- Pronouns
- He/His/Him
- TNP Nation
- Prydania
- Discord
- lordgigaice
I've been roleplaying in NationStates on and off since 2006. And one joke, back when I started, was that there were only three types of nations in NS. Nazi Germany expies, Imperial Japan expies, and USSR expies. That joke was as inaccurate then as it is now, but it does serve to illustrate that RPing a fascist nation has been a notion as old as NS itself. And I was very much a part of that trend.
My first NS nation was Inglo-Scotia. Culturally it was clearly an expy of Great Britain. It eventually became a full-on British mirror in terms of culture and government but at first? It was a fascist state that melded a bit of Ingsoc from 1984, a bit of Norsefire from V for Vendetta, and a bit of the heavy-handed aspects of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth/Protectorate regime of 1649-1660. I rebooted IS to be a properly British constitutional monarchy a few years later, but then I decided I needed more freedom. IS locked me into squarely British culture and I created Prydania to allow for more creativity. Perhaps inspired by some nostalgia for the early IS years? I opted to centre my first RP with Prydania around a fascist seizure of power.
I tell you that to explain that I have first-hand experience RPing a fascist nation. A fascist world power at that. I do not come to this topic from an outsider's perspective.
What is Fascism?
We need to define our terms before we jump into the how's and why's of RPing a fascist state. So what is fascism?
It's a difficult question. Fascism is usually placed on the extreme right of the political spectrum, the opposite to communism's place on the extreme left. This isn't particularly helpful though, for two reasons. The first is the horseshoe theory, which describes why fascism and communism both employ similar tactics despite being ideological opposites. The second reason this description isn't helpful is that unlike communism? Fascism has no "founding text."
All communist movements follow the principles of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto at the core. Fascism, for all the influence it's had on political theory, is frustratingly lacking. Even the writings of the two major fascist leaders in world history, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, are vague on broader details and seem like mere glimpses of an ideology rather than a fully fleshed-out program.
That being said, various fascist regimes have allowed for a set of criteria we can go off of. Fascist regimes will generally...
-Promotes hyper-nationalism.
-Have a disdain for democracy...this could be naked disdain for the democratic process as a whole, or it could be conveyed through coded language that criticizes the democratic process' shortcomings. Usually the latter evolves into the former as the regime or movement becomes emboldened.
-Is obsessed with the idea of the racial and moral degeneration of the nation and sees a "rebirth" as necessary to stave it off or reverse it.
-In line with that it claims ethnic "others" or other marginalized peoples and people of centre-left to left wing views are "enemies of the nation" who are aiding said degeneration.
-Places an emphasis on the military and violence as a means of achieving goals.
-Obsesses over the need to "preserve" culture and tradition from imagined leftist/racial/globalist "enemies."
-In line with the above, fascists will place value on individuals placing their will, or even lives, beneath the needs of the state, glorifying "heroic sacrifice."
-Glorification of a strong, central leader whose "will" is central to seeing the above-mentioned "rebirth" through. Common rhetoric involves the idea that "only" this leader is capable of "fixing" or "saving" the nation.
Why RP Fascism?
It's an interesting question. Why RP as a type of nation that draws on an ideology responsible for so much death? Why represent your nation as such?
There are a few reasons.
First? It's fun to be the bad guy. RP is about writing fiction above all else, and often fiction needs a villain. This will vary depending on your RP community of course, but it could be that playing a fascist state allows you to shake up your RP world's dynamic. Are the liberal democratic republics and constitutional monarchies getting too comfortable? A fascist state is a great way to introduce an antagonistic element.
Secondly? History. Germany and Italy are both functioning democracies today, but they were the two most prominent fascist states in history. So while your nation may be a liberal democratic state today? A fascist period in your history can allow you to both flesh out that history and allow you to demonstrate that your state was not always so well-balanced. Mary Sue nations continue to be an issue in NS-based RP, and a fascist period is a good way to demonstrate that your nation has not always been a force for good, even if it's depicted positively in the present.
