- TNP Nation
- Castle in Confidence
- Discord
- .wonderess
When Dominic awoke, all he could see were the stars. Everything was quiet . . . eerily so. There was a twinge of nausea and disorientation that were beginning to subside. Slowly he started to hear a soft swishing noise. It was constant, soft, and not menacing. Dominic sat up to find that he was on a beach. There were waves slowly lapping onto the sandy shore. All around him there were bits of wreckage, but he didn't know where they had come from. In fact he couldn't remember how he got there either or where in fact he even was. As the panic began to set it he rose to his feet and looked more closely at his surroundings. There was a sign about 10 feet away that he approached to get some information. To his surprise, it was written in a language he didn't recognize. Where was he??? Nothing looked familiar, and seeing the sign showed that this was nowhere near familiar, not that he knew where home was. There was nothing. Any memory before waking up was just gone.
Suddenly he saw a light. It bobbled and weaved slowly closer to him. He didn't think the situation could get much worse so he moved towards it following parallel to the water. As the light got closer he realized that it was a woman with a lantern of some sort. She looked at him in surprise. That surprise soon turned to frustration and she began speaking in an unknown language very quickly. Dominic started waiving his hands and speaking, but the lady just looked at him and shook her head. She was pointing away from the beach as if she wanted him to leave. Dominic knew he needed help, but he didn't know how to make her understand. He suddenly realized that he knew one other language that he could try. Mar? Melanese? Mudic? Mositif? MERCANTI!He began just saying the word "help" in Mercanti, and suddenly the lady seemed to understand.
"I know Mercanti a little," she said. "What are you doing on beach? Too late! Too late!"
"I don't know ma'am. I just woke up here and I don't know where I am or what I am doing here."
"You one of those drunks from Deveron here for celebration of the studies?"
"What? I don't know what Deveron even is." The lady began walking in a circle around him as if looking for something.
"Where your rod? You get drunk and lose it?"
"Please, I dont know what rod you are talking about. I dont know where I am or even where I came from, and I need help. Is there someone I can talk to?" She looked at him as if he were completely foreign. After a few moments she finally took him by the wrist and lead him away from the waters.
"We see district keeper now." District keeper? Dominic didn't know what that was, but it sounded important. The lady led him to a strange looking car. It had wheels and a body, but it was ornately designed with what looked like figures near the front of the car reaching ahead and winged beasts near the back kneeling on one leg with their arms across their chests. The lady took what looked like a stick which was hanging on a rope around her waste and tapped it against the car. The car immediately unlocked and the lights flashed. She motioned for him to get in. Dominic didnt ask any questions. They drove for about 10 minutes before reaching a building with white columns with a glass front wall, a unique mixture of what looked like old and new architecture styles. The lady used the same stick when we got to the front door to unlock it by touching a pad with it next to the door. Inside was a two story open space with white statues leading to a dual staircase that had at its top two ornate doors. The rod lady pushed a button near the bottom of the staircase and spoke some words in that odd language, and a few moments after a man came out the double doors. He was wearing a ringlet about his head of what looked like silver along with draped cloth that formed some sort of tunic. He had an amused look on his face and he slowly descended the staircase never breaking eye contact with Dominic. The stick lady spoke more to him, and he nodded before speaking in clear Mercanti.
"What business do you have here, boy?" Dominic paused trying to consider such a blunt question.
"I- I'm just trying to figure out where I am, and where I'm supposed to be."
"Well on the beaches at this hour is certainly not the answer. Were you not taught the importance of temperance or orderliness. I can tell you are not of this area." He gave a quick look at Dominic's clothes. "Not from this area at all."
"I'm sorry. I have no idea how I got there, and I don't know what to do now. My head is just empty right now. Forgive me, but who are you and where am I exactly." The man's eyes narrowed.
"I am Keeper Lucarus of the District Guiles."
"Is Guiles the town or?" The Keeper sighed in disbelief.
"We do not have towns here. We arent like those other places in the world where things are so simply stated. Guiles is a part of the Republic."
"What Republic?"
"Why the Republic of Mitial of course!" Dominic wasn't any less confused than he was before. All these words and names just sounded like made up names to him.
