ACR of Deerfenland
- TNP Nation
- Deerfenland

Opinion by Ivan Okeke
Updated 6:52 PM MTZ, Wed September 29, 2019

Editor's Note: Ivan Okeke is a Political Science Director at the University of Astratov School of Eras. The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of any entity of importance.
(Minsk, Oclusia) - The Democratic Republic of Oclusia is facing the heat from the rest of Eras after they created a new series of harsh laws persecuting those who identify religiously as Courantist. The nation openly blames Courantists for their national problems unreasonably as well as blaming the fall of Oclusi Orthodox Unemployment on the Courantist Church of Oclusia. This cannot be justified and the Democratic Republic of Oclusia was obviously in the wrong in this case.
"Citizens of the Democratic Republic of Oclusia, it is my pleasure to be upon this podium, but not with the certain circumstances that we are looking at as a nation. If you don't know this, Oclusia was founded by numerous tribes of peoples that followed the Orthodox Religion in this land. This can be proven through early texts from the earliest Oclusi tribespeople that set foot on this land. We are also shown that the religion of Courantism hadn't come to Oclusia until the Aleman landed on our shores and created the settlement of Einestadt. We can infer that Courantism spread across the land for that reason along with the trade to Gothis. As soon as Highton let go of Oclusia, the religious separation had already been done. Orthodox was not the predominant religion anymore from that point on. Courantism had taken its place among the people of the nation.
Courantists and Orthodox all were able to live with each other in harmony here in Oclusia since 1952, but then we noticed a major problem within the unemployment rate inside of our nation. We keep a census on the unemployment of religious backgrounds here in Oclusia, and we noticed that the unemployment rate within the Orthodox in Oclusia skyrocketed from 0.21% to a whopping 17% of Orthodox who were unemployed while the Courantists unemployment rate fell from 1.5% of Courantists to 0.11%. What this study shows us in power is that the businesses of the nation are more compelled to hire Courantists over Orthodox. This is a problem because the religion that this nation was founded upon is now getting the short end of the spectrum.
The Pope, Pope John IX, spoke to the world from Via, Ceretis. "Brothers and Sisters of the world. People of the faith of God. I have come to you, my people, today with grave and upsetting news. A great pain has been inflicted on the followers of the word of God, by heretics who seek the destruction of all that is good in this world. They are ignorant, and we pray that they will come to their senses." he said to the world, "The President of Oclusia has declared new conditions against people of the Courantist faith. Our brothers and sisters have done no wrong, and they are being persecuted and singled out for their unwavering faith in God. We call upon the children of God around the world, Courantists, Laurenists, Rakanists, et cetera. All of God's people, I ask of you. Denounce the villainy of this man, make just our cause, and defeat the tide of satanism and evil that has consumed our world."
He finished up with, "I ask that we come together to defeat this menace, and defeat the persecution of God's children, no matter their religion. I ask this through Christ, and his divine wisdom in this matter. Thank you." The Pope sounded disappointed and rightfully so all over the tape.
"Citizens of the Democratic Republic of Oclusia, it is my pleasure to be upon this podium, but not with the certain circumstances that we are looking at as a nation. If you don't know this, Oclusia was founded by numerous tribes of peoples that followed the Orthodox Religion in this land. This can be proven through early texts from the earliest Oclusi tribespeople that set foot on this land. We are also shown that the religion of Courantism hadn't come to Oclusia until the Aleman landed on our shores and created the settlement of Einestadt. We can infer that Courantism spread across the land for that reason along with the trade to Gothis. As soon as Highton let go of Oclusia, the religious separation had already been done. Orthodox was not the predominant religion anymore from that point on. Courantism had taken its place among the people of the nation.
Courantists and Orthodox all were able to live with each other in harmony here in Oclusia since 1952, but then we noticed a major problem within the unemployment rate inside of our nation. We keep a census on the unemployment of religious backgrounds here in Oclusia, and we noticed that the unemployment rate within the Orthodox in Oclusia skyrocketed from 0.21% to a whopping 17% of Orthodox who were unemployed while the Courantists unemployment rate fell from 1.5% of Courantists to 0.11%. What this study shows us in power is that the businesses of the nation are more compelled to hire Courantists over Orthodox. This is a problem because the religion that this nation was founded upon is now getting the short end of the spectrum.
We would like to further note that any Courantist caught trying to cross the border into the nations of Yalkan, Nurbolav, or even Saintoge will be met with detention or death at the border. We need to get our nation back on our feet, and we in the Oclusi government hereby activate these laws to even the playing field for the time being. God bless the Democratic Republic of Oclusia."The Pope, Pope John IX, spoke to the world from Via, Ceretis. "Brothers and Sisters of the world. People of the faith of God. I have come to you, my people, today with grave and upsetting news. A great pain has been inflicted on the followers of the word of God, by heretics who seek the destruction of all that is good in this world. They are ignorant, and we pray that they will come to their senses." he said to the world, "The President of Oclusia has declared new conditions against people of the Courantist faith. Our brothers and sisters have done no wrong, and they are being persecuted and singled out for their unwavering faith in God. We call upon the children of God around the world, Courantists, Laurenists, Rakanists, et cetera. All of God's people, I ask of you. Denounce the villainy of this man, make just our cause, and defeat the tide of satanism and evil that has consumed our world."
He finished up with, "I ask that we come together to defeat this menace, and defeat the persecution of God's children, no matter their religion. I ask this through Christ, and his divine wisdom in this matter. Thank you." The Pope sounded disappointed and rightfully so all over the tape.

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