and making major progress on the above points. However, given this is probably my longest address ever, I should probably wrap this up!

I would like to personally thank @mcmasterdonia for giving me so much guidance and choosing me to lead this Ministry over the last term. And I hope I have this Ministry in the best place to succeed over the coming terms.

As always, thank you all so much for a wonderful and challenging term!

I wish you all the best,
I shall cheer for you! A great term, a pleasure to serve as Deputy!
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