"So this is a country called Mitial?" Lucarus started laughing along with the lady.
"No my friend. You really show your origins with such silly questions. Mitial is a republic among republics which united together in glorious perpetual union create the Coalition of the Republics, and as one of four voices the great chorus song is sung in sweet melody to bring forth eternal Grecoideatia!" Dominic suddenly felt a spark of recognition. Yes! He has heard of Grecoideatia before. It was a mysterious nation he remembers, one that not many understand or ever visited . . . until now.
"It's . . . so far away."
"What's that, boy?"
"I remember Grecoideatia being far far away from wherever it is I'm from. I'm Dominic by the way, not boy."
"I'm Lucia," the lady said. Dominic nodded with a smile. Lucarus showed a look of fear and concern.
"Well, Dominic," he struggled with the name as if it was completely foreign, "I have never had a case like yours before me. There is a very orderly and precise code we follow for conflicts and difficulties. Honestly, there are no particular statutes dealing with randomly appearing amnesiacs which means we must see a higher authority."
"Who would that be?" asked Dominic.
"Well the next level up is the Duke of the Republic." Lucia's eyes lit up with excitement.
"Keeper, are you sure it is wise at this hour?"
"Lucia, we dont know where the bo- I mean Dominic is from and neither does he it seems. You know how rare a foreigner is especially one not from a neighboring entity."
"That's true."
"Prepare our transportation to Mitial Core. You will be a part of my delegation, Lucia, as you were the one who found him. We need as much information as possible so that the Duke makes the best decision for the Republic."
"Yes, Keeper, I will prepare my chariot immediately. We should be able to be at Mitial Core within the hour." Lucarious looked at Dominic with a smile that almost seemed filled with pity.
"This is just the rule, Dominic. I am sure everything will be fine so long as we stick to it and cling faithfully to order inside and outside." Dominic blinked. He though of how odd these people were. It was as if everything was said in prose. The three then left the columned building and returned to Lucia's chariot as they called it. After a while, the character of the surroundings began turning more and more urban. There was a city with a hill in its center. There was a white building on top with a pool illuminated in white light. It had the same style as the Keeper's building but more studious looking. Lucarious pointed at it.
"There is the Fortress of Mitial, the center of Mitial Core. That's where the good Duke presides. I've alerted him to our situation, and he is expecting us." Dominic didn't know why, but those words mage him feel a tinge of fear.
The Fortress of Mital
Grecoideatia in white and gold
Coalition of Republics in gold
Republic of Mitial in Red
The District of Guiles in green
Suddenly he saw a light. It bobbled and weaved slowly closer to him. He didn't think the situation could get much worse so he moved towards it following parallel to the water. As the light got closer he realized that it was a woman with a lantern of some sort. She looked at him in surprise. That surprise soon turned to frustration and she began speaking in an unknown language very quickly. Dominic started waiving his hands and speaking, but the lady just looked at him and shook her head. She was pointing away from the beach as if she wanted him to leave. Dominic knew he needed help, but he didn't know how to make her understand. He suddenly realized that he knew one other language that he could try. Mar? Melanese? Mudic? Mositif? MERCANTI!He began just saying the word "help" in Mercanti, and suddenly the lady seemed to understand.
"I know Mercanti a little," she said. "What are you doing on beach? Too late! Too late!"
"I don't know ma'am. I just woke up here and I don't know where I am or what I am doing here."
"You one of those drunks from Deveron here for celebration of the studies?"
"What? I don't know what Deveron even is." The lady began walking in a circle around him as if looking for something.
"Where your rod? You get drunk and lose it?"
"Please, I dont know what rod you are talking about. I dont know where I am or even where I came from, and I need help. Is there someone I can talk to?" She looked at him as if he were completely foreign. After a few moments she finally took him by the wrist and lead him away from the waters.
