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- Trondstorm#8233

The Office of the Ministry of Defense
2 May 2020
With the recent departures of Darcania and Zazumo, the High Command of the North Pacific Army is in need of capable Generals to fill its administrative and advisory purposes. After a thorough selection process, involving the Delegate, @mcmasterdonia, and other members of NPA High Command, I am pleased to announce its conclusion and result.
Effective immediately, Colonels @BluieGamer and @Bobberino are hereby promoted to General.
About Bluie:
Bluie is one of the longest serving members of the army and has previously served diligently as a Deputy Minister of Defense. A fine soldier and a capable officer, Bluie has shown his dedication and loyalty in his years of service towards the North Pacific Army and in the region as a whole, offering an active and steady presence and a being a firm mentor on new recruits. Bluie has undertaken 225 operations in The North Pacific Army during this period of service and has more than demonstrated his ability as a point and as a trigger for the NPA.
More recently, Bluie’s achievements have included assisting the High Command in refounding regions included in the exemptions under Chapter 7.6 Sections 32 and 33 of the Legal Code. He has earned this promotion through his hard work and dedication to service in The North Pacific Army.
About Bobberino:
Bobberino is another long serving member of the North Pacific Army. During his service, Bobberino has proven himself to be a keen motivator of activity within the North Pacific Army and a competent leader of operations both as a trigger and as a point. Bobberino has undertaken 255 operations while a member of the North Pacific Army.
Bobberino has also served as a Deputy Minister of Defense and as Minister of Defense. We acknowledge that Bobberino made a significant mistake while serving as MoD that resulted in him entering a plea of guilty before the Court of The North Pacific. Bobberino has shown remorse for his actions and following his conviction, there has been no wavering in Bobberino’s commitment to the North Pacific Army, its members or operations.
We feel that both BluieGamer and Bobberino will serve excellently in their new roles as members of the NPA High Command and as a representation of a new generation of NPA leaders.
I look forward to their continued contributions and further success.
With regards,
Minister of Defense