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This declaration is a part of the WondoVerse.

Vigilance TNP
Watch The North Pacific in her beauty and power take flight as she makes way for greater things. See her light and her potential, and know that even greater still is before us if only we would see, if only we would dream, if only we would dare.
We Are Vigilant: It is within the great tradition of TNP to seek out that which weakens our democratic spirit and then work to remove such weakness so that who we are and what we are as a region can be ever more apparent. In short, we keep watch for all that wishes to bring harm and damage to what is innately good about our region. As citizens it is our duty, and as members we take joy in defending our region and tending to her need and good. We do this in a multitude of ways whether as defenders, staffers, elected officials, legislators, and members of the social community at large. TNP is like no other NS region, and in its uniqueness it manifests a level of authenticity.
The Purpose of this Campaign: With all the realities stated above in mind, it is unquestioningly important to protect community, cooperation, and the perspective of what ultimately matters. Vigilance TNP exists to ensure these things are constantly under consideration so that ambition, the aims and power of the few, and general power brokering are combated and minimized. Here outlined are aspects of regional life that are considered to be detrimental and problematic so that they can be faced head on. The first step to addressing any problem is naming it and understanding it so that a proper and fitting response may be sought.
Inherent Struggles of the Region
There are three problematic pillars that underlie TNP’s culture and proceedings which will be named and discussed as to fully define them. They are Subjectivism, Physicalism, and Consequentialism.
There are three problematic pillars that underlie TNP’s culture and proceedings which will be named and discussed as to fully define them. They are Subjectivism, Physicalism, and Consequentialism.
On Subjectivism: Subjectivism is the position that truth only exists in the mind and perspective of the individual and that the group of collective cannot know or say that there is an objective good that persists outside of personal experience. This sort of thought is responded to by a general emphasis placed on freedom and the mere ability for someone to do something rather than the good of what someone does being considered. The importance and even the ability to reason about moral truths are denied which makes moral inquiry or even the space for such conversation as a region deniable. Any sort of care for what is communally good is not considered as that is just relegated to the individual and left alone. This manifests itself in the sort of World Assembly and Regional Assembly proposals that are supported or even passed. Moral thought is inherently human, personal, and of great social-political importance and yet a prevalent air of subjectivist sentiments makes this area of discourse difficult to have in the regional political arena which causes a deficiency in such considerations and discourse.
On Physicalism: Physicalism is the position that all of existence is reducible to matter or physical processes. Therefore an emphasis is placed more on observable process and less emphasis is placed on more abstract considerations such as character, virtue, principle, inherent good (something being itself good by its very existence). This leads to a sort of thinking that worries only with a result or an outcome rather than a principle or state of good for the region. If x can produce y then nothing else matters. If Roger as a political candidate can be reduced to merely his capacity to do what the law calls for in the office then that suggests sufficiency. Such a mindset lends itself to favor efficiency in the government but not the greater cultural implications of the government. Thinking that focuses on principles of conduct, character, excellence, and role modeling is not physical or necessarily outcome based and thus is of a different sort of reasoning that cannot be reduced directly to the physical process of cause and effect. This more dynamic way of thinking that takes into consideration the efficiency of government as well as virtue is to be encouraged because TNP deserves the best of public servants within her offices.
On Consequentialism: Consequentialism is an ethical way of thinking that takes into account the effects of an action and what products of the action will be yielded. This like physicalism aids in guaranteeing efficiency, but it treats the person as a sort of machine within a larger machine which in this case is TNP. The citizens of the region are not mere machines, nor are they to be mere variables in an equation used to get to a set finish line. We must consider not only the consequences but also the gravity of the acts being considered to get there. Using people as means to some end is damaging to the community and can harm the culture and general behavior of the region overtime. There are some who believe that the ultimate end is to “win” NationStates. That by focusing on power, fame, influence, and the like they can fulfill their purpose in the game and that is good for them. I wish to contest this notion. Going from point a to point b is too simplistic a task. It is also deeply individualistic and an alienation of the communal spirit which should be of the utmost importance in all considerations. It is worth considering what it means to create in TNP something that is good, something that is beautiful, and something that is true. These are meaningful aims that can include all of us and bring forth a greater union of nations, yes a greater TNP if it can even be conceived. This requires more than just cause and effect thinking, however and consequentialism as a rule of thought remains insufficient on a communal scale of moral reasoning.
Proposals to Aid the Vigilant
Below are suggestions that can be taken in order to help further the goal of a better TNP to address the struggles named above.
Below are suggestions that can be taken in order to help further the goal of a better TNP to address the struggles named above.
Foster Real Conversation: These sort of topics about what values we use to function as a region are not simple or casual, and that is fully understood. Time and care must be taken to have these sorts of conversations when a WA resolution or a RA bill come forward. It isn’t easy and requires work. If we are willing to write an article for The Northern Light, or Endotart (seek out endorsements in game), or write legislation which are all admirable and important jobs in TNP, then we should afford time and effort to these conversations to build dialogue, understanding, and then gradually enrich the community and culture of our region. TNPU is an excellent place for this, and I will consider a TNP Vigilant server to talk about TNP issues on this level of analysis.
Believe in Yourself: Dialogue and conversation of this sort isn’t just for the academics or armchair philosophers. This is everyone’s conversation whether you are a resident, citizen, office holder, etc. This is our region and we all play a role in the continuing conversation. If you are struggling to understand a conversation do not feel bad asking for clarification or a definition. We want everyone to be on the same page and give what they can to any question or concern being deliberated. (I recently learned this lesson from some of my fellow TNPers.)
Come to Know Your Principles: It is worth the time knowing what you stand for and how that relates to the good of TNP. Look at the TNP Staff and the different ministries and see which ones really matter to you. Greater thought and consideration is more fulfilling when it is something you care about. If you want to focus on Culture and talk about what it is that makes TNP’s culture unique and then consider events from that perspective, by all means do it! Maybe you like Home Affairs and are considering a new angle on how to present TNP to newcomers, that’s great too.
Charity is Key: If there is to be deeper conversation about TNP and all that makes the region up, then there has to be a patience and kindness with others we converse with. By taking the time and effort to hear someone out, to listen and understand, the possibility of arriving together at some greater truth or understanding is high. It’s by building this understanding that new ideas and an enrichment of community come about. Deliberate time and attention given to others is a gift, and by giving it others can reciprocate and give the same gift in return.
Entreat Your Creativity: New ideas and perspectives come from the imagination. By looking not just at what is apparent and seeking out new and creative answers the issue of point a to point b thinking is minimized because humanity and personality enter the picture breathing a sort of life into the region. Your ideas are worth sharing, and yes they may be criticized or changed in the process, but that’s ok. It’s still your idea that has made a difference on the region, and that is what really counts.
Be Honest: Honesty and communication aren’t just for Direct Messages. If there is something you think is problematic then don’t be afraid to voice your concerns publicly. It’s possible there are others who share your point of view and if we are to work as a community towards solving problems then we have to present and talk about those problems as a community. However, do present your grievances respectfully and concisely so that it doesn't become a matter of anger or frustration, but truly a desire to fix an issue.
Her future burns brighter in hope, and there is only light and victory ahead for The North Pacific that most glorious union. In the spirit of camaraderie and good faith she will truly rise to that which she is and face all ahead with fortitude only brought forth by the solidarity of her members.
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