"We see district keeper now." District keeper? Dominic didn't know what that was, but it sounded important. The lady led him to a strange looking car. It had wheels and a body, but it was ornately designed with what looked like figures near the front of the car reaching ahead and winged beasts near the back kneeling on one leg with their arms across their chests. The lady took what looked like a stick which was hanging on a rope around her waste and tapped it against the car. The car immediately unlocked and the lights flashed. She motioned for him to get in. Dominic didnt ask any questions. They drove for about 10 minutes before reaching a building with white columns with a glass front wall, a unique mixture of what looked like old and new architecture styles. The lady used the same stick when we got to the front door to unlock it by touching a pad with it next to the door. Inside was a two story open space with white statues leading to a dual staircase that had at its top two ornate doors. The rod lady pushed a button near the bottom of the staircase and spoke some words in that odd language, and a few moments after a man came out the double doors. He was wearing a ringlet about his head of what looked like silver along with draped cloth that formed some sort of tunic. He had an amused look on his face and he slowly descended the staircase never breaking eye contact with Dominic. The stick lady spoke more to him, and he nodded before speaking in clear Mercanti.
"What business do you have here, boy?" Dominic paused trying to consider such a blunt question.
"I- I'm just trying to figure out where I am, and where I'm supposed to be."
"Well on the beaches at this hour is certainly not the answer. Were you not taught the importance of temperance or orderliness. I can tell you are not of this area." He gave a quick look at Dominic's clothes. "Not from this area at all."
"I'm sorry. I have no idea how I got there, and I don't know what to do now. My head is just empty right now. Forgive me, but who are you and where am I exactly." The man's eyes narrowed.
"I am Keeper Lucarus of the District Guiles."
"Is Guiles the town or?" The Keeper sighed in disbelief.
"We do not have towns here. We arent like those other places in the world where things are so simply stated. Guiles is a part of the Republic."
"What Republic?"
"Why the Republic of Mitial of course!" Dominic wasn't any less confused than he was before. All these words and names just sounded like made up names to him.
"So this is a country called Mitial?" Lucarus started laughing along with the lady.
"No my friend. You really show your origins with such silly questions. Mitial is a republic among republics which united together in glorious perpetual union create the Coalition of the Republics, and as one of four voices the great chorus song is sung in sweet melody to bring forth eternal Grecoideatia!" Dominic suddenly felt a spark of recognition. Yes! He has heard of Grecoideatia before. It was a mysterious nation he remembers, one that not many understand or ever visited . . . until now.
"It's . . . so far away."
"What's that, boy?"
"I remember Grecoideatia being far far away from wherever it is I'm from. I'm Dominic by the way, not boy."
"I'm Lucia," the lady said. Dominic nodded with a smile. Lucarus showed a look of fear and concern.
"Well, Dominic," he struggled with the name as if it was completely foreign, "I have never had a case like yours before me. There is a very orderly and precise code we follow for conflicts and difficulties. Honestly, there are no particular statutes dealing with randomly appearing amnesiacs which means we must see a higher authority."
"Who would that be?" asked Dominic.
"Well the next level up is the Duke of the Republic." Lucia's eyes lit up with excitement.
"Keeper, are you sure it is wise at this hour?"
"Lucia, we dont know where the bo- I mean Dominic is from and neither does he it seems. You know how rare a foreigner is especially one not from a neighboring entity."
"That's true."
"Prepare our transportation to Mitial Core. You will be a part of my delegation, Lucia, as you were the one who found him. We need as much information as possible so that the Duke makes the best decision for the Republic."
"Yes, Keeper, I will prepare my chariot immediately. We should be able to be at Mitial Core within the hour." Lucarious looked at Dominic with a smile that almost seemed filled with pity.
"This is just the rule, Dominic. I am sure everything will be fine so long as we stick to it and cling faithfully to order inside and outside." Dominic blinked. He though of how odd these people were. It was as if everything was said in prose. The three then left the columned building and returned to Lucia's chariot as they called it. After a while, the character of the surroundings began turning more and more urban. There was a city with a hill in its center. There was a white building on top with a pool illuminated in white light. It had the same style as the Keeper's building but more studious looking. Lucarious pointed at it.
"There is the Fortress of Mitial, the center of Mitial Core. That's where the good Duke presides. I've alerted him to our situation, and he is expecting us." Dominic didn't know why, but those words mage him feel a tinge of fear.

The Fortress of Mital

Grecoideatia in white and gold
Coalition of Republics in gold

Republic of Mitial in Red

The District of Guiles in green
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