Commend Imperium Anglorum
Category: < Commendation > | Nominee: Imperium Anglorum
Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:THE SECURITY COUNCIL:
AWARE that, although Imperium Anglorum (IA) has already been Commended by SC#223, it did not consider many major aspects of IA's work (whether by omission or understandable lack of foresight), for which a second Commendation is needed and deserved;
PLEASED that - as well as having doubled their General Assembly resolution tally since SC#223 was passed - IA was the author of SC#255, which Commended Knootoss, one of the most significant nations to have ever been involved with the World Assembly; and has co-authored two resolutions, submitted by other delegations which have also been Commended:
- GA#440 "Administrative Compliance Act," with which the WA gained additional tools to help stabilise the multiversal rules-based order and ensure that other countries respect it; and
- GA#445 "Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Program," which introduced a common-sense solution to dampen the effects of the climate crisis globally;
RECALLING IA's development of InfoEurope, a ever-expanding database treasured by modern historians in reviewing the content of past proposals considered by the WA, and hourly voting records (and occasionally delegate voting records) for those proposals that have come to vote; plus EuroTracker, which allows nations in [region=Europe] to learn which other nations they have not endorsed, thus helping Europe have the most WA endorsements per nation of any region;
NOTING that - having once promoted the concept of National Sovereignty in the WA - IA has since adopted a more pragmatic view of global politics; they have authored a compelling essay on the need to alleviate the bureaucratic burdens which tie down countless ambassadors to the WA, new and old, along with several inquorate (or never-submitted) but thought-provoking proposals on "The End of Capitalism," "The End of Socialism," "Preventing Financial Crises," and "Stopping the negation of truth;"
GRATEFUL for IA's continued stimulation of hearty debate on crucial matters relating to the WA, including, but not limited to - in its long-running tradition of drywittedness - the viability of universal abortionplexes; and
ADAMANT that the effort contributed by Imperium Anglorum towards global politics over the years is worthy in itself of a new Commendation from this august body:
HEREBY COMMENDS Imperium Anglorum.
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
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