The Eagle and the Serpent arising together

Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall

++Haor Chall Ministry of Defence Press Room, The Octagon++

Xi Char, Haor Chall

General William Harkin, the Charrian Chief of Defence Staff slowly walked to the podium at the front of the press room, alongside General Mario Mendez from Predice. Behind both men the flags of Haor Chall and Predice were hung side by side. Harkin looked out across the press room, unblinkingly taking in the waiting journalists for a second before he began to talk.

“Thank you all for coming,” Harkin began. “We wish to announce the establishment of a Joint Brigade between Haor Chall and Predice, the first training exercise of which is also due to begin shortly in Predice. Representatives from both governments have met at Luncstadt House here in Xi Char and agreed a new treaty for defence and security co-operation, the text of which has been provided to you. This is a major step forward for both nations, as we begin building a closer relationship, not just as META members but as two military allies, sharing a common view of our interests. We look forward to working together, to benefit the defence and security of not just our two nations but all of Meterra.”

Mendez nods, before speaking, “I would like to echo the comments of my Charrian colleague and look forward to working more closely together, this is a very exciting opportunity for both militaries to extend our cooperation and practice working and fighting together. You will see this in the first exercise which will be starting shortly in Predice. As a demonstration of how this Joint Brigade will build stronger links between our countries, not purely of a military nature, you will see Charrian and Predicean soldiers not just training together, but eating together – as all soldiers on the exercise will be using our Predicean rations.”

Harkin smiled, “Indeed, I suspect our soldiers will not want to go back to our rations after they have tried the excellent Predicean ones.” A polite chuckle rippled round the room. “But it is an excellent example of how this Joint Brigade not only represents significant military potential but also the potential for more cultural and social exchange between our two countries. We will now take some questions…”

The first reporter to stand begins, “John Smith, International Daily Standard. A question for General Harkin, does this treaty mean that Haor Chall is intending to take a more proactive stance internationally, and how does this joint action fit within the commitments both nations have to META?”

“An excellent question, or really two questions,” began Harkin. “Yes, I think this treaty is a demonstration that the years of isolation are over. We have invested considerably in developing expeditionary capability across the Haor Chall armed forces and this is an example of how we can leverage that capability to protect the interests of our nation, of both nations and, indeed, of Meterra. I think, to be clear, this is a separate – bilateral – relationship which is separate from but mutually beneficial to the relationship we have with META. The governments of both Predice and Haor Chall believe that the Joint Brigade helps reinforce the defence clauses of META, as a demonstration of the commitment that both nations share to defending our interests and our allies in META. Next question…?”

++Saint Carlo Air Force Base++

Lt Col Thomas Bray watched with slightly detached interest as the Charrian soldiers onboard his transport aircraft began to ready the first Crusader tank to leave the cavernous hold of the C-200. Already the Predicean ground crew were moving with commendable efficiency to marshal the disembarking forces, as other soldiers from the passenger deck also began to leave the airplane. In the background he could see another C-200 taxiing onto the pan and a smaller C-95 flare as it came in towards the runway. A significant logistical effort was underway to transport the three Charrian regiments deploying to Predice for the exercise.

He had been surprised at first when he had been told they were carrying the Crusader tanks, they were an older MBT which had been replaced in armoured units by the more modern Conqueror and were only still in use with the heavy armoured reconnaissance units. The Crusaders were significantly lighter than the Conqueror however, reducing the potential for any issues out on the ground in Predice and it probably had a more manageable supply chain, which he suspected had been key in the decision – it was clear that a great deal of importance had been attached on the success of this exercise by the heads of shop back in the Octagon. Not only was it high profile, internationally as well as at home, and not only was it important for the optics of the first joint exercise between the two countries, it was the first foreign deployment for the Charrian army in decades. A lot would be riding on the success of this deployment.

Bray decided it was time to head down and meet their hosts, he left his crew to finish their post-flight checks and made his way down towards the cargo deck. The air traffic controllers had seemed friendly enough on the way in, and their heavily accented Mercanti had just about been understandable. Keen to make a good impression, he quickly flicked a glance at the Predicean-Mercanti phrasebook he had been issued with, double-checking the right phrase to greet the Predicean airman with and put it back in his pocket…
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Luncstadt House Treaty
A Defence and Security Co-operation Treaty between the Majestic Twelve of Haor Chall and the Most Serene State of Predice

Entered into force 14 November 2019

The Majestic Twelve of Haor Chall and the Most Serene State of Predice, hereinafter referred to as “The Nations”,

Believing their foreign and defence policies are founded on common interests and responsibilities, and mindful of their rights and obligations, in the fields of security and defence, under the Meterran Economic Treaty Association Charter,

Believing that greater bilateral defence and security co-operation will reinforce the commitment of both nations to supporting the security, stability and prosperity of all Meterra and strengthen the Meterran Economic Treaty Association which remains the foundation of their collective defence,

Bearing in mind that they do not see situations arising in which the vital interests of either Nation could be threatened without the vital interests of the other also being threatened,

