[DRAFT] Regional Assembly Highlights


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation
Regional Assembly Highlights, October 2019

Speaker: Gorundu
Deputy Speakers: Yukkira, Darcania


The proposals that passed through the Regional Assembly in the month of October were the 'Emergency Flag Bill', and the 'Peace Terms Acceptance Amendment'.

Emergency Flag Bill by Darcania

Summary: Due to Tinypic shutting down, our flag and coat of arms ended up becoming this image. Deputy Speaker Darcania immediately proposed reverting the images back to their previous conditions.

Results: 34 ayes, 3 nays, and 1 abstention.

Status: Passed

Peace Terms Acceptance Amendment by IkeaRike

Summary: An amendment to Section 6.4, Clause 18 of the Legal Code, this bill clarifies conditions around the recognition of all terms, formal or otherwise, rather than just treaties, that can end a war, and establishing a voting requirement for ending wars through a simple majority vote in the Regional Assembly.

Results: 22 ayes, 9 nays, and 4 abstentions.

Status: Passed

Current Business

The proposals discussed for the month of October were the 'Lessening Repeating Work (L.R.W.) Bill', and 'Criminalising Espionage in Our Partner Regions'.

The Lessening Repeating Work (L.R.W.) Bill by Praetor

Summary: An amendment to the way that elections are run in the North Pacific, this bill introduces some grammatical fixes to the election laws, changes the method of election for Court Justices to a preferential voting system instead of first past the post, and includes methods for dealing with candidates that either become ineligible or withdraw during the voting period. This bill additionally deals with instances of ties at the end of the voting period.

Status: In Discussion

Criminalising Espionage in Our Partner Regions by St George

Summary: An amendment to Section 1.2 of the Legal Code, this proposal criminalises espionage in all of our partner regions through the rewording of several clauses, so that alliances ratified by the Regional Assembly, as well as non-aggression pacts, are included.

Status: In Discussion

Clarifying Vagueness in Peace Terms Amendment by Dinoium

Summary: As the title suggests, this proposal aims to amend both a grammatical error, and a vagueness in wording of the Peace Terms Amendment bill passed by the Regional Assembly.

Status: In Discussion

[CENTER][B]Regional Assembly Highlights, October 2019[/B]

Speaker: [URL='https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/profile/5061448/']Gorundu[/URL]
Deputy Speakers: [URL='https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/profile/5020911/']Yukkira[/URL], [URL='https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/profile/3268033/']Darcania[/URL]

The proposals that passed through the Regional Assembly in the month of October were the 'Emergency Flag Bill', and the 'Peace Terms Acceptance Amendment'.

[URL='http://Emergency Flag Bill by Darcania']Emergency Flag Bill by Darcania[/URL]

Summary: Due to Tinypic shutting down, our flag and coat of arms ended up becoming [URL='http://tinypic.com/images/goodbye.jpg']this[/URL] image. Deputy Speaker Darcania immediately proposed reverting the images back to their previous conditions.

Results: 34 ayes, 3 nays, and 1 abstention.

Status: Passed

[URL='http://Peace Terms Acceptance Amendment by IkeaRike']Peace Terms Acceptance Amendment by IkeaRike[/URL]

Summary: An amendment to Section 6.4, Clause 18 of the Legal Code, this bill clarifies conditions around the recognition of all terms, formal or otherwise, rather than just treaties, that can end a war, and establishing a voting requirement for ending wars through a simple majority vote in the Regional Assembly.

Results: 22 ayes, 9 nays, and 4 abstentions.

Status: Passed

[B]Current Business[/B]

The proposals discussed for the month of October were the 'Lessening Repeating Work (L.R.W.) Bill', and 'Criminalising Espionage in Our Partner Regions'.

[URL='https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9190741/']The Lessening Repeating Work (L.R.W.) Bill by Praetor[/URL]

Summary: An amendment to the way that elections are run in the North Pacific, this bill introduces some grammatical fixes to the election laws, changes the method of election for Court Justices to a preferential voting system instead of first past the post, and includes methods for dealing with candidates that either become ineligible or withdraw during the voting period. This bill additionally deals with instances of ties at the end of the voting period.

Status: In Discussion

[URL='https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9190411/']Criminalising Espionage in Our Partner Regions by St George[/URL]

Summary: An amendment to Section 1.2 of the Legal Code, this proposal criminalises espionage in all of our partner regions through the rewording of several clauses, so that alliances ratified by the Regional Assembly, as well as non-aggression pacts, are included.

Status: In Discussion

[URL='http://Clarifying Vagueness in Peace Terms Amendment by Dinoium']Clarifying Vagueness in Peace Terms Amendment by Dinoium[/URL]

Summary: As the title suggests, this proposal aims to amend both a grammatical error, and a vagueness in wording of the Peace Terms Amendment bill passed by the Regional Assembly.

Status: In Discussion
Last edited:
Summary: Due to Tinypic™ shutting down, ...
The company's name is stylized in text as "TinyPic". No trademark indicator is necessary.
An amendment to Section 6.4, Clause 18 of the Legal Code, clarifying
This creates a sentence fragment. I suggest replacing "clarifying" with "this bill clarifies".
An amendment to the way that elections are run in the North Pacific. This bill
This is a sentence fragment. I suggest "the North Pacific, this bill".
An amendment to Section 1.2 of the Legal Code, criminalises espionage ...
This is a sentence fragment. Might I suggest, "this proposal criminalises ..."
... so that alliances ratified by the Regional Assembly, and non-aggression pacts, are included.
Commas are not required here, but that would make the sentence more difficult to read. Might I suggest replacing "and" with "as well as", so that you could keep the commas and maintain how the sentence currently flows?

Other than these minor issues, this gets a pass from me.
Last edited:
The company's name is stylized in text as "TinyPic". No trademark indicator is necessary.

This creates a sentence fragment. I suggest replacing "clarifying" with "this bill clarifies".

This is a sentence fragment. I suggest "the North Pacific, this bill".

This is a sentence fragment. Might I suggest, "this proposal criminalises ..."

Commas are not required here, but that would make the sentence more difficult to read. Might I suggest replacing "and" with "as well as", so that you could keep the commas and maintain how the sentence currently flows?

Other than these minor issues, this gets a pass from me.
Thanks for the feedback, Darc. I've amended the article accordingly.