Finally? The didactic qualities of writing. RP is, as I said, an exercise in writing fiction. And fiction can be used to impart a lesson to its audience. RPing a fascist state can be used to explore themes such as the dangers in surrendering too many political freedoms, the extreme conclusions that racial prejudices can lead to, the pitfalls of unchecked aggressive territorial expansion, etc. It can also be used to explore the human condition under such a regime.
Chances are that either the first or second reasons mentioned will include the third if the fascist state is RP'd correctly. So how do you RP fascism correctly?
Have Empathy
This cannot be stressed enough. Fascism is an actual ideology responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. Even if you or your family has never been victimized by a fascist government? Chances are someone else in your community has. You're going to want to be sensitive to the concerns they might have, as your RP could remind them if actual tragedies that befell their families. RP communities are about collaboration above all else, so be receptive to these concerns. Chances are no one is out to stifle you creativity. Just remember that this particular issue can be loaded and treat it accordingly.
Beyond that? Consider the human cost to decisions your fascist state makes. Too often RPers who want a fascist state will say something akin to "there was an ethnic genocide at this point in history" or "insert ethnic group here is to my country what Jews were to Nazi Germany" and leave it at that. Ethnic cleansing/genocide is a very serious issue. And it's one that, in line with the first point of this topic, has probably effected the family of someone else you're RPing with.
If this is a topic you're going to broach? You need to do it properly. Explore the trials and hardships of people who are being dispossessed. Highlight their humanity in the face of oppression. Don't be afraid to paint your government as villainous for their actions because in actuality? RPing as a fascist state makes you a villain. The key to writing a good villain is to understand the effects their actions have on the world around them.
Be Realistic
There are many ways fascist regimes can come to power. An insidious coup from within. A civil war. Victory at the ballot box during a time of crisis. Chances are that however it occurs? The fascist regime/party/movement will have a good deal of public support.
What is important to keep in mind is that this support is not, and never, absolute. Nations aren't singular hive-minds. They're made up of individuals. And so you cannot expect ANY sort of government to enjoy universal, or even near universal, approval ratings. Yes, your fascist government/strongman may be popular but there's going to be resistance.
This could range from ordinary citizens who keep their heads down as they lack the means to resist to active opposition, such as the White Rose movement in Nazi Germany.
Symbolism AKA the Swastika Problem
The swastika is banned on NationStates. Even more Nazi/fascist symbolism (SS runes, the Totenkopf, black sun, fasces, etc...) may be banned in your region/RP community.
This is, to be frank, a blessing in disguise. Let us consider the point about having empathy. Using the emblems of actual fascist regimes runs the risk of justifiably offending someone. So say you wish to RP a fascist regime. What should you use if the standard fascist symbols are not available? Well this is roleplay. It's a creative endeavour. So get creative!
I will use two TNP forum-based RP nations from Eras as examples. Andrenne and Prydania. Both states were members of the fascist Dominion alliance during Eras' equivalent of WWII known as the Fascist Wars. And each were governed by fascist movements. The Valkja movement in Andrenne and the Þjóðþjóðveldið (Social Commonwealth) movement in Prydania.
As both Prydania and Andrenne are based on Nordic cultures it would have been easy to perhaps to default to emblems used by the real life Norwegian Nasjonal Samling regime. This could have run into the above issues, however. Instead both RPers created distinct emblems for their fascist movements.
Andy created a distinct saltire for the Valkja movement, and used the Vergina Sun as the Valkja's central emblem. The Vergina Sun is a real life symbol, but only as the historical emblem of the ancient Kingdom of Macedonia and a symbol for the Greek region of the same name. As neither exist in Eras? Andy was able to use it as the emblem for the Valkja movement. The sun's real life connotations have nothing to do with fascism and therefore the issues of using fascist symbolism are sidestepped. He's created a distinct fascist emblem for the world of Eras that does not offend the sensibilities of anyone in the real world.
