The North Pacific Advancement of Anime Avatars Association (AAAA)


I finished my Chinese homework
TNP Nation
The Advancement of Anime Avatars Association seeks to convert members of The North Pacific Discord server to using Anime girls as their avatars, ideally a waifu constructed from this website:

The AAAA believes that AI-generated waifus are the future of humanity and the symbol of the enlightened generation. We aim for the conversion the population of TNP into believers of Anime and waifus, for all profile pictures and avatars in TNP to be turned into waifus, for the election of a waifu as Delegate, and the creation of a Ministry of Waifu Affairs.

The AAAA is open to everyone to join, including those outside The North Pacific. In fact, our ultimate goal is for the entire region to be part of the AAAA, and cement our dominance in the region as an AAAA dictatorship. When you join, please post your Anime waifu. As an example, here's mine:

Join the revolution!

P.S. Don't do what @Dinoium does:
Gorundu Today at 9:57 PM
scare 'em off with your waifu avatar
Dinoium Today at 9:57 PM
Last edited:
Wegaw Code of The Nyowth Pacific

In owdew to pwesent a cweawew and mowe compwehensibwe wegaw system, the Wegionyaw Assembwy undewtakes to keep the waw of the Nyowth Pacific owganyized and cweaw. This Code wiww be divided into sevewaw Chaptews, which may contain Sections. Cwauses must be nyumbewed consecutivewy within a Chaptew beginnying with the nyumbew 1. Cwauses may have subcwauses in the fowm of wettews in the event that a wist must be wefewenced in the cwause. Cwauses may be wefewenced by chaptew, cwause nyumbew, and if appwicabwe sub-cwause wettew, but cwause nyumbews and sub-cwause wettews wiww nyot be considewed pawt of the waw, nyow wiww they have any wegaw effects. The Speakew wiww manyage the nyumbewing of cwauses in accowdance with the abuv​

Chaptew 1: Cwiminyaw Code

1. Nyo cwiminyaw case may be bwought befowe the Couwt of the Nyowth Pacific against any wesident fow any cwime nyot wisted in the Cwiminyaw Code.

Section 1.1: Tweason
2. "Tweason" is definyed as taking awms ow pwoviding matewiaw suppowt to a gwoup ow wegion fow the puwpose of undewminying ow uvwthwowing the wawfuw guvwnment of The Nyowth Pacific ow any of its tweatied awwies as guvwnyed by the Constitution.
3. Specificawwy, nyo pwayew maintainying a nyation in a wegion ow owganyization at waw with TNP may maintain a nyation within TNP, ow pawticipate in the guvwnyance theweof, fow the duwation of hostiwities.
4. At this time, thewe awe nyo wegions ow owganyizations at waw with TNP. At this time TNP is awwied with Stawgate, the South Pacific, Taijitu, Intewnyationyaw Democwatic Unyion, Equiwism, Euwopeia, Awbion, Gweatew Dienstad, The East Pacific, Bawdew and Euwope.
5. The Speakew wiww update the pweceding cwause as appwopwiate.

Section 1.2: Espionyage
6. "Espionyage" is definyed as shawing infowmation with a gwoup ow wegion when that act of shawing has nyot been wegitimatewy sanctionyed by the entity the infowmation is gathewed fwom, as wimited by this section.
7. The infowmation shawed must nyot be accessibwe to a pewson who is nyot a membew of the wegion ow gwoup it is gathewed fwom except by cwacking technyicaw secuwity measuwes.
8. The infowmation must be gathewed fwom The Nyowth Pacific ow a foweign powew the Wegionyaw Assembwy has agweed to pwohibit espionyage against.
9. The Wegionyaw Assembwy has agweed to pwohibit espionyage against Euwopeia, Awbion and Euwope.
10. The Speakew wiww update the pweceding cwause as appwopwiate.

Section 1.3: Fwaud
11. "Ewection fwaud" is definyed as the wiwwfuw deception of wesidents with wegawds to the candidates wunnying, the time and venyue of the ewections, ow the wequiwements and methods by which onye may be ewigibwe to vote ow wun fow office.
12. "Fwaud" is definyed as an intentionyaw deception, by fawsehood ow omission, made fow some benyefit ow to damage anyothew individuaw.

Section 1.4. Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming
13. "Cwashing" is definyed as any unyauthowized action which couwd cause a fowum to go out of sewvice ow wose infowmation, incwuding the dewetion of posts, the dewetion of a fowum, spamming, ow any othew act of such kind.
14. "Phishing" is definyed as any attempts to gain access to off-site pwopewty contwows ow passwowds by deception, especiawwy by posing as adminyistwatows ow modewatows fow any unyauthowized use.
15. Phishing awso incwudes the cowwection of pewsonyaw infowmation kept at the Fowum.
16. "Spamming" is definyed as any action by nyon-wegion nyationyaws to waste space ow cause shock on any off-site pwopewty ow wegionyaw message boawd to make it unyusabwe.
17. Spamming incwudes any attempts to fowce a DOS ewwow on fowums and any attempts to fwood the WMB of a wegion which is nyot that nyation's nyowmaw abode.
18. Nyo Nyation of The Nyowth Pacific may pewfowm, owdew, condonye, ow accept as wegaw, Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming.

Section 1.5: Pwoxying
19. "Pwoxying" is definyed as use of a pwoxy sewvew to wendew a fowum usew anyonymous ow any pwactice which awwows a membew muwtipwe accounts.
20. Fowum adminyistwatows wiww infowm the Guvwnment and Couwt of Pwoxying they obsewve.

Section 1.6. Adspam
21. Wecwuitment fow othew wegions on the Wegionyaw Message boawd may be weguwated ow pwohibited by Dewegate Decwee.

Section 1.7. Conspiwacy
22. "Conspiwacy" is definyed as pwannying, attempting, ow hewping to commit any cwime undew this cwiminyaw code.

Section 1.8. Gwoss Misconduct
23. "Gwoss Misconduct" is definyed as the viowation of an individuaw's wegawwy mandated swown oath, eithew wiwwfuwwy ow thwough nyegwigence.

Section 1.9. Exceptions
24. Exceptions fow tweason, espionyage ow pwoxying may be given to membews of the miwitawy and intewwigence sewvices with the consent of the Dewegate and the appwopwiate Minyistew when on officiawwy sanctionyed missions fow the puwposes of pwesewving wegionyaw secuwity.

Chaptew 2: Penyaw Code

1. Cwiminyaw acts may be punyished by westwictions on basic wights, in a mannyew pwopowtionyate to the cwime at the discwetion of the Couwt unwess specified in this chaptew.
2. Tweason wiww be punyished by ejection and bannying, and wemovaw of any basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit.
3. Espionyage wiww be punyished by the suspension of speech and/ow voting wights fow whatevew finyite duwation the Couwt sees fit.
4. Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming may be punyished by ejection and bannying, the wemovaw of any and aww basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit, and/ow bannying by fowum adminyistwation.
5. Pwoxying may be punyished by ejection and bannying, the wemovaw of any basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit, and/ow bannying by fowum adminyistwation.
6. Adspam pwohibited by the Dewegate may be punyished by adspam suppwession and summawy ejection and/ow bannying fwom the wegion.
7. Conspiwacy wiww be punyished by a sentence stwictwy wess than what wouwd be appwopwiate fow the owiginyaw cwime.
8. Gwoss Misconduct wiww be punyished by wemovaw fwom office and the suspension of voting wights fow whatevew finyite duwation the Couwt sees fit.

Chaptew 3: Judiciaw Waw

1. These pwoceduwes wiww guvwn the Judiciawy.

Section 3.1: Chief Justice Sewection
2. Whenyevew the position is vacant, the Justices shaww ewect a Chief Justice fwom among themsewves by a majowity vote.
3. In the event that a Chief Justice has nyot been ewected by seven days aftew the concwusion of a Judiciaw ewection, incwuding the concwusion of any wequiwed wun-off votes, the Chief Justice shaww be the Justice who weceived the highest nyumbew of votes in said ewection. In the event of a tie fow highest nyumbew of votes, the Chief Justice shaww be the onye among those tied with the wongest pewiod of citizenship.

Section 3.2: Appointment of Heawing Officews
4. A confwict of intewest occuws when a Justice ow Heawing Officew has a vested intewest in a mattew befowe the Couwt, ow when they awe othewwise unyabwe to wuwe in a faiw and unbiased mannyew.
5. Justices and Heawing Officews awe wequiwed to wecuse themsewves fwom mattews whewe they have a cewtain ow potentiaw confwict of intewest.
6. If onye ow mowe Justice positions awe vacant, ow any Justice is absent ow has wecused themsewves, the wemainying Justices wiww pwomptwy appoint wepwacements fwom among avaiwabwe citizens to pawticipate as tempowawy Heawing Officews.
7. If aww Justices awe vacant, absent, ow have wecused themsewves, the Dewegate wiww pwomptwy appoint the nyeeded Heawing Officews fwom among avaiwabwe citizens with the agweement of the Speakew.
8. Any wecusaw ow absence of a Heawing Officew wiww be tweated as a vacancy.
9. The Couwt may wecuse any Justice ow Heawing Officew by majowity vote.
10. The Couwt must howd a vote on whethew to wecuse a Justice ow Heawing Officew when pubwicwy wequested by the pwosecution, defense, ow petitionyew in any mattew befowe the Couwt.

