Condemn Norrlands
Category: < Condemnation > | Nominee: Norrlands
Proposed by: Ultior | Onsite Topic
Acknowledging that Norrlands has partaken in the world of NationStates since early 2012 and in the time since has done many condemnable things,
Emphasizing the more egregious and condemnable actions partaken in by the Norrgeri Government and Military since their arrival in the realm of Sonindia,
Noting that Norrlands is the largest nation on the planet of Yadah by a significant margin, and a prominent member of the UDPS, a powerful alliance consisting primarily of radical leftist nations bent on spreading their influence throughout NationStates,
Disturbed by the Norrlands weaponization of disease and development of horrific and potent biological weapons by the Norrgeri military in the form of the Devein Plague and other similar viruses and bacterial plagues,
Appalled by the abhorrent actions of the Norrlands which time and time again violate the sacrosanct laws upheld by the World Assembly, them being:
- An unprovoked nuclear strike on the capital city of the Rajatari Empire causing the deaths of over eight million innocents, leading to a devastating global war that still rages with no end in sight.
- The attempted robbery of multiple territories throughout the world, including, but not limited to the Midway Islands of the Ephilossian Ocean from a nation they were at peace with.
- Repeated emphasized violation of international airspace during peacetime, meant either to provoke conflict or disrupt international peace.
- The oppression of their own people through the abolition of private property, the prohibition of private industry, and the denial of the citizens with non-dictatorial alternatives on the ballot.
- Giving nuclear weapons in excess of 20 megatons to the Unionised Commune - pushing them to launch 14 of said warheads on enemies, killing over 150 million innocents towards the end of the Second Great War of Yadah.
- Carrying out unprovoked nuclear strikes on the small island state of Criume on the revelation they would leave their sphere of influence for the opposing allied states equivalent.
- Unfair occupation of neutral neighbouring nations with the expressed purpose of getting an advantage towards an enemy - specifically the Salt Flats, through their claimed “protection” of a neutral nation from a nation they had no qualms with, yet was on bad terms with Norrlands
Distressed by the Norgerri Military’s war crimes highlighted through their frequent use of tactical nukes in their various campaigns against the few nations brave enough to resist their hegemony.
Believing that the actions of Norrlands detailed above surpass the bar of condemnable action and are therefore worthy to be addressed by the World Assembly in the form of a Condemnation.
Hereby condemns Norrlands.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.