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- Trondstorm#8233

The Ministry of Defense
13 January, 2020
Greetings! It is an honor to serve as your new Minister of Defense.
I’ve been a member of the North Pacific Army since joining in May 2019. Steadily climbing up the ranks, I was then called to serve as one of two Deputy Minister of Defense back in September. In a brief summary, I was able to serve the term fully; the experiences I’ve gained during that time are bountiful.
I would like to thank @mcmasterdonia for giving me an opportunity to contribute further to the ministry and to the region. I hope to repay his trust by performing with the best of my abilities. I would also like to thank my predecessor, @Robespierre for his contributions during the previous term. With a successful tenure as MoD, I wish him the best of luck in his new position as Vice Delegate.
With that being said, my primary goal is to increase the activity and visibility of the NPA within the region. One way that I am particularly interested about is the utilization of publications (eg: The Northern Light) through the release of a series of bulletins showcasing significant actions done. In its part, the army will continue to do diverse operations, spearheaded by its staff and soldiers. Lastly, the army’s infrastructure, documents and processees will be maintained substantially or improved if such need arises.
Assisting me in the objectives I’ve stated above, I am pleased to appoint @Rom as my Deputy Minister. Rom is a competent officer who has made great strides in participating and leading operations. With years of experience under his belt, I am fully confident that he will do an outstanding job as a member of the High Command.
Once again, I am grateful for this chance and I look forward on what lies ahead.
With regards,