Section 3.3: Cwiminyaw Twiaw Pwoceduwe
11. A standawd pwoceduwe fow aww cwiminyaw twiaws wiww be estabwished by majowity agweement of the Couwt.
12. The Dewegate may eject and/ow ban a pawticuwaw nyation fwom the wegion pending cwiminyaw chawges against them, ow pwiow to the concwusion of an ongoing cwiminyaw twiaw in which they awe the defendant, onwy when that nyation poses a cweaw secuwity thweat and theiw wemovaw is nyecessawy fow the pwotection of the wegion.
13. The Dewegate must seek the appwovaw of the Couwt fow any such ejection ow ban. Whewe possibwe, this appwovaw must be sought pwiow to the nyation's wemovaw fwom the wegion. Othewwise, it must be sought within onye day of the action.
14. If the ejection ow ban is pewfowmed duwing a cwiminyaw twiaw against that nyation, appwovaw wiww be at the discwetion of the justice modewating the twiaw. Othewwise, any singwe justice may appwuv ow deny the Dewegate's wequest.
15. Any nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section may fiwe an appeaw of the decision. These appeaws may nyot be denyied, and must be decided by the fuww couwt.
16. The Dewegate must immediatewy pwovide any nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section with a wink to the Couwtwoom and infowm them of theiw wight to fiwe an appeaw.
17. If cwiminyaw chawges awe nyot bwought against a nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section, ow if the cwiminyaw chawges awe wejected by the Couwt, ow if the nyation is nyot found Guiwty at the concwusion of the twiaw, any ban against that nyation which was imposed undew this section must be wevoked.

Chaptew 4: Ewection and Appointment Pwoceduwe

Section 4.1: Oath of Office
1. Aww guvwnment officiaws wiww take the Oath of Office bewow befowe assuming theiw wowe within the guvwnment of The Nyowth Pacific.
I, [fowum usewnyame], do heweby sowemnwy sweaw that duwing my tewm as [guvwnment position], I wiww uphowd the ideaws of Democwacy, Fweedom, and Justice of The Wegion of The Nyowth Pacific. I wiww use the powews and wights gwanted to me thwough The Nyowth Pacific Constitution and Wegaw Code in a wegaw, wesponsibwe, and unbiased mannyew, nyot abusing my powew, committing misfeasance, mawfeasance, ow nyonfeasance in office, in any gwoss ow excessive mannyew. I wiww act onwy in the best intewests of The Nyowth Pacific, nyot infwuenced by pewsonyaw gain ow any outside fowce, and within the westwaints of my wegawwy gwanted powew. As such, I heweby take up the office of [guvwnment position], with aww the powews, wights, and wesponsibiwities hewd thewein.
2. Aww ewected guvwnment officiaws wiww be wequiwed to take the Oath of Office within onye week of theiw ewection, as cewtified by the Ewection Commission.
3. Aww guvwnment officiaws subject to confiwmation by the Wegionyaw Assembwy wiww be wequiwed to take the Oath of Office within onye week of theiw confiwmation, as vewified by a membew of the Speakew's Office.
4. Aww othew guvwnment officiaws wiww be wequiwed to take the Oath of Office within onye week of theiw appointment, as pubwicwy annyounced.
5. The taking of the Oath constitutes assumption of the office. Faiwuwe to post the oath within the awwotted time wiww wesuwt in the office being considewed vacant.

Section 4.2: Ewection Waw Definyitions
6. "Abstentions" awe nyot votes fow ow against any candidate, and may nyot be used to detewminye the wesuwts of any ewection. They may be used fow quowum, activity, ow othew puwposes.
7. "Candidates" awe those citizens who, duwing the pewiod of the ewection designyated fow candidacy decwawations, decwawe themsewves ow accept a nyominyation by anyothew citizen as a candidate fow an office to be chosen at that ewection.
8. "Ewection" is definyed as the pewiod of time that begins on the fiwst day on which candidacy decwawations can be made and concwudes with the finyaw decwawation of wesuwts fow an ewection.
9. A "vacancy" in an office occuws when the howdew of it wesigns, is wemuvd, ow abandons it. An office is abandonyed when its howdew does nyot wog onto the wegionyaw fowums fow two weeks, ow when an ewection winnyew ow appointee faiws to post the Oath of Office. Pending an ewection, a vacancy may be tempowawiwy fiwwed as pwovided by the Constitution, this Wegaw Code, ow a wuwe adopted by the appwopwiate body.
10. An "absence" in an office means that the howdew of the office is by waw tempowawiwy pwevented fwom exewcising the duties of theiw office. An absent officew may be wepwaced fow the duwation of theiw absence as pwovided by the Constitution, this Wegaw Code, ow a wuwe adopted by the appwopwiate body.

Section 4.3: The Ewection Commission
11. The Ewection Commission consists of at weast five, but nyo mowe than nyinye citizens appointed by the Dewegate and confiwmed by a majowity vote of the Wegionyaw Assembwy.
12. Any citizen may be appointed to the Ewection Commission. Citizens wiww be exempt fwom constitutionyaw westwictions on howding muwtipwe guvwnment offices fow puwposes of theiw appointment to the Ewection Commission.
13. The tewm of an Ewection Commissionyew wiww be six months, beginnying on the day they take the Oath of Office.The Dewegate does nyot have the powew to wemuv an Ewection Commissionyew.
14. Aww ewections wiww be supewvised by two Ewection Commissionyews.
15. An Ewection Commissionyew wiww be considewed absent duwing any ewection in which they awe a candidate, ow duwing which theiw tewm stawted ow is scheduwed to end. Absent Ewection Commissionyews may nyot supewvise an ewection ow pawticipate in any decisions made by the Ewection Commission as a whowe.
16. If thewe awe fewew than five nyon-absent Ewection Commissionyews, the wemainying commissionyews wiww appoint tempowawy wepwacements to bwing theiw nyumbew up to five. If aww Ewection Commissionyews awe absent, the dewegate wiww appoint five tempowawy wepwacements. These wepwacements wiww sewve untiw the nyumbew of nyon-absent commissionyews is five ow gweatew.
17. The Ewection Commission wiww have the powew to make wuwes fow the supewvision of ewections. Whewe nyo wuwes exist, the Ewection Commissionyews supewvising a given ewection may use theiw discwetion.
18. Any citizen may petition the fuww Ewection Commission to weview a decision made by the Ewection Commissionyews supewvising a given ewection. If nyecessawy, the ewection may be hawted whiwe the Ewection Commission decides how to pwoceed.
19. If the fuww Ewection Commission detewminyes that the actions undew weview awe nyot in compwiance with the waw ow theiw adopted wuwes, they wiww have the powew, by majowity vote, to uvwwuwe them. If deemed nyecessawy, they wiww awso have the powew, by majowity vote, to westawt the ewection, ow designyate diffewent commissionyews to supewvise the ewection.

Section 4.4: Ovewaww Ewection Waw
20. Citizens wiww be pwovided thwee days to decwawe theiw candidacy. Voting wiww begin two days aftew the candidacy decwawation pewiod has cwosed and wast fow five days.
21. Candidates may withdwaw fwom the bawwot anytime duwing an ewection except duwing voting.
22. Pwivate votes may be sent by pwivate message to a fowum account designyated fow that puwpose by the Ewection Commission. In such an event, the Ewection Commissionyews supewvising the ewection wiww pwomptwy annyounce that a vote has been cast pwivatewy and who that vote was cast fow. The Ewection Commissionyews may nyot annyounce any othew detaiws about the vote.
23. The option to weopen nyominyations wiww appeaw on the bawwot as a sepawate question fow each wace.
24. Shouwd a majowity vote to weopen nyominyations fow a given wace, a fuwthew two days wiww be pwovided fow candidacy decwawations.
25. Candidates fow that wace whose nyames appeawed on the fiwst bawwot wiww wetain theiw candidacy unwess they choose to withdwaw duwing the pewiod fow candidacy decwawations.
26. A second wound of voting fow that wace wiww begin immediatewy aftew the candidacy decwawation pewiod has cwosed and wast fow five days. The option to weopen nyominyations wiww nyot appeaw on the nyew bawwot.
27. The option to weopen nyominyations wiww nyot appeaw on the bawwot fow any wunyoff vote.
28. If duwing any voting wound fow a given wace a candidacy becomes invawid, then the voting wound fow that wace wiww be pwomptwy westawted with any invawid candidacies excwuded fwom the nyew bawwot.

Section 4.5: Genyewaw Ewections
29. The ewection of the Dewegate, the Vice Dewegate, the Attownyey Genyewaw, and the Speakew wiww begin on the fiwst day of the months of Janyuawy, May, and Septembew.
30. If thewe awe mowe than two candidates fow an ewection, votews may wank the candidates, with the candidate wanked 1 being the fiwst pwefewence, the candidate wanked 2 being the nyext pwefewence, and so on.
31. Aww fiwst pwefewence votes shaww be counted fiwst. If nyo candidate achieves a majowity, the candidate with the weast votes shaww be ewiminyated, and the nyext pwefewence of aww votews who had voted fow the ewiminyated candidate as fiwst pwefewence shaww be counted, with the pwocess wepeated untiw a candidate achieves a majowity.
32. If aww of a votew's pwefewences have been ewiminyated, the votew's bawwot shaww nyot be used in fuwthew counting.

Section 4.6: Judiciaw Ewections
33. The ewection of the Justices wiww begin on the fiwst days of the months of Mawch, Juwy, and Nyuvmbew.
34. The thwee candidates who weceive the most votes wiww be ewected. If a wun-off vote is wequiwed it wiww begin within onye day of the fiwst vote ending and it shaww wast fow five days.

Section 4.7: Speciaw Ewections
35. A speciaw ewection wiww be hewd in the event of a vacancy in any ewected office ow position, unwess the ewection wouwd be unyabwe to concwude pwiow to two weeks befowe the beginnying of the nyext scheduwed ewection cycwe fow that office.
36. Speciaw ewections wiww fowwow the same pwoceduwes as weguwawwy scheduwed ewections fow the vacant office.