I decided to use a boar for the Prydanian fascist Social Commonwealth movement inspired by the movie Richard III, which re-imagines the Shakespeare play in a fictional version of 1930s Britain. Richard's ascension to the throne is re-interpreted as a fascist movement coming to power and the real life Richard of York's boar heraldry was re-worked into something that could be a fascist party's emblem.
I took that concept and re-worked it myself, tying it into Prydanian cultural traditions centred around home and hearth. My thinking was that a fascist movement in Prydania would co-opt that sort of symbolism to present itself as an authentic nationalist movement.
In both cases the RPers involved mined other symbolism to represent fascist movements. Thus the baggage associated with those symbols- swastikas, SS runes, the Totenkopf, black sun, fasces, etc- was avoided. It also spurred creativity, forcing the RPers in question to work these symbols into national histories to justify their use by fascist movements. And creative worldbuilding should be a key part of RPing.
So what should you do for your nation's fascist movement should you decide to RP one? Look at your nation. The culture you've worked out for it. Reflect on what we've talked about here re: the elements of fascism. What would a fascist in your country value? What symbols would they gravitate towards?
Using the emblems of actual fascist regimes or actual neo-fascist groups is both offensive and un-creative. Use the opportunity to create symbols for your IC fascists that mean something to them but which are devoid of the baggage that comes with using actual fascist symbolism.
Final Thoughts
It should be obvious to anyone paying attention during this lecture that I do not have a high opinion of fascism. And it's because of this obvious fact that I want to state that I am not saying you shouldn't RP a fascist nation. If that were the case I would have come out and said it. Instead I wish to use this lecture to inform.
As I have said, I've been RPing on and off in NS since 2006. I've seen it all, and I can say that many NS RPers skew towards the younger side of things. Kids in their early and mid teens who are attracted to the aesthetics of fascism. The projections of strength, the supposed military might, the sharp, imposing, and cool uniforms. Often kids who RP these regimes have limited understandings of the cruelties inherent in them and the real life historical baggage they bring.
I do not wish to tell anyone, young or not, that they can't play a fascist regime. I do hope, however, that this lecture has helped inform people as to what RPing a fascist regime entails. And to provide tips and suggestions that can make RPing a fascist regime more well-rounded, realistic, and respectful to fascism's real life victims and their descendants.
Thank you all.
My first NS nation was Inglo-Scotia. Culturally it was clearly an expy of Great Britain. It eventually became a full-on British mirror in terms of culture and government but at first? It was a fascist state that melded a bit of Ingsoc from 1984, a bit of Norsefire from V for Vendetta, and a bit of the heavy-handed aspects of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth/Protectorate regime of 1649-1660. I rebooted IS to be a properly British constitutional monarchy a few years later, but then I decided I needed more freedom. IS locked me into squarely British culture and I created Prydania to allow for more creativity. Perhaps inspired by some nostalgia for the early IS years? I opted to centre my first RP with Prydania around a fascist seizure of power.
I tell you that to explain that I have first-hand experience RPing a fascist nation. A fascist world power at that. I do not come to this topic from an outsider's perspective.
What is Fascism?
We need to define our terms before we jump into the how's and why's of RPing a fascist state. So what is fascism?
It's a difficult question. Fascism is usually placed on the extreme right of the political spectrum, the opposite to communism's place on the extreme left. This isn't particularly helpful though, for two reasons. The first is the horseshoe theory, which describes why fascism and communism both employ similar tactics despite being ideological opposites. The second reason this description isn't helpful is that unlike communism? Fascism has no "founding text."
All communist movements follow the principles of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto at the core. Fascism, for all the influence it's had on political theory, is frustratingly lacking. Even the writings of the two major fascist leaders in world history, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, are vague on broader details and seem like mere glimpses of an ideology rather than a fully fleshed-out program.
That being said, various fascist regimes have allowed for a set of criteria we can go off of. Fascist regimes will generally...
-Promotes hyper-nationalism.
-Have a disdain for democracy...this could be naked disdain for the democratic process as a whole, or it could be conveyed through coded language that criticizes the democratic process' shortcomings. Usually the latter evolves into the former as the regime or movement becomes emboldened.
