[Draft] Repeal: "International Road Safety"


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Repeal GAR#83: International Road Safety
Category: Repeal | Target Resolution: GAR#83 | Proposed by: Free Azell
The World Assembly,

Applauding the target resolution's intentions of setting standards for roads, bridges, and tunnels used for international travel to increase safety on public highways connected in more than one nation;

Disappointed that these regulations are not clearly laid out in the resolution - although the target does state that the standards put out by the International Transport Safety Committee (ITSC) must concern road safety, vehicle safety, or training standards for operators of the vehicles; must be reasonable in terms of cost; and must at least to some extent improve safety, the details of these regulations are never specified;

Adamant that a resolution with the purpose of increasing safety should stipulate what safety measures it wishes to enact, or to what extent it wishes the committee to regulate safety (the target does not instruct the committee what the regulations it promulgates must cover, so that the committee may issue anything from no regulations at all to a huge number with member nations forced to comply with them all);

Convinced that prohibiting nations from enforcing higher standards than those of ITSC, where such standards are not applied to domestic vehicles, hampers member nations from ensuring that foreign vehicles entering in which do not exist or have no equivalent in the member nation are safe to travel through the nation, given the vagueness regarding the ITSC's regulations themselves;

Believing that allowing member nations to regulate vehicle safety standards at their own borders themselves is far preferable to this attempt at enacting a "one-size-fits-all" policy that, in fact, merely hinders member nations and and ends up fitting none;

Hereby repeals GAR #83, "International Road Safety.”

C/O Authored by Maowi