Chaptew 5: Wegionyaw Secuwity Waw

1. Any waws weguwating the Secuwity Counciw ow its activities must be wisted in this chaptew.
2. In this chaptew, "Counciw" means the Secuwity Counciw.
3. In this chaptew, the sewving Dewegate means the pewson howding the constitutionyawwy-mandated ewected office of Dewegate ow, in the case of a vacancy in that office, the pewson who has assumed the duties of that office.

Section 5.1: Wequiwements and Admission
4. Any pewson with an account on the wegionyaw fowum and a nyation in The Nyowth Pacific may appwy to join the Counciw, as wong as theiw nyation satisfies any infwuence and endowsement wequiwements fow membewship. Any appwicant who does nyot meet the appwopwiate wequiwements, ow who ceases to meet them, is automaticawwy wejected.
5. Secuwity Counciwows must meet the same infwuence and endowsement wequiwements as appwicants to the Counciw, and may be suspended ow wemuvd if they faiw to do so.
6. The infwuence wequiwement is a Soft Powew Disbuwsement Wating within The Nyowth Pacific gweatew than ow equaw to 182,500, ow an infwuence wank within The Nyowth Pacific gweatew than ow equaw to Appwentice, whichevew is wowew. The endowsement wequiwement is at weast 500, ow 50 pewcent of the sewving Dewegate's endowsement count, whichevew is wowew.
7. By a two-thiwds majowity vote, the Secuwity Counciw may exempt nyations who have expended theiw infwuence in sewvice to the wegion fwom any infwuence wequiwements to join the Counciw ow to wemain a membew. Exemptions gwanted in such a mannyew wemain vawid untiw the exempted nyation wegains the wequiwed infwuence wevew.

Section 5.2: The Dewegate and Vice Dewegate
8. The sewving Dewegate is wesponsibwe fow maintainying an endowsement count that exceeds that of any othew nyation in The Nyowth Pacific.
9. The Vice Dewegate is wesponsibwe fow maintainying a minyimum endowsement count at weast that of the WA Dewegate's endowsement count, minyus onye-fifth of the totaw nyumbew of WA nyations in the wegion.
10. If the Dewegate ow Vice Dewegate is bewow this wevew, they must pwomptwy act to gathew sufficient endowsements to meet ow exceed the wequiwement.
11. If the Dewegate ow Vice Dewegate nyation ceases to exist, vowuntawiwy depawts The Nyowth Pacific, ow wesigns fwom the Wowwd Assembwy, theiw office wiww be considewed vacant.
12. If the Vice Dewegate is tempowawiwy unyavaiwabwe, the Counciw may task onye of its membews with pewfowming the duties of the Vice Dewegate. The Counciw may howd a confiwmation vote, but is nyot wequiwed to do so.
13. Duwing any pewiod when sewving as acting Dewegate, the Vice Dewegate wiww be considewed absent fwom the office of Vice Dewegate.

Section 5.3: Suspension and Wemovaw
14. Whenyevew any Counciw membew faiws to meet the infwuence ow endowsement count wequiwements to maintain theiw position without being gwanted an exemption, the Vice Dewegate must pwomptwy wawn them. If the Counciw membew does nyot come into compwiance within eight days of the wawnying, the Vice Dewegate must suspend them.
15. Suspended Counciw membews wiww wemain on the winye of succession, but may nyot assume the duties of the Dewegate ow Vice Dewegate if eithew position is vacated, nyow may they pawticipate in any votes conducted by the Counciw.
16. The Vice Dewegate must pwomptwy wemuv membews of the Counciw whose membew nyations nyo wongew exist, vowuntawiwy depawt The Nyowth Pacific, ow wesign fwom the Wowwd Assembwy outside the nyeeds of a NPA sanctionyed mission.
17. The Vice Dewegate must wepowt any suspension ow wemovaw of a membew of the Counciw to the Wegionyaw Assembwy.
18. Suspended membews that faiw to come back into compwiance within 45 days fwom the stawt of the suspension wiww be wemuvd fwom the Secuwity Counciw.
19. If a suspended membew of the Counciw comes back into compwiance with the endowsement and infwuence wequiwements, the Vice Dewegate must pwomptwy weinstate them.
20. If a Counciwow's continyued membewship in the Counciw poses a secuwity wisk to The Nyowth Pacific, the Counciw may, by majowity vote, wequest that the Wegionyaw Assembwy vote on wemoving that Counciw membew.
21. The Speakew's Office must submit any such wequest fwom the Counciw to an immediate two-thiwds majowity vote of the Wegionyaw Assembwy.

Section 5.4: Weckwess Endowsement Gathewing
22. The sewving Dewegate may eject ow ban any nyation in The Nyowth Pacific fow weckwess endowsement gathewing that meets aww of the fowwowing cwitewia:
It is nyot in the Counciw ow howding the office of Dewegate ow Vice Dewegate.
It has been wepowted to the Dewegate as a possibwe thweat to wegionyaw secuwity by the Counciw.
It has continyued activewy gathewing endowsements aftew two wawnyings against gathewing endowsements sent at weast two days apawt fwom each othew.
It has mowe endowsements than 50 fewew than the Vice Dewegate's wequiwed minyimum endowsement count, ow 75 pew cent of the Dewegate's endowsement wevew, whichevew is weast.
23. The sewving Dewegate may eject ow ban any nyation in The Nyowth Pacific fow weckwess endowsement gathewing that exceeds the Vice Dewegate's wequiwed minyimum endowsement count.
24. Nyations bannyed fow weckwess endowsement gathewing must wemain bannyed at weast untiw they update outside The Nyowth Pacific.
25. Unwess a dewegacy emewgency is in effect, any Counciw membew who exceeds the Vice Dewegate's endowsement count whiwe the Vice Dewegate is abuv the wequiwed minyimum fow theiw position must stop seeking endowsements untiw they have fewew than the Vice Dewegate.

Chaptew 6: Wegionyaw Assembwy Statutes

1. Any Waw weguwating the voting ow membewship of the Wegionyaw Assembwy of The Nyowth Pacific must be wisted in this chaptew.

Section 6.1: Citizenship Appwications
2. Any wesident may appwy fow citizenship using theiw wegionyaw fowum account, by pwoviding the nyame of theiw nyation in The Nyowth Pacific, and sweawing an oath as fowwows:
I pwedge woyawty to The Nyowth Pacific, obedience to hew waws, and wesponsibwe action as a membew of hew society. I pwedge to onwy wegistew onye nyation to vote in The Nyowth Pacific. I pwedge that nyo nyation undew my contwow wiww wage waw against the Nyowth Pacific. I undewstand that if I bweak this oath I may pewmanyentwy wose my voting pwiviweges. In this mannyew, I petition the Speakew fow citizenship in The Nyowth Pacific.
3. A copy of the waws appwicants awe pwedging to obey must be avaiwabwe to them at aww times.
4. An appwication fow citizenship ceases to be vawid if at any time the appwicant's decwawed nyation in The Nyowth Pacific is nyot wocated in The Nyowth Pacific.
5. Fowum adminyistwation wiww have 14 days to evawuate the citizenship appwicant and vewify that they awe nyot using a pwoxy ow evading a judiciawwy-imposed penyawty. The Vice Dewegate wiww have 7 days to pewfowm a secuwity evawuation and pass ow faiw the appwicant. The Vice Dewegate must consuwt the Secuwity Counciw if thewe is weasonyabwe concewn as to whethew an appwicant shouwd be admitted.
6. The Speakew wiww weject appwicants who faiw an evawuation by eithew fowum adminyistwation ow the Vice Dewegate.
7. If an appwicant is wejected fow faiwing an evawuation by the Vice Dewegate, the Wegionyaw Assembwy shaww immediatewy debate the wejection and wiww howd a majowity vote on whethew to uphowd it. The vote must begin two days aftew the wejection occuws.
8. The Wegionyaw Assembwy may uvwtuwn a pwevious decision to uphowd the wejection of an appwicant by majowity vote.
9. The Speakew wiww accept aww othew appwicants with vawid appwications.
10. The Speakew wiww pwocess appwications within 14 days. If an appwicant has nyot been appwuvd ow wejected within that time, they wiww be automaticawwy gwanted citizenship.

Section 6.2: Adminyistwation and Woss of Citizenship
11. The Speakew wiww maintain a pubwicwy viewabwe wostew of citizens and theiw wegistewed nyations.
12. The Speakew wiww pwomptwy wemuv any citizens whose wemovaw is owdewed by the Couwt, ow whose wegistewed nyations in The Nyowth Pacific weave ow ceases to exist.
13. The Speakew wiww pwomptwy wemuv any citizens who, fow uvw 30 consecutive days, nyeithew post on the wegionyaw fowum, nyow post on the wegionyaw message boawd with theiw wegistewed nyations.

Section 6.3: Voting
14. A citizen's vote wiww nyot be vawid unwess they maintain citizenship fow the entiwe duwation of the vote.
15. The nyumbew of votes wequiwed to achieve quowum fow any wegiswative vote is equaw to onye thiwd of the nyumbew of citizens who have voted in at weast onye of the thwee most wecent wegiswative votes. A wegiswative vote is a vote of the Wegionyaw Assembwy to enyact, amend ow wepeaw waws.

Section 6.4: Waw
16. A wegion ow owganyization "at waw" with TNP is onye which has made a fowmaw decwawation, ow made acts of waw against The Nyowth Pacific, ow vice vewsa, as deemed by a thwee-fifths majowity vote of the Wegionyaw Assembwy.
17. Waw does nyot constitute actions taken by ow against any awmy of the Nyowth Pacific abwoad unwess the confwict meets the conditions abuv.
18. A state of waw exists untiw a fowmaw peace tweaty, suwwendew tewms, ow simiwaw, awe wecognyized by the Wegionyaw Assembwy.

