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Ministry of Home Affairs
Forum Mentors
So, you're interested in being a Forum Mentor? Great! But first, what is a Forum Mentor anyways? As the name implies, you would be mentoring new people who join the forum. This would entail messaging them through the forum and going from there.
Why sign up to be a Forum Mentor? Well, every person successfully contacted will get you at least 25 rows (which are basically points). It may not seem like much, but we get a lot of new people, so there are plenty of chances!
Mentors' Guide
1.) The Ministry of Home Affairs Leadership will alert you to newcomers.
2.) Say that you will claim them BEFORE messaging them to avoid overlap.
3.) Send a screenshot of you messaging them.
4.) Once your conversation with them has concluded OR they have not responded within seven (7) days, report back here to MoHA Leadership to get your points. Twenty-five (25) will be awarded for no response, and seventy-five (75) will be awarded for a successful conversation. MoHA Leadership reserves the rights to judge wether a conversation was successful, and may add or deduct points from the baseline as they see fit.
5.) Forum Mentors will have a loose requirement; if you have not mentored anyone in a month, you may be removed as MoHA Leadership sees fit.
6.) MoHA Leadership and Mentorship are *not* mutually exclusive; however, you may not judge your own mentoring, nor may you award yourself points.
You can now be a Forum Mentor right now by filling up the form below:
Forum Name:
Discord Name:
Availability During the Week:
Current List of Mentors:
@Marcus Antonius
Additionally, you may use the following badge!

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