Foreign Policy Poll Results


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
Last Sunday I introduced a poll about foreign policy philosophies to see which one was the most popular. I've finally got around to tallying the results!

First, some definitions:

National Sovereigntism (NatSov): An inward-looking philosophy, invoking nationalism and a rejection of foreign and/or global influence. Often noninterventionist.

International Constructivism (IntCon): An outward-looking philosophy and the opposite of NatSov; aiming towards building greater political and/or economic cooperation and synergy among nations.

Neoconservative Interventionism (Neocon): A combination of NatSov and IntCon that promotes interventionist activity in the foreign sphere, whether political or economic, for the sole benefit of the nation's interests.

Socialist Interventionism (SocInt): A socialist variant of neocon thought focused on 'spreading the revolution'- encouraging socialist activity and thought on a global scale and encouraging socialist states to band together and improve their relations.

Neutral Humanitarianism (NH): A pacifist philosophy; strictly noninterventionist except when it comes to humanitarian aid and offering to mediate/mediating disputes between nations.

Neoliberal Sovereigntism: An offshoot of NatSov philosophy that, though it displays a hallmark aversion to international constructivism, an exception is made in the realm of trade, where as many trade and commerce networks as possible are sought.

That being said, out of these philosophies, amongst those who voted, the winner, with 8 votes, is...

International Constructivism!

IntCon: 8
Neocon: 5
NH: 4
Neoliberal Sovereigntism: 2
NatSov: 1
SocInt: 0