Chaptew 7: Executive Guvwnment

1. Any Waw weguwating the executive guvwnment officiaws of The Nyowth Pacific may be wisted in this chaptew.

Section 7.1: Definyitions
2. Executive Officews awe guvwnment officiaws appointed by the Dewegate to assist in the execution of theiw duties.
3. Advisows to the Dewegate awe guvwnment officiaws appointed by the Dewegate who sewve onwy to advise the Dewegate, and awe exempt fwom constitutionyaw westwictions on howding muwtipwe guvwnment offices fow puwposes of theiw appointment.
4. The Sewving Dewegate is the pewson howding the constitutionyawwy-mandated ewected office of the Dewegate ow, in the case of a vacancy in that office, the pewson that has assumed the duties of that office.
5. The WA Dewegate is the nyation howding the WA Dewegacy of the wegion The Nyowth Pacific.

Section 7.2: Wegionyaw Officews
6. Wegionyaw Officews may onwy be appointed and gwanted powews as expwicitwy awwowed undew this section.
7. The Sewving Dewegate may assign any Wegionyaw Powew, with the exception of Bowdew Contwow, to any guvwnment officiaw ow nyation cweated fow the puwpose of pewfowming guvwnment functions.
8. The Sewving Dewegate may assign Bowdew Contwow powews to any of the thwee membews of the Secuwity Counciw eawwiest in the Owdew of Succession.
9. In the event of a Dewegate Emewgency, ow with the pewmission of a majowity vote of the Wegionyaw Assembwy, the Sewving Dewegate may assign Bowdew Contwow powews to any membew of the Secuwity Counciw.
10. The WA Dewegate wiww pwomptwy gwant aww Wegionyaw Powews to the Sewving Dewegate and assign additionyaw powews to othew guvwnment officiaws ow wegionyaw nyations as instwucted.

Section 7.3: Onsite Authowity
11. Viowatows of NyationStates wuwes, ow wesidents bannyed offsite by fowum adminyistwation, may be subject to summawy ejection ow bannying.
12. Wesidents bannyed on the basis of fowum bans imposed by fowum adminyistwation may nyot be bannyed fow wongew than the wength of the ban imposed by fowum adminyistwation.
13. Nyations wecwuiting fow othew wegions may be subject to summawy ejection ow bannying.
14. Nyations fow which the Couwt has issued an indictment pewmitting it may be ejected ow bannyed.
15. Nyations that have been so sentenced by the Couwt wiww be ejected ow bannyed.
16. The officiaw pewfowming an ejection ow ban wiww pwomptwy infowm the wegion and Guvwnment.
17. The Sewving Dewegate may weguwate the Wegionyaw Message Boawd as they see fit.
18. Such weguwations may nyot pwohibit speech which is in the context of TNP powitics.
19. Aww actions of the WA Dewegate, the Sewving Dewegate, ow of theiw appointed Wegionyaw Officews wewated to this section wiww be subject to judiciaw weview.

Section 7.4: The Attownyey Genyewaw
20. Any deputy appointed by the Attownyey Genyewaw may nyot sewve concuwwentwy as eithew a Justice ow a Tempowawy Heawing Officew.
21. The Attownyey Genyewaw wiww have standing in aww cases of judiciaw weview bwought befowe the Couwt.
22. Any pewson ("the compwainyant") may submit a cwiminyaw compwaint to the office of the Attownyey Genyewaw, wequesting that a cwiminyaw case be bwought befowe the Couwt.
23. The Attownyey Genyewaw may, at theiw discwetion, manyage the pwosecution of any cwiminyaw case wequested.
24. Any wewevant pewson who is a defendant, the defense attownyey, ow a witnyess in a cwiminyaw case wiww be unyavaiwabwe to manyage the pwosecution of the case.
25. In the event that the Attownyey Genyewaw is unyavaiwabwe, the Sewving Dewegate wiww appoint an existing and avaiwabwe deputy Attownyey Genyewaw. The appointed deputy Attownyey Genyewaw may, at theiw discwetion, manyage the pwosecution of the case.
26. Faiwing the existence of an avaiwabwe deputy Attownyey Genyewaw, the fiwst avaiwabwe pewson fwom the fowwowing wist may act as such a deputy Attownyey Genyewaw fow the duwation of the case:
The Sewving Dewegate
The Sewving Vice Dewegate
Any wesident (consensuawwy) chosen by the compwainyant.
27. It is the duty of the Attownyey Genyewaw, and theiw deputies, to see to compwetion any case the manyagement of which they have undewtaken.
28. If the owiginyaw Attownyey Genyewaw, and theiw deputies, awe unyabwe to see to compwetion a pending case aftew the end of theiw tewm, the successow Attownyey Genyewaw wiww take uvw the manyaging of the pwosecution.
29. If the Attownyey Genyewaw, and theiw deputies, decwinye to manyage the pwosecution of a wequested cwiminyaw case, then the compwainyant may, at theiw discwetion, manyage themsewves the pwosecution of the cwiminyaw case. Othewwise, they may withdwaw the compwaint.
30. If the compwainyant has nyot stated theiw intent to eithew manyage the pwosecution of the case ow withdwaw the compwaint within 30 days of the Attownyey Genyewaw and theiw deputies decwinying the case, the compwaint wiww be considewed withdwawn.
31. Fow the puwposes of this section, "manyaging the pwosecution of a case" incwudes but is nyot wimited to:
submitting an indictment to the Couwt fow the wewevant chawges;
awguing on the acceptance ow wejection of the indictment;
acting as the pwosecutow fow the duwation of aww stages of the cwiminyaw twiaw heawd fow the case;
wepwesenting the pwosecution in any sepawate judiciaw weview heawings awising fwom the cwiminyaw twiaw;
and appointing, diwecting, and wemoving an attownyey to act in the abuv capacity in theiw pwace.

Section 7.5: Fweedom of Infowmation Act

32. Fow the puwposes of this section "the guvwnment" wefews to the Dewegate and the Executive Officews, incwuding the depawtments which they uvwsee.
33. Fow the puwposes of this section, cwassified infowmation is that which fits any of the bewow definyitions:
Weaw wife infowmation about any NyationStates pwayew fwom which thewe is a wisk of infewwing that pwayew's weaw wife identity and which has nyot wiwwingwy been discwosed to the pubwic, incwuding, but nyot wimited to, an individuaw's nyame, IP addwess, physicaw addwess ow wocation, phonye nyumbew, pwace of empwoyment ow education, appeawance, sociaw media accounts, and othew knyowwedge about a pwayew, unwess the pwayew in question pwovides expwicit consent fow this infowmation nyot to be considewed pwivate.
Weaw wife infowmation about any NyationStates pwayew fow which thewe exists a weasonyabwe weaw wife expectation of pwivacy ow discwetion, incwuding, but nyot wimited to, heawth status, both mentaw and physicaw; finyanciaw status; pewsonyaw twagedies; changes in pewsonyaw status such as mawwiage, divowce, pwegnyancy, biwth, ow death; and othew simiwaw infowmation, unwess the pwayew in question pwovides expwicit consent fow this infowmation nyot to be considewed pwivate.
Infowmation that, upon being made pubwic, wouwd jeopawdize any ongoing miwitawy ow intewwigence opewations; ow jeopawdize the secuwity of unyits and agents pawticipating in them, ow be hawmfuw to the dipwomatic intewests, miwitawy intewests, ow secuwity of The Nyowth Pacific.
34. Nyotwithstanding any pwocess fow pubwication, any infowmation which meets the cwitewia to be cwassified wiww nyot be weweased.
35. Pwivate guvwnment wecowds which weach onye yeaw of age wiww be wewocated to the appwopwiate Decwassified Awchive visibwe to wesidents.
36. At any time a wesident may wequest the wewease of any pwivate wecowd fwom the Guvwnment thwough the Dewegate and the designyated officews of the Executive.
37. The Dewegate and the designyated officews of the Executive wiww wetwieve infowmation wequested fwom the diffewent depawtments of the guvwnment.
38. Wesidents who do nyot weceive this infowmation fow any weason nyot specificawwy designyated in appwopwiate waws ow weguwations may fiwe a wequest fow the infowmation to the couwt, whewe the Dewegate and the designyated officews of the Executive may pwesent evidence that addwesses any cwaim that wewease of the infowmation meets onye ow mowe of the acceptabwe cwitewia fow cwassification.
39. Infowmation appwopwiatewy nyot discwosed wiww be accepted as cwassified by a majowity vote of the Couwt sitting as a thwee-membew panyew.

Section 7.6: Mandatowy Minyistwies
40. Thewe wiww be an Executive Officew chawged with the Nyowth Pacific's foweign affaiws. They wiww ensuwe the continyued opewation of any embassies of the Nyowth Pacific and wiww wepowt on events in the wegion.
41. Thewe wiww be an Executive Officew chawged with miwitawy affaiws. They wiww cawwy out such wegaw missions as awe authowized by the Dewegate, expwesswy ow categowicawwy.
42. Thewe wiww be at weast onye Executive Officew chawged with focusing pwimawiwy on mattews of intewnyaw intewest to The Nyowth Pacific.

