Term Paper (solo)


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TNP Nation
14-15 March 2019
10:27 am- 1:21 am
On a Thursday...and Friday

Vasterrike, Goyanes

It was March. Not that it mattered. It still looked like January. And the forecast wasn't looking any better. Spring wasn't going to show its face until the first week of April, at the earliest. Mats Farber didn't mind, honestly. He liked the snow. It made being inside feel...cozy. Helped with studying. Plus snow meant hockey season! And it meant the sound of snow crunching under winter boots as it fell softly from grey Goyanean skies.

Right now though, the twenty-four year old grad student at Vasterrike College had a term paper to write. It wasn't due for a month, to be sure, but better now than then. He'd set this date for himself back in January, upon getting back from visiting home. His classes were over by Wednesdays, so he could spend all day writing without worrying about staying up late. He had all of his research, notes, all the literature he'd need to cite. It was just a matter of doing it, and he'd committed himself to that.

It was Sven's that was new. He'd decided to come here to write his paper instead of at his apartment. He wasn't sure why. Maybe he was worried he'd get distracted and play Rift if he stayed. He knew he'd procrastinate if he had the chance. And his laptop had like...no games on it. Also? He'd been locked away at home during most of his free time since the term started, doing research from his computer. Getting out was nice. It felt invigorating.

So there he was, in sweat pants, winter boots, and a faded Vasterrike Cougars hoodie. He'd only bought the damn thing last November from the College Bookstore, but it was already faded. He wore it way too much. He couldn't help it though. It was so G-ddamn comfortable.
Between his lax attire and his slightly too bushy beard? Well he wouldn't be suitable for polite society anywhere else. It was fine here though, they were used to seeing college students at this particular Sven's. He placed his usual order- two sesame seed bagels, toasted with butter- and a chocolate milk and found an empty booth next to a wall socket. And almost parallel to a tv showing hockey highlights on GRK.


He sat his food and his bag down and began to unpack. First the laptop and power supply. Then binders full of notes, citations, and other research. Then stacks of photocopies of old documents from the university archives. And finally? Stacks of books from the library. He sighed, having unpacked it all, and dug into one of the bagels before he started.
So ok. Maybe not entirely free from procrastination.