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- Freg#0420
Voting Instructions:The Security Council;
Observing thatRamaeus has been a native of The East Pacific since December 2012 and during that time has contributed a great deal to the security and well-being of the region.
Aware that Ramaeus has served faithfully in many vital positions in The East Pacific over the course of those seven years, including but not limited to:
• Delegate on three separate occasions, all of which saw the region engaged in a flurry of activity and camaraderie amongst East Pacificans.
• Vizier, a position in which Ramaeus served for years to ensure the security of the region, nominated once in 2015 and most recently for a life term in 2019.
• World Assembly Affairs Minister, where they advised the Delegates of The East Pacific for many years on the best course of action regarding ongoing votes or resolutions in the stage of drafting in the branches of the World Assembly.
• Magister of The East Pacific, serving as a member of the legislative body of the region and thus contributing to the activity and lawmaking procedures of the Magisterium.
• Arbiter of The East Pacific for the terms of November 2014, February 2015, and September 2016.
Recognizing that Ramaeus first ran for Delegate in June 2014 to counterbalance the radical candidacy of an East Pacifican whose intentions were to drive The East Pacific in an aggressive and unstable direction, and managed to uphold an honest candidacy against the antagonistic and underhanded votestacking by the opponent.
Knowing that Ramaeus faced many difficulties in their Delegacies and dealt with them in a capable manner. Such difficulties included:
• Combating the repeated efforts by a former East Pacifican to destabilize and discredit the government out of spite for losing the election to Ramaeus, and that they handled the situation carefully so that it would leave no permanent damage to the region itself.
• The Osiris-Lazarus war of 2014, where two regions allied to The East Pacific engaged in aggressive conflict and a decision was made to betray neither treaty despite repeated pressure from the government of the People’s Republic of Lazarus and their allies to get involved.
• The New Lazarene Order coup of 2015, where, after a total lack of responses by the governments of the New Lazarene Order and the New Pacific Order to Ramaeus, relations were terminated and The East Pacific joined in the ardent efforts to oppose the coup.
Emphasizing that Ramaeus was a driving force of activity and recruitment, bringing over thirty new recruits to the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army across their terms as Delegate, pushing for rich and vibrant Culture sprees by means of several very talented Ministers, engaging the region in the affairs of the World Assembly, and driving a foreign policy that brought greater interaction with allied regions.
Remarking on two valuable treaties inducted into active policy under Ramaeus’ Delegacies, marking further their vested interest in cooperation with allies. The East Pacific – Osiris Treaty of Amity was signed and honored under Ramaeus, seen as a symbol of kinship between two mutually agreeable regions, and The Tomato Treaty with Taijitu, the drafting of which began through a previous Delegate, was completed and signed under Ramaeus.
Impressed that Ramaeus has been an author in the Security Council on six occasions, with resolutions ranging from recognition of the great contributions of nations within their region to repealing proposals of insufficient merit, as listed below:
• SC #119 "Commend A Slanted Black Stripe"
• SC #138 "Commend Anime Daisuki"
• SC #141 "Commend 1 Infinite Loop"
• SC #158 Repeal “Condemn North Korea”
• SC #166 Repeal “Commend Luna Amore"
• SC #170 "Commend Luna Amore"
Admiring that Ramaeus created a base of operations for the leadership of The East Pacific and their allies during the Fedele coup of 2019, a locale where important decisions and plans were made and executed to liberate The East Pacific.
Concluding that Ramaeus has done many Commendable things in their career and contributed enormously to the history, activity, and success of The East Pacific, marking them as a suitable candidate for recognition by the Security Council.
Hereby CommendsRamaeus.
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!