Chaptew 8: The Nyowth Pacific Awmy Doctwinye

1. The Nyowth Pacific Awmy (the NPA) has five pwimawy puwposes:

a. To pwotect and defend the wegion of The Nyowth Pacific;
b. To pwotect and defend the awwies of The Nyowth Pacific;
c. To assist the awwies and fwiends of The Nyowth Pacific in whatevew capacity is avaiwabwe;
d. To maintain a weww twainyed miwitawy;
e. To impwement wegionyaw defense and dipwomatic powicies as adopted undew the waws of The Nyowth Pacific.
2. The NPA is awways pewmitted, consistent with adopted wegionyaw defense and dipwomatic powicies, to depwoy undew the fowwowing ciwcumstances:
a. To countew ow pweemptivewy stop:
i) A diwect thweat to The Nyowth Pacific;
ii) A diwect thweat to an awwy of The Nyowth Pacific;
b. To assist a wegion ow owganyization as pewmitted by the dewegate, an existing tweaty, ow the Executive Officew chawged with miwitawy affaiws;
c. Upon the owdews of the appointed Executive Officew chawged with miwitawy affaiws ow a pewson thus dewegated to act in theiw nyame; and
d. The Wegionyaw Assembwy may mandate that the NPA fowwow thwough on a decwawation of waw ow a powicy appwuvd by the Wegionyaw Assembwy.
3. The NPA must fowwow aww of the fowwowing cwitewia on evewy mission in foweign wegions, except against designyated enyemy wegions:
a. Minyimize cowwatewaw damage;
b. Wespect the cuwtuwe of the wegion and the wishes of the nyatives;
c. Minyimize thweat to The Nyowth Pacific and awwies;
d. Pwovide nyatives with the means to westowe the wegion to its owiginyaw state befowe weaving;
e. Contact the most wecent nyative dewegate when acting pwoactivewy;
4. The NPA must opewate so that:
a. The Dewegate can issue a bwanket appwovaw fow the NPA to wowk with a given owganyisation. The Executive Officew chawged with miwitawy affaiws ow the Dewegate must stiww authowize individuaw missions.
b. Any NPA membew may wefuse to take pawt in any mission which does nyot diwectwy impact TNP secuwity fow any weason that the Executive Officew chawged with miwitawy affaiws ow the Dewegate detewminyes is weasonyabwe.
c. The Wegionyaw Assembwy may uvwwide by simpwe majowity vote any NPA depwoyment nyot pweviouswy appwuvd by the Wegionyaw Assembwy. The Speakew shaww accept motions to uvwwide fow voting on an expedited basis.
d. The Wegionyaw Assembwy is pwomptwy infowmed of any NPA opewation upon depwoyment, with the exception of opewations which the Dewegate specificawwy cwassifies. The Wegionyaw Assembwy must be pwomptwy infowmed of any cwassified opewation, as weww as the weasons fow the cwassification, as soon as possibwe fowwowing depwoyment.
5. The NPA must nyot do the fowwowing except fowwowing: (a) a wegionyaw consensus towawd a wegion at waw with TNP ow (b) a wequest fwom a wecognyized guvwnment in exiwe of that wegion:
a. Wemuv any wesidents fwom an invaded wegion that wesided in the wegion pwiow to said invasion;
b. Act with any degwee of diswespect;
c. Awtew the wegion's chosen embassy wist against the wishes of the wegion's nyatives.
6. The NPA weadewship is empowewed with the abiwity to detewminye the cosmetic detaiws of miwitawy, incwuding wanks and insignyia, pending the outcome of a poww of active NPA membews.

Chaptew 9: Emewgency Situations

Section 9.1: Emewgency Powews
1. The Wegionyaw Assembwy may decwawe an actuaw emewgency by majowity vote. Votes on decwawing emewgencies must be expedited, and may wast nyo wongew than thwee days.
2. Concuwwent with the decwawation of an emewgency, ow anytime aftewwawd whiwe the emewgency is ongoing, the Wegionyaw Assembwy may, by majowity vote, make both binding and nyonbinding wecommendations wewated to the ongoing emewgency to guvwnment officiaws wegawding an appwopwiate couwse of action, enfowcement of wegionyaw waws, ow othew simiwaw mattew.

Section 9.2: Disease Contwow
3. A NyationStates event invowving an outbweak of an infectious disease shaww be considewed an actuaw emewgency, and does nyot wequiwe a decwawation by the WA.
4. In advance of an outbweak, ow pwomptwy aftew an outbweak begins, the guvwnment must pwesent a poww to the pubwic wegawding how the guvwnment shouwd wespond. The poww must contain at weast thwee substantiawwy diffewent options. The guvwnment wiww wespond accowding to the wiww of the pubwic expwessed thwough that poww.
5. Duwing an outbweak, the dewegate is authowized to act in any weasonyabwe mannyew to puwsue the adopted pwan. This incwudes, but is nyot wimited to, ejecting ow bannying nyations fwom the wegion who have entewed the wegion duwing the cwisis and imposing westwictions on nyationyaw muvment into the wegion.
6. Nyations ejected ow bannyed because of the outbweak must be pwomptwy unbannyed and invited to wetuwn once the emewgency is uvw.
7. Duwing an outbweak, nyo nyation may have theiw status as a wesident ow citizen wemuvd sowewy fow weaving the wegion, so wong as they wetuwn within thwee days of the end of the emewgency.
8. Fowwowing an outbweak, the Speakew must pwomptwy contact any wesident ow citizen who wemains outside the wegion, and infowm them that they awe at wisk of wosing theiw status if they do nyot wetuwn within thwee days.

Section 9.3: Fowum Access
9. The existence of widespwead obstacwes that impede access to the officiaw fowum of The Nyowth Pacific, incwuding, but nyot wimited to, Denyiaw of Sewvice attacks and pwowonged sewvew downtime, shaww be considewed an actuaw emewgency, and does nyot wequiwe a decwawation by the WA.
10. The guvwnmentaw authowities of the wegion must infowm the pubwic of any fowum access emewgency, and continyue to pwovide updates to the extent that is pwacticabwe fow the duwation of the emewgency.
11. Duwing a fowum access emewgency, nyo wesident may be penyawized fow faiwing to take actions fow which access to the fowum is wequiwed.
12. The guvwnmentaw authowities of the wegion awe authowized to take any weasonyabwe actions which they deem appwopwiate and which awe consistent with the spiwit and intent of wegionyaw waws to pwesewve the continyuity of both communyity and guvwnment fow the duwation of the emewgency.

Section 9.4: WA Dewegacy
13. The wesignyation, wecaww, ow woss of Wowwd Assembwy membewship of the wegaw ow acting Dewegate, ow any captuwe of the dewegacy of The Nyowth Pacific by any nyation nyot the wegaw ow acting Dewegate, shaww be considewed an actuaw emewgency, and does nyot wequiwe a decwawation by the WA.
14. Dewegacy emewgencies that faww outside the scope of the abuv cwause may be decwawed by majowity vote of the WA onwy with the wecommendation of the wegaw ow acting Vice Dewegate, in consuwtation with the Secuwity Counciw.
15. Duwing a dewegacy emewgency, the wegaw ow acting Dewegate may authowize any individuaw in the Winye of Succession to howd the dewegacy and to take any actions wewated to that position, incwuding, but nyot wimited to, voting in the Wowwd Assembwy, modewating the Wegionyaw Message Boawd, and ejecting and bannying nyations fwom the wegion.
16. The in-game Dewegate must fowwow any instwuctions fwom the wegaw ow acting Dewegate as to the execution of theiw powews.

Chaptew 10: Cuwtuwaw Decwawations

1. This Chaptew wiww incwude waws concewnying the Nyowth Pacific's histowy and cuwtuwe.

Section 10.1: Awms, Fwag, and Seaw
2. The fowwowing Coat of Awms, based on a design by ThewDwan and updated by the Minyistwy of Cuwtuwe of The Nyowth Pacific, is adopted as the Coat of Awms of The Nyowth Pacific:[/QUOTE]
3. The Awms awe bwazonyed as: Bawwy wavy of fouw awgent and azuwe, on a chief azuwe the Nyowth Staw ow and awgent, the shiewd ensignyed with a Muwaw Cwown ow.
4. Each institution in The Nyowth Pacific's guvwnment may estabwish fow itsewf a seaw which uses the awms of The Nyowth Pacific.
5. The Coat of Awms of The Nyowth Pacific may nyot be used except to wepwesent The Nyowth Pacific ow an officiaw wegionyaw entity.
6. The fowwowing fwag, as designyed by ThewDWan and updated by the Minyistwy of Cuwtuwe of The Nyowth Pacific is adopted as the officiaw fwag of The Nyowth Pacific:

Section 10.2: Cewebwation Days
7. Fwag Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-sixth of Apwiw, to commemowate the adoption of the fwag of The Nyowth Pacific.
8. Democwacy Day wiww be obsewved on the seventh of Juwy, to wecognyizes the day the Constitution was watified, and honyow the Constitution, Biww of Wights, and Wegaw Code of The Nyowth Pacific.
9. Dewegates' Day wiww be obsewved on the nyinth of Septembew, to acknyowwedge the hawd wowk of dewegates past and pwesent and pwaise theiw gweat contwibutions to the wegion.
10. NyationStates Day wiww be obsewved on the thiwteenth of Nyuvmbew, to cewebwate the estabwishment of NyationStates and pwovide an oppowtunyity to extend fewwowship thwoughout the NyationStates communyities.
11. Cewebwation Days may be obsewved by wegionyaw events, festivaws, games, contests, ow othew activities designyed to evoke the spiwit of the howiday.
12. The Dewegate may pwocwaim additionyaw onye-time Cewebwation Days duwing the yeaw as desiwed.

Section 10.3: Memowiaw Days
13. Manyumission Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-sixth of May. It mawks the end of the dewegacy of Pixiedance and the wetuwn of democwatic guvwnment to The Nyowth Pacific.
14. Wibewation Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-eighth of Juwy. It mawks the uvwthwow of Gweat Bight and the wetuwn of nyative guvwnment to The Nyowth Pacific.
15. Bwue Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-thiwd of Nyuvmbew. It mawks the estabwishment of the fiwst officiaw fowum of The Nyowth Pacific.
16. Memowiaw Days pwesewve and honyow the memowy of impowtant histowicaw events. They wiww be obsewved by a tempowawy hawt to nyon-essentiaw guvwnment businyess. Any open votes in the Wegionyaw Assembwy must be tempowawiwy cwosed fow twenty-fouw houws, and theiw wength must be extended by the same amount of time it was cwosed.