-Is obsessed with the idea of the racial and moral degeneration of the nation and sees a "rebirth" as necessary to stave it off or reverse it.
-In line with that it claims ethnic "others" or other marginalized peoples and people of centre-left to left wing views are "enemies of the nation" who are aiding said degeneration.
-Places an emphasis on the military and violence as a means of achieving goals.
-Obsesses over the need to "preserve" culture and tradition from imagined leftist/racial/globalist "enemies."
-In line with the above, fascists will place value on individuals placing their will, or even lives, beneath the needs of the state, glorifying "heroic sacrifice."
-Glorification of a strong, central leader whose "will" is central to seeing the above-mentioned "rebirth" through. Common rhetoric involves the idea that "only" this leader is capable of "fixing" or "saving" the nation.
Why RP Fascism?
It's an interesting question. Why RP as a type of nation that draws on an ideology responsible for so much death? Why represent your nation as such?
There are a few reasons.
First? It's fun to be the bad guy. RP is about writing fiction above all else, and often fiction needs a villain. This will vary depending on your RP community of course, but it could be that playing a fascist state allows you to shake up your RP world's dynamic. Are the liberal democratic republics and constitutional monarchies getting too comfortable? A fascist state is a great way to introduce an antagonistic element.
Secondly? History. Germany and Italy are both functioning democracies today, but they were the two most prominent fascist states in history. So while your nation may be a liberal democratic state today? A fascist period in your history can allow you to both flesh out that history and allow you to demonstrate that your state was not always so well-balanced. Mary Sue nations continue to be an issue in NS-based RP, and a fascist period is a good way to demonstrate that your nation has not always been a force for good, even if it's depicted positively in the present.
Finally? The didactic qualities of writing. RP is, as I said, an exercise in writing fiction. And fiction can be used to impart a lesson to its audience. RPing a fascist state can be used to explore themes such as the dangers in surrendering too many political freedoms, the extreme conclusions that racial prejudices can lead to, the pitfalls of unchecked aggressive territorial expansion, etc. It can also be used to explore the human condition under such a regime.
Chances are that either the first or second reasons mentioned will include the third if the fascist state is RP'd correctly. So how do you RP fascism correctly?
Have Empathy
This cannot be stressed enough. Fascism is an actual ideology responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. Even if you or your family has never been victimized by a fascist government? Chances are someone else in your community has. You're going to want to be sensitive to the concerns they might have, as your RP could remind them if actual tragedies that befell their families. RP communities are about collaboration above all else, so be receptive to these concerns. Chances are no one is out to stifle you creativity. Just remember that this particular issue can be loaded and treat it accordingly.
Beyond that? Consider the human cost to decisions your fascist state makes. Too often RPers who want a fascist state will say something akin to "there was an ethnic genocide at this point in history" or "insert ethnic group here is to my country what Jews were to Nazi Germany" and leave it at that. Ethnic cleansing/genocide is a very serious issue. And it's one that, in line with the first point of this topic, has probably effected the family of someone else you're RPing with.
If this is a topic you're going to broach? You need to do it properly. Explore the trials and hardships of people who are being dispossessed. Highlight their humanity in the face of oppression. Don't be afraid to paint your government as villainous for their actions because in actuality? RPing as a fascist state makes you a villain. The key to writing a good villain is to understand the effects their actions have on the world around them.
Be Realistic
There are many ways fascist regimes can come to power. An insidious coup from within. A civil war. Victory at the ballot box during a time of crisis. Chances are that however it occurs? The fascist regime/party/movement will have a good deal of public support.
What is important to keep in mind is that this support is not, and never, absolute. Nations aren't singular hive-minds. They're made up of individuals. And so you cannot expect ANY sort of government to enjoy universal, or even near universal, approval ratings. Yes, your fascist government/strongman may be popular but there's going to be resistance.
This could range from ordinary citizens who keep their heads down as they lack the means to resist to active opposition, such as the White Rose movement in Nazi Germany.
