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Condemn North East Somerset
Category: < Condemnation > | Nominee: North East Somerset
Proposed by: Xoriet | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:The Security Council;
Iterating thatNorth East Somerset has been an active force—often working behind the scenes—that has striven since first appearing in 2004 to accomplish many nefarious deeds for the gain of their Imperialist and raider allies.
Observing that the first notable contribution to the world by North East Somerset, through their satellite nation Praedonia, was the co-founder of the raiding region the New DEN, which was born of their view that the previous iteration of DEN was one riddled with disorganized leadership and feeble security. The replacement of the original enacted many destructive raids on innocent regions.
Disturbed by the nature of the particular positions which have been held by North East Somerset in numerous raider or Imperialist regions and organizations, including but not limited to:
• Prince and Kaiser Consort, Intelligence Director, and member of the Military Council of The New Inquisition, an infamous Imperialist region known for many shocking acts detailed herein.
• King of Great Britain and Ireland, a region which worked against the betterment of the wider community by aiding those intent on seizing control of sovereign entities without the consent of their native populace.
• Secretary of Intelligence for the interregional capitalist-centered alliance known as the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians (ACCEL), an entity North East Somerset considered to be a proto-Imperialist alliance, where they were charged primarily with purging defenders and defender-leaning powers from their sphere of influence.
• Field Marshal of the United Imperial Armed Forces, a powerhouse of a military organization that stymied defenders for years and captured many regions, particularly those affiliated with the Founderless Regions Alliance.
Distressed by the knowledge that this nation authorized military aid forLady Phedre in the August 2008 Empire coup of The East Pacific with their Imperialist region Great Britain and Ireland while serving as sovereign of that region.
Alarmed that the Crimson Order coup of The North Pacific byLewis and Clark received the support of The New Inquisition with the full encouragement of North East Somerset, whose positions in that region were detailed previously.
Shocked that North East Somerset directed the infiltration of the Founderless Regions Alliance by means ofWibblefeet, an operative left in place for five years who served as Arch-Chancellor of the organization during that time. They reported everything during their infiltration back to North East Somerset, who was the head of The New Inquisition's intelligence department.
Appalled that North East Somerset planned and executed operations whose infamy lives on to this day in regions of great influence, such as:
• The unseating of Founderless Regions Alliance member Northern Chittowa as Delegate of Lazarus in April 2008, a raid executed with the intention of pursuing plans to later take control of Lazarus itself.
• The infamous raid of Belgium in early 2012, which was on its own yet another an act of aggression against uninvolved natives.
• The coup of The Rejected Realms on February 2, 2012, enacted through the raid of Belgium, which propelled the military forces of The New Inquisition into the Delegacy of The Rejected Realms. These actions were committed while the nation was a key member of a signatory region of the Pan Sinker Security Pact, displaying their lack of respect for fellow signatories of non-aggression treaties.
Concerned that this was not the end of their maneuvers in the Sinker regions, as North East Somerset was located in Balder nearly from its inception and gradually siphoned control of the region from its stewards during this time, beginning with several instances of electoral engineering to enact the seizure of critical assets to the region. This kick-started the process of driving the defenders from the United Defenders League from Balder and claiming the region as their own.
Dismayed that North East Somerset was the main pioneer in uncovering the art of raising impenetrable defenses in raided regions, preventing defending forces from liberating those regions from the invading forces.
Adamantly Believing that North East Somerset is more than deserving of a Condemnation for their