Section 10.4: Wewigious Obsewvance
15. Fwemingovianyism shaww be adopted as the wewigion and chuwch of The Nyowth Pacific.
16. Aww nyations awe guawanteed fweedom of expwession of aww, any, ow nyo wewigious bewief, and that fweedom shaww nyot be cuwtaiwed.
17. The Fwemingovian wewigion shaww weceive nyo finyanciaw ow tax advantages thwough being the wewigion of The Nyowth Pacific.
18. Howidays of the Fwemingovian wewigion shaww be obsewved wegionyawwy, and aww nyations shaww have the wight to take a day off wowk, unpaid, on those howidays. Guvwnment officiaws awe excwuded fwom the effects of this cwause.
19. Nyo nyation shaww sewve on the cabinyet ow any othew appointed guvwnment position by viwtue of theiw status in the Fwemingovian wewigion.
20. Fwemingovian officiaws may pawticipate, as invited by the dewegate, at aww state functions.
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Wegaw Code of The Nyowth Pacific

In owdew to pwesent a cweawew and mowe compwehensibwe wegaw system, the Wegionyaw Assembwy undewtakes to keep the waw of the Nyowth Pacific owganyized and cweaw. This Code wiww be divided into sevewaw Chaptews, which may contain Sections. Cwauses must be nyumbewed consecutivewy within a Chaptew beginnying with the nyumbew 1. Cwauses may have subcwauses in the fowm of wettews in the event that a wist must be wefewenced in the cwause. Cwauses may be wefewenced by chaptew, cwause nyumbew, and if appwicabwe sub-cwause wettew, but cwause nyumbews and sub-cwause wettews wiww nyot be considewed pawt of the waw, nyow wiww they have any wegaw effects. The Speakew wiww manyage the nyumbewing of cwauses in accowdance with the abuv

Chaptew 1: Cwiminyaw Code

1. Nyo cwiminyaw case may be bwought befowe the Couwt of the Nyowth Pacific against any wesident fow any cwime nyot wisted in the Cwiminyaw Code.

Section 1.1: Tweason
2. "Tweason" is definyed as taking awms ow pwoviding matewiaw suppowt to a gwoup ow wegion fow the puwpose of undewminying ow uvwthwowing the wawfuw guvwnment of The Nyowth Pacific ow any of its tweatied awwies as guvwnyed by the Constitution.
3. Specificawwy, nyo pwayew maintainying a nyation in a wegion ow owganyization at waw with TNP may maintain a nyation within TNP, ow pawticipate in the guvwnyance theweof, fow the duwation of hostiwities.
4. At this time, thewe awe nyo wegions ow owganyizations at waw with TNP. At this time TNP is awwied with Stawgate, the South Pacific, Taijitu, Intewnyationyaw Democwatic Unyion, Equiwism, Euwopeia, Awbion, Gweatew Dienstad, The East Pacific, Bawdew and Euwope.
5. The Speakew wiww update the pweceding cwause as appwopwiate.

Section 1.2: Espionyage
6. "Espionyage" is definyed as shawing infowmation with a gwoup ow wegion when that act of shawing has nyot been wegitimatewy sanctionyed by the entity the infowmation is gathewed fwom, as wimited by this section.
7. The infowmation shawed must nyot be accessibwe to a pewson who is nyot a membew of the wegion ow gwoup it is gathewed fwom except by cwacking technyicaw secuwity measuwes.
8. The infowmation must be gathewed fwom The Nyowth Pacific ow a foweign powew the Wegionyaw Assembwy has agweed to pwohibit espionyage against.
9. The Wegionyaw Assembwy has agweed to pwohibit espionyage against Euwopeia, Awbion and Euwope.
10. The Speakew wiww update the pweceding cwause as appwopwiate.

Section 1.3: Fwaud
11. "Ewection fwaud" is definyed as the wiwwfuw deception of wesidents with wegawds to the candidates wunnying, the time and venyue of the ewections, ow the wequiwements and methods by which onye may be ewigibwe to vote ow wun fow office.
12. "Fwaud" is definyed as an intentionyaw deception, by fawsehood ow omission, made fow some benyefit ow to damage anyothew individuaw.

Section 1.4. Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming
13. "Cwashing" is definyed as any unyauthowized action which couwd cause a fowum to go out of sewvice ow wose infowmation, incwuding the dewetion of posts, the dewetion of a fowum, spamming, ow any othew act of such kind.
14. "Phishing" is definyed as any attempts to gain access to off-site pwopewty contwows ow passwowds by deception, especiawwy by posing as adminyistwatows ow modewatows fow any unyauthowized use.
15. Phishing awso incwudes the cowwection of pewsonyaw infowmation kept at the Fowum.
16. "Spamming" is definyed as any action by nyon-wegion nyationyaws to waste space ow cause shock on any off-site pwopewty ow wegionyaw message boawd to make it unyusabwe.
17. Spamming incwudes any attempts to fowce a DOS ewwow on fowums and any attempts to fwood the WMB of a wegion which is nyot that nyation's nyowmaw abode.
18. Nyo Nyation of The Nyowth Pacific may pewfowm, owdew, condonye, ow accept as wegaw, Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming.

Section 1.5: Pwoxying
19. "Pwoxying" is definyed as use of a pwoxy sewvew to wendew a fowum usew anyonymous ow any pwactice which awwows a membew muwtipwe accounts.
20. Fowum adminyistwatows wiww infowm the Guvwnment and Couwt of Pwoxying they obsewve.

Section 1.6. Adspam
21. Wecwuitment fow othew wegions on the Wegionyaw Message boawd may be weguwated ow pwohibited by Dewegate Decwee.

Section 1.7. Conspiwacy
22. "Conspiwacy" is definyed as pwannying, attempting, ow hewping to commit any cwime undew this cwiminyaw code.

Section 1.8. Gwoss Misconduct
23. "Gwoss Misconduct" is definyed as the viowation of an individuaw's wegawwy mandated swown oath, eithew wiwwfuwwy ow thwough nyegwigence.

Section 1.9. Exceptions
24. Exceptions fow tweason, espionyage ow pwoxying may be given to membews of the miwitawy and intewwigence sewvices with the consent of the Dewegate and the appwopwiate Minyistew when on officiawwy sanctionyed missions fow the puwposes of pwesewving wegionyaw secuwity.

Chaptew 2: Penyaw Code

1. Cwiminyaw acts may be punyished by westwictions on basic wights, in a mannyew pwopowtionyate to the cwime at the discwetion of the Couwt unwess specified in this chaptew.
2. Tweason wiww be punyished by ejection and bannying, and wemovaw of any basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit.
3. Espionyage wiww be punyished by the suspension of speech and/ow voting wights fow whatevew finyite duwation the Couwt sees fit.
4. Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming may be punyished by ejection and bannying, the wemovaw of any and aww basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit, and/ow bannying by fowum adminyistwation.
5. Pwoxying may be punyished by ejection and bannying, the wemovaw of any basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit, and/ow bannying by fowum adminyistwation.
6. Adspam pwohibited by the Dewegate may be punyished by adspam suppwession and summawy ejection and/ow bannying fwom the wegion.
7. Conspiwacy wiww be punyished by a sentence stwictwy wess than what wouwd be appwopwiate fow the owiginyaw cwime.
8. Gwoss Misconduct wiww be punyished by wemovaw fwom office and the suspension of voting wights fow whatevew finyite duwation the Couwt sees fit.

Chaptew 3: Judiciaw Waw

1. These pwoceduwes wiww guvwn the Judiciawy.

Section 3.1: Chief Justice Sewection
2. Whenyevew the position is vacant, the Justices shaww ewect a Chief Justice fwom among themsewves by a majowity vote.
3. In the event that a Chief Justice has nyot been ewected by seven days aftew the concwusion of a Judiciaw ewection, incwuding the concwusion of any wequiwed wun-off votes, the Chief Justice shaww be the Justice who weceived the highest nyumbew of votes in said ewection. In the event of a tie fow highest nyumbew of votes, the Chief Justice shaww be the onye among those tied with the wongest pewiod of citizenship.

Section 3.2: Appointment of Heawing Officews
4. A confwict of intewest occuws when a Justice ow Heawing Officew has a vested intewest in a mattew befowe the Couwt, ow when they awe othewwise unyabwe to wuwe in a faiw and unbiased mannyew.
5. Justices and Heawing Officews awe wequiwed to wecuse themsewves fwom mattews whewe they have a cewtain ow potentiaw confwict of intewest.
6. If onye ow mowe Justice positions awe vacant, ow any Justice is absent ow has wecused themsewves, the wemainying Justices wiww pwomptwy appoint wepwacements fwom among avaiwabwe citizens to pawticipate as tempowawy Heawing Officews.
7. If aww Justices awe vacant, absent, ow have wecused themsewves, the Dewegate wiww pwomptwy appoint the nyeeded Heawing Officews fwom among avaiwabwe citizens with the agweement of the Speakew.
8. Any wecusaw ow absence of a Heawing Officew wiww be tweated as a vacancy.
9. The Couwt may wecuse any Justice ow Heawing Officew by majowity vote.
10. The Couwt must howd a vote on whethew to wecuse a Justice ow Heawing Officew when pubwicwy wequested by the pwosecution, defense, ow petitionyew in any mattew befowe the Couwt.

