Roll Call: September 2019


TNP Nation

Roll Call
12 September 2019

I am doing a roll call to see who is active in the ministry, allowing me to update the roster appropriately and tweak the workload of some ambassadors. Please respond with your primary TNP Nation, your Discord ID if you have one, and your current posting. This is so I know that the roster spreadsheet, which also has the postings listed, is accurate, and that you are active. Please respond by the 17 September. Talk to me if there are any issues.

I’m readily available and active. The nation is Kaschovia, Discord ID: kasch#1455, and I am not currently posted.
Here and ready to retain my three postings - Spiritus, Lazarus, Canada

TNP Nation: Gorundu
Discord ID: An_Dr_Ew#7746
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Nation: Vivanco
Discord: ra#9794
Postings: The Democratic Socialist Assembly
Currently have four postings but I'd like to drop two. The South Pacific, Wintreath, Equilism and Taijitu.

TNP Nation: Sanjurika
Discord ID: Koala#3392
Nation: Rom Weasley
Discord: Rom#4262
Postings: None atm
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