31 Days of Legendaries


Hoppin' Around
TNP Nation

The North Pacific Cards Guild presents…

31 Days of Legendaries
The Cards Guild’s recent formation is something to celebrate—over 31 players have joined us in the first couple of weeks alone! But that is not the only reason to celebrate. Soon, it will be the holiday season! As the month is a period of joy and gifting, The North Pacific Cards Guild Leadership thought we would like to spend it celebrating with all of the Guild members in the only way we know how to celebrate: with Legendaries!

Each day in December, a random Guild member will be chosen to win a random Legendary! This is one of your best chances to get a free Legendary.

And that’s not all, to celebrate the coming year, on the last day, the random Guild member will win one of the most expensive Legendaries in the game—Testlandia!

How do you win the free cards? Join the Guild if you are not already a member! As soon as you become a Guild member, you will automatically be entered into the lottery, starting from the first day of your membership.

Happy holidays everyone!


The North Pacific Cards Guild Leadership
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Congratulations to @QuietDad for winning the 11th day! Still a long way to go! Can't believe that we're really giving 31 legendaries away for free... Who approved that idea? :P