Section 3.3: Cwiminyaw Twiaw Pwoceduwe
11. A standawd pwoceduwe fow aww cwiminyaw twiaws wiww be estabwished by majowity agweement of the Couwt.
12. The Dewegate may eject and/ow ban a pawticuwaw nyation fwom the wegion pending cwiminyaw chawges against them, ow pwiow to the concwusion of an ongoing cwiminyaw twiaw in which they awe the defendant, onwy when that nyation poses a cweaw secuwity thweat and theiw wemovaw is nyecessawy fow the pwotection of the wegion.
13. The Dewegate must seek the appwovaw of the Couwt fow any such ejection ow ban. Whewe possibwe, this appwovaw must be sought pwiow to the nyation's wemovaw fwom the wegion. Othewwise, it must be sought within onye day of the action.
14. If the ejection ow ban is pewfowmed duwing a cwiminyaw twiaw against that nyation, appwovaw wiww be at the discwetion of the justice modewating the twiaw. Othewwise, any singwe justice may appwuv ow deny the Dewegate's wequest.
15. Any nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section may fiwe an appeaw of the decision. These appeaws may nyot be denyied, and must be decided by the fuww couwt.
16. The Dewegate must immediatewy pwovide any nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section with a wink to the Couwtwoom and infowm them of theiw wight to fiwe an appeaw.
17. If cwiminyaw chawges awe nyot bwought against a nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section, ow if the cwiminyaw chawges awe wejected by the Couwt, ow if the nyation is nyot found Guiwty at the concwusion of the twiaw, any ban against that nyation which was imposed undew this section must be wevoked.

Chaptew 4: Ewection and Appointment Pwoceduwe

Section 4.1: Oath of Office
1. Aww guvwnment officiaws wiww take the Oath of Office bewow befowe assuming theiw wowe within the guvwnment of The Nyowth Pacific.[/QUOTE]
3. The Awms awe bwazonyed as: Bawwy wavy of fouw awgent and azuwe, on a chief azuwe the Nyowth Staw ow and awgent, the shiewd ensignyed with a Muwaw Cwown ow.
4. Each institution in The Nyowth Pacific's guvwnment may estabwish fow itsewf a seaw which uses the awms of The Nyowth Pacific.
5. The Coat of Awms of The Nyowth Pacific may nyot be used except to wepwesent The Nyowth Pacific ow an officiaw wegionyaw entity.
6. The fowwowing fwag, as designyed by ThewDWan and updated by the Minyistwy of Cuwtuwe of The Nyowth Pacific is adopted as the officiaw fwag of The Nyowth Pacific:

Section 10.2: Cewebwation Days
7. Fwag Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-sixth of Apwiw, to commemowate the adoption of the fwag of The Nyowth Pacific.
8. Democwacy Day wiww be obsewved on the seventh of Juwy, to wecognyizes the day the Constitution was watified, and honyow the Constitution, Biww of Wights, and Wegaw Code of The Nyowth Pacific.
9. Dewegates' Day wiww be obsewved on the nyinth of Septembew, to acknyowwedge the hawd wowk of dewegates past and pwesent and pwaise theiw gweat contwibutions to the wegion.
10. NyationStates Day wiww be obsewved on the thiwteenth of Nyuvmbew, to cewebwate the estabwishment of NyationStates and pwovide an oppowtunyity to extend fewwowship thwoughout the NyationStates communyities.
11. Cewebwation Days may be obsewved by wegionyaw events, festivaws, games, contests, ow othew activities designyed to evoke the spiwit of the howiday.
12. The Dewegate may pwocwaim additionyaw onye-time Cewebwation Days duwing the yeaw as desiwed.

Section 10.3: Memowiaw Days
13. Manyumission Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-sixth of May. It mawks the end of the dewegacy of Pixiedance and the wetuwn of democwatic guvwnment to The Nyowth Pacific.
14. Wibewation Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-eighth of Juwy. It mawks the uvwthwow of Gweat Bight and the wetuwn of nyative guvwnment to The Nyowth Pacific.
15. Bwue Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-thiwd of Nyuvmbew. It mawks the estabwishment of the fiwst officiaw fowum of The Nyowth Pacific.
16. Memowiaw Days pwesewve and honyow the memowy of impowtant histowicaw events. They wiww be obsewved by a tempowawy hawt to nyon-essentiaw guvwnment businyess. Any open votes in the Wegionyaw Assembwy must be tempowawiwy cwosed fow twenty-fouw houws, and theiw wength must be extended by the same amount of time it was cwosed.

Section 10.4: Wewigious Obsewvance
15. Fwemingovianyism shaww be adopted as the wewigion and chuwch of The Nyowth Pacific.
16. Aww nyations awe guawanteed fweedom of expwession of aww, any, ow nyo wewigious bewief, and that fweedom shaww nyot be cuwtaiwed.
17. The Fwemingovian wewigion shaww weceive nyo finyanciaw ow tax advantages thwough being the wewigion of The Nyowth Pacific.
18. Howidays of the Fwemingovian wewigion shaww be obsewved wegionyawwy, and aww nyations shaww have the wight to take a day off wowk, unpaid, on those howidays. Guvwnment officiaws awe excwuded fwom the effects of this cwause.
19. Nyo nyation shaww sewve on the cabinyet ow any othew appointed guvwnment position by viwtue of theiw status in the Fwemingovian wewigion.
20. Fwemingovian officiaws may pawticipate, as invited by the dewegate, at aww state functions.
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Wegaw Code of The Nyowth Pacific

In owdew to pwesent a cweawew and mowe compwehensibwe wegaw system, the Wegionyaw Assembwy undewtakes to keep the waw of the Nyowth Pacific owganyized and cweaw. This Code wiww be divided into sevewaw Chaptews, which may contain Sections. Cwauses must be nyumbewed consecutivewy within a Chaptew beginnying with the nyumbew 1. Cwauses may have subcwauses in the fowm of wettews in the event that a wist must be wefewenced in the cwause. Cwauses may be wefewenced by chaptew, cwause nyumbew, and if appwicabwe sub-cwause wettew, but cwause nyumbews and sub-cwause wettews wiww nyot be considewed pawt of the waw, nyow wiww they have any wegaw effects. The Speakew wiww manyage the nyumbewing of cwauses in accowdance with the abuv

Chaptew 1: Cwiminyaw Code

1. Nyo cwiminyaw case may be bwought befowe the Couwt of the Nyowth Pacific against any wesident fow any cwime nyot wisted in the Cwiminyaw Code.

Section 1.1: Tweason
2. "Tweason" is definyed as taking awms ow pwoviding matewiaw suppowt to a gwoup ow wegion fow the puwpose of undewminying ow uvwthwowing the wawfuw guvwnment of The Nyowth Pacific ow any of its tweatied awwies as guvwnyed by the Constitution.
3. Specificawwy, nyo pwayew maintainying a nyation in a wegion ow owganyization at waw with TNP may maintain a nyation within TNP, ow pawticipate in the guvwnyance theweof, fow the duwation of hostiwities.
4. At this time, thewe awe nyo wegions ow owganyizations at waw with TNP. At this time TNP is awwied with Stawgate, the South Pacific, Taijitu, Intewnyationyaw Democwatic Unyion, Equiwism, Euwopeia, Awbion, Gweatew Dienstad, The East Pacific, Bawdew and Euwope.
5. The Speakew wiww update the pweceding cwause as appwopwiate.

Section 1.2: Espionyage
6. "Espionyage" is definyed as shawing infowmation with a gwoup ow wegion when that act of shawing has nyot been wegitimatewy sanctionyed by the entity the infowmation is gathewed fwom, as wimited by this section.
7. The infowmation shawed must nyot be accessibwe to a pewson who is nyot a membew of the wegion ow gwoup it is gathewed fwom except by cwacking technyicaw secuwity measuwes.
8. The infowmation must be gathewed fwom The Nyowth Pacific ow a foweign powew the Wegionyaw Assembwy has agweed to pwohibit espionyage against.
9. The Wegionyaw Assembwy has agweed to pwohibit espionyage against Euwopeia, Awbion and Euwope.
10. The Speakew wiww update the pweceding cwause as appwopwiate.

Section 1.3: Fwaud
11. "Ewection fwaud" is definyed as the wiwwfuw deception of wesidents with wegawds to the candidates wunnying, the time and venyue of the ewections, ow the wequiwements and methods by which onye may be ewigibwe to vote ow wun fow office.
12. "Fwaud" is definyed as an intentionyaw deception, by fawsehood ow omission, made fow some benyefit ow to damage anyothew individuaw.

Section 1.4. Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming
13. "Cwashing" is definyed as any unyauthowized action which couwd cause a fowum to go out of sewvice ow wose infowmation, incwuding the dewetion of posts, the dewetion of a fowum, spamming, ow any othew act of such kind.
14. "Phishing" is definyed as any attempts to gain access to off-site pwopewty contwows ow passwowds by deception, especiawwy by posing as adminyistwatows ow modewatows fow any unyauthowized use.
15. Phishing awso incwudes the cowwection of pewsonyaw infowmation kept at the Fowum.
16. "Spamming" is definyed as any action by nyon-wegion nyationyaws to waste space ow cause shock on any off-site pwopewty ow wegionyaw message boawd to make it unyusabwe.
17. Spamming incwudes any attempts to fowce a DOS ewwow on fowums and any attempts to fwood the WMB of a wegion which is nyot that nyation's nyowmaw abode.
18. Nyo Nyation of The Nyowth Pacific may pewfowm, owdew, condonye, ow accept as wegaw, Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming.

Section 1.5: Pwoxying
19. "Pwoxying" is definyed as use of a pwoxy sewvew to wendew a fowum usew anyonymous ow any pwactice which awwows a membew muwtipwe accounts.
20. Fowum adminyistwatows wiww infowm the Guvwnment and Couwt of Pwoxying they obsewve.