Determined to address strategic challenges, ensure collective security, deter potential aggressors and promote international peace,

Seeking to improve the effectiveness and interoperability of their armed forces,

Whilst recalling that the control of their armed forces and decisions on the use of force shall always remain a matter of national sovereignty,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 – Objectives

The Nations, building on existing links between their respective defence and security forces, undertake to build a long-term mutually beneficial partnership with the aims of:

1. Maximising their capacities through coordinating development, acquisition, deployment and maintenance of a range of capabilities, equipment and services, to perform the full spectrum of missions;

2. Establishing a Joint Brigade, formed of military units from both Nations and able to be deployed jointly and act as a framework for other joint deployments;

3. Deploying together into theatres in which both Nations have agreed to be engaged, in operations conducted under the auspices of the Meterran Economic Treaty Association, in a coalition or bilateral framework, as well as supporting, as agreed on a case by case basis, one Nation when it is engaged in operations in which the other Nation is not part;

4. Reinforcing the defence industry of the two Nations, fostering cooperation in research and technology and developing cooperative equipment programmes, to achieve maximum interoperability and commonality where possible ;

5. Ensuring their support for action in the Meterran Economic Treaty Association in all relevant areas.

Article 2 – Scope

The Nations agree that co-operation under the provisions of this Treaty shall include:

1. The strengthening of co-operation between the armed forces of both Nations, which shall include, but not limited to, increasingly close collaboration in the following fields:

a. The conduct of joint exercises and other training activities,

b. Joint work on military doctrine and exchange of military personnel,

c. Close co-operation in contributing to and pooling forces for military operations,

d. Sharing and pooling of materials and equipment where possible;

2. The establishment of a Joint Brigade, formed of high-readiness military units drawn from both nations, with supporting elements as necessary, able to be deployed at short notice in accordance with the objectives set out above;

3. Continuing work on industrial and armament co-operation, with a long-term joint approach, aimed at delivering future military equipment in the most efficient manner, focussing on key technologies, minimising constraints and strengthening industrial competitiveness of both Nations;

4. The sale or loan of materials, equipment and services by one Nation to the other Nation, or the procurement by both Nations from third parties;

5. The exchange of information relating to policy, planning and decision-making processes in the planning, execution and command and control of bilateral and multilateral military operations;

6. Subject to national security regulations, the exchange of classified data and information where related to the performance of equipment or for operational purposes, in accordance with the scope and objectives above.

Article 3 – Management of Co-operation

1. The Predicean Gonfaloniere of Justice and the Charrian Defence and Security Councillor will oversee the progress of co-operation under this Treaty and provide guidance for its development, at a biannual summit.

2. The co-operation undertaken under the provisions of this Treaty shall be directed and co-ordinated by a Joint Steering Committee. The members of this committee will be appointed from the respective Defence staffs and security forces by the Predicean Gonfaloniere of Justice and the Charrian Defence and Security Councillor.

3. The Joint Steering Committee shall take decisions by consensus. It shall be responsible for:

a. Determining the priorities of the co-operation entered into under this Treaty;

b. Exercising oversight of all co-operation entered into under this Treaty;

c. Resolving issues and disputes which may arise in the context of implementing this Treaty;

d. Recommending any proposed amendments to this Treaty.

Article 4 – Deployment of Forces

1. The deployment of the Joint Brigade shall be a decision made by both nations together.

2. The deployment and employment of the armed forces of each Nation, outside the Joint Brigade, shall remain a national responsibility.

3. The Nations shall form, in advance of deployment or employment, a common understanding of the purpose and the legal basis for such deployment or employment and appropriate and complementary rules of engagement.

4. Appropriate command and control arrangements shall be agreed by both Nations for all bilateral deployments or operations.

Article 5 – Access to Facilities or Support Functions

1. Each Nation undertakes to guarantee availability and access any facility or support function where co-operation undertaken under this Treaty has led the Nations to share facilities or support functions, or to dependence on one Nation on facilities or support functions of the other Nation.

2. The provision of facilities and support functions above includes any necessary personnel.

Article 6 – Costs and Benefits

1. The Nations agree to share equitability all costs and benefits incurred as a result of their involvement in co-operation undertaken under this Treaty, including all overhead and administrative costs for the Joint Brigade.

2. Where entering into contracts for all required materials, equipment or services necessary to fulfil a Nations responsibilities under this Treaty, the requirements and terms of the Meterran Economic Treaty Association shall apply to these contracts as applicable.

Article 7 – Other Defence and Security Agreements

1. The provisions of this Treaty shall not affect the rights and obligations of each Nation under other defence and security agreements to which it is a Party.

Article 8 – Duration, Withdrawal and Termination

1. This Treaty shall continue in force until such time as either Nation decides to withdraw from it after having given the other Nation at least twelve months’ notice of its intention to do so.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Governments have signed this Treaty,

DONE at Xi Char on the 14TH day of November, 2019.

For the Majestic Twelve of Haor Chall:

Council of the Majestic Twelve

For the Most Serene State of Predice:

Gonfaloniere of Justice
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