Symbolism AKA the Swastika Problem
The swastika is banned on NationStates. Even more Nazi/fascist symbolism (SS runes, the Totenkopf, black sun, fasces, etc...) may be banned in your region/RP community.
This is, to be frank, a blessing in disguise. Let us consider the point about having empathy. Using the emblems of actual fascist regimes runs the risk of justifiably offending someone. So say you wish to RP a fascist regime. What should you use if the standard fascist symbols are not available? Well this is roleplay. It's a creative endeavour. So get creative!
I will use two TNP forum-based RP nations from Eras as examples. Andrenne and Prydania. Both states were members of the fascist Dominion alliance during Eras' equivalent of WWII known as the Fascist Wars. And each were governed by fascist movements. The Valkja movement in Andrenne and the Þjóðþjóðveldið (Social Commonwealth) movement in Prydania.
As both Prydania and Andrenne are based on Nordic cultures it would have been easy to perhaps to default to emblems used by the real life Norwegian Nasjonal Samling regime. This could have run into the above issues, however. Instead both RPers created distinct emblems for their fascist movements.
Andy created a distinct saltire for the Valkja movement, and used the Vergina Sun as the Valkja's central emblem. The Vergina Sun is a real life symbol, but only as the historical emblem of the ancient Kingdom of Macedonia and a symbol for the Greek region of the same name. As neither exist in Eras? Andy was able to use it as the emblem for the Valkja movement. The sun's real life connotations have nothing to do with fascism and therefore the issues of using fascist symbolism are sidestepped. He's created a distinct fascist emblem for the world of Eras that does not offend the sensibilities of anyone in the real world.

I decided to use a boar for the Prydanian fascist Social Commonwealth movement inspired by the movie Richard III, which re-imagines the Shakespeare play in a fictional version of 1930s Britain. Richard's ascension to the throne is re-interpreted as a fascist movement coming to power and the real life Richard of York's boar heraldry was re-worked into something that could be a fascist party's emblem.
I took that concept and re-worked it myself, tying it into Prydanian cultural traditions centred around home and hearth. My thinking was that a fascist movement in Prydania would co-opt that sort of symbolism to present itself as an authentic nationalist movement.

In both cases the RPers involved mined other symbolism to represent fascist movements. Thus the baggage associated with those symbols- swastikas, SS runes, the Totenkopf, black sun, fasces, etc- was avoided. It also spurred creativity, forcing the RPers in question to work these symbols into national histories to justify their use by fascist movements. And creative worldbuilding should be a key part of RPing.
So what should you do for your nation's fascist movement should you decide to RP one? Look at your nation. The culture you've worked out for it. Reflect on what we've talked about here re: the elements of fascism. What would a fascist in your country value? What symbols would they gravitate towards?
Using the emblems of actual fascist regimes or actual neo-fascist groups is both offensive and un-creative. Use the opportunity to create symbols for your IC fascists that mean something to them but which are devoid of the baggage that comes with using actual fascist symbolism.
Final Thoughts
It should be obvious to anyone paying attention during this lecture that I do not have a high opinion of fascism. And it's because of this obvious fact that I want to state that I am not saying you shouldn't RP a fascist nation. If that were the case I would have come out and said it. Instead I wish to use this lecture to inform.
As I have said, I've been RPing on and off in NS since 2006. I've seen it all, and I can say that many NS RPers skew towards the younger side of things. Kids in their early and mid teens who are attracted to the aesthetics of fascism. The projections of strength, the supposed military might, the sharp, imposing, and cool uniforms. Often kids who RP these regimes have limited understandings of the cruelties inherent in them and the real life historical baggage they bring.
I do not wish to tell anyone, young or not, that they can't play a fascist regime. I do hope, however, that this lecture has helped inform people as to what RPing a fascist regime entails. And to provide tips and suggestions that can make RPing a fascist regime more well-rounded, realistic, and respectful to fascism's real life victims and their descendants.
Thank you all.
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