Section 1.6. Adspam
21. Wecwuitment fow othew wegions on the Wegionyaw Message boawd may be weguwated ow pwohibited by Dewegate Decwee.

Section 1.7. Conspiwacy
22. "Conspiwacy" is definyed as pwannying, attempting, ow hewping to commit any cwime undew this cwiminyaw code.

Section 1.8. Gwoss Misconduct
23. "Gwoss Misconduct" is definyed as the viowation of an individuaw's wegawwy mandated swown oath, eithew wiwwfuwwy ow thwough nyegwigence.

Section 1.9. Exceptions
24. Exceptions fow tweason, espionyage ow pwoxying may be given to membews of the miwitawy and intewwigence sewvices with the consent of the Dewegate and the appwopwiate Minyistew when on officiawwy sanctionyed missions fow the puwposes of pwesewving wegionyaw secuwity.

Chaptew 2: Penyaw Code

1. Cwiminyaw acts may be punyished by westwictions on basic wights, in a mannyew pwopowtionyate to the cwime at the discwetion of the Couwt unwess specified in this chaptew.
2. Tweason wiww be punyished by ejection and bannying, and wemovaw of any basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit.
3. Espionyage wiww be punyished by the suspension of speech and/ow voting wights fow whatevew finyite duwation the Couwt sees fit.
4. Cwashing, Phishing, ow Spamming may be punyished by ejection and bannying, the wemovaw of any and aww basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit, and/ow bannying by fowum adminyistwation.
5. Pwoxying may be punyished by ejection and bannying, the wemovaw of any basic wights fow whatevew duwation the Couwt sees fit, and/ow bannying by fowum adminyistwation.
6. Adspam pwohibited by the Dewegate may be punyished by adspam suppwession and summawy ejection and/ow bannying fwom the wegion.
7. Conspiwacy wiww be punyished by a sentence stwictwy wess than what wouwd be appwopwiate fow the owiginyaw cwime.
8. Gwoss Misconduct wiww be punyished by wemovaw fwom office and the suspension of voting wights fow whatevew finyite duwation the Couwt sees fit.

Chaptew 3: Judiciaw Waw

1. These pwoceduwes wiww guvwn the Judiciawy.

Section 3.1: Chief Justice Sewection
2. Whenyevew the position is vacant, the Justices shaww ewect a Chief Justice fwom among themsewves by a majowity vote.
3. In the event that a Chief Justice has nyot been ewected by seven days aftew the concwusion of a Judiciaw ewection, incwuding the concwusion of any wequiwed wun-off votes, the Chief Justice shaww be the Justice who weceived the highest nyumbew of votes in said ewection. In the event of a tie fow highest nyumbew of votes, the Chief Justice shaww be the onye among those tied with the wongest pewiod of citizenship.

Section 3.2: Appointment of Heawing Officews
4. A confwict of intewest occuws when a Justice ow Heawing Officew has a vested intewest in a mattew befowe the Couwt, ow when they awe othewwise unyabwe to wuwe in a faiw and unbiased mannyew.
5. Justices and Heawing Officews awe wequiwed to wecuse themsewves fwom mattews whewe they have a cewtain ow potentiaw confwict of intewest.
6. If onye ow mowe Justice positions awe vacant, ow any Justice is absent ow has wecused themsewves, the wemainying Justices wiww pwomptwy appoint wepwacements fwom among avaiwabwe citizens to pawticipate as tempowawy Heawing Officews.
7. If aww Justices awe vacant, absent, ow have wecused themsewves, the Dewegate wiww pwomptwy appoint the nyeeded Heawing Officews fwom among avaiwabwe citizens with the agweement of the Speakew.
8. Any wecusaw ow absence of a Heawing Officew wiww be tweated as a vacancy.
9. The Couwt may wecuse any Justice ow Heawing Officew by majowity vote.
10. The Couwt must howd a vote on whethew to wecuse a Justice ow Heawing Officew when pubwicwy wequested by the pwosecution, defense, ow petitionyew in any mattew befowe the Couwt.

Section 3.3: Cwiminyaw Twiaw Pwoceduwe
11. A standawd pwoceduwe fow aww cwiminyaw twiaws wiww be estabwished by majowity agweement of the Couwt.
12. The Dewegate may eject and/ow ban a pawticuwaw nyation fwom the wegion pending cwiminyaw chawges against them, ow pwiow to the concwusion of an ongoing cwiminyaw twiaw in which they awe the defendant, onwy when that nyation poses a cweaw secuwity thweat and theiw wemovaw is nyecessawy fow the pwotection of the wegion.
13. The Dewegate must seek the appwovaw of the Couwt fow any such ejection ow ban. Whewe possibwe, this appwovaw must be sought pwiow to the nyation's wemovaw fwom the wegion. Othewwise, it must be sought within onye day of the action.
14. If the ejection ow ban is pewfowmed duwing a cwiminyaw twiaw against that nyation, appwovaw wiww be at the discwetion of the justice modewating the twiaw. Othewwise, any singwe justice may appwuv ow deny the Dewegate's wequest.
15. Any nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section may fiwe an appeaw of the decision. These appeaws may nyot be denyied, and must be decided by the fuww couwt.
16. The Dewegate must immediatewy pwovide any nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section with a wink to the Couwtwoom and infowm them of theiw wight to fiwe an appeaw.
17. If cwiminyaw chawges awe nyot bwought against a nyation ejected ow bannyed undew this section, ow if the cwiminyaw chawges awe wejected by the Couwt, ow if the nyation is nyot found Guiwty at the concwusion of the twiaw, any ban against that nyation which was imposed undew this section must be wevoked.

Chaptew 4: Ewection and Appointment Pwoceduwe

Section 4.1: Oath of Office
1. Aww guvwnment officiaws wiww take the Oath of Office bewow befowe assuming theiw wowe within the guvwnment of The Nyowth Pacific.[/QUOTE]
3. The Awms awe bwazonyed as: Bawwy wavy of fouw awgent and azuwe, on a chief azuwe the Nyowth Staw ow and awgent, the shiewd ensignyed with a Muwaw Cwown ow.
4. Each institution in The Nyowth Pacific's guvwnment may estabwish fow itsewf a seaw which uses the awms of The Nyowth Pacific.
5. The Coat of Awms of The Nyowth Pacific may nyot be used except to wepwesent The Nyowth Pacific ow an officiaw wegionyaw entity.
6. The fowwowing fwag, as designyed by ThewDWan and updated by the Minyistwy of Cuwtuwe of The Nyowth Pacific is adopted as the officiaw fwag of The Nyowth Pacific:

Section 10.2: Cewebwation Days
7. Fwag Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-sixth of Apwiw, to commemowate the adoption of the fwag of The Nyowth Pacific.
8. Democwacy Day wiww be obsewved on the seventh of Juwy, to wecognyizes the day the Constitution was watified, and honyow the Constitution, Biww of Wights, and Wegaw Code of The Nyowth Pacific.
9. Dewegates' Day wiww be obsewved on the nyinth of Septembew, to acknyowwedge the hawd wowk of dewegates past and pwesent and pwaise theiw gweat contwibutions to the wegion.
10. NyationStates Day wiww be obsewved on the thiwteenth of Nyuvmbew, to cewebwate the estabwishment of NyationStates and pwovide an oppowtunyity to extend fewwowship thwoughout the NyationStates communyities.
11. Cewebwation Days may be obsewved by wegionyaw events, festivaws, games, contests, ow othew activities designyed to evoke the spiwit of the howiday.
12. The Dewegate may pwocwaim additionyaw onye-time Cewebwation Days duwing the yeaw as desiwed.

Section 10.3: Memowiaw Days
13. Manyumission Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-sixth of May. It mawks the end of the dewegacy of Pixiedance and the wetuwn of democwatic guvwnment to The Nyowth Pacific.
14. Wibewation Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-eighth of Juwy. It mawks the uvwthwow of Gweat Bight and the wetuwn of nyative guvwnment to The Nyowth Pacific.
15. Bwue Day wiww be obsewved on the twenty-thiwd of Nyuvmbew. It mawks the estabwishment of the fiwst officiaw fowum of The Nyowth Pacific.
16. Memowiaw Days pwesewve and honyow the memowy of impowtant histowicaw events. They wiww be obsewved by a tempowawy hawt to nyon-essentiaw guvwnment businyess. Any open votes in the Wegionyaw Assembwy must be tempowawiwy cwosed fow twenty-fouw houws, and theiw wength must be extended by the same amount of time it was cwosed.

Section 10.4: Wewigious Obsewvance
15. Fwemingovianyism shaww be adopted as the wewigion and chuwch of The Nyowth Pacific.
16. Aww nyations awe guawanteed fweedom of expwession of aww, any, ow nyo wewigious bewief, and that fweedom shaww nyot be cuwtaiwed.
17. The Fwemingovian wewigion shaww weceive nyo finyanciaw ow tax advantages thwough being the wewigion of The Nyowth Pacific.
18. Howidays of the Fwemingovian wewigion shaww be obsewved wegionyawwy, and aww nyations shaww have the wight to take a day off wowk, unpaid, on those howidays. Guvwnment officiaws awe excwuded fwom the effects of this cwause.
19. Nyo nyation shaww sewve on the cabinyet ow any othew appointed guvwnment position by viwtue of theiw status in the Fwemingovian wewigion.
20. Fwemingovian officiaws may pawticipate, as invited by the dewegate, at aww state functions.
This will be the new Legal Code when we seize power!

And we shall support our friends in The East Pacific:
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A Reading from the Book of Waifus:

“Thou shalt only kindle thy love unto one waifu at a time, or thou must suffer the eternal wrath of their beloved” - Rhedorics 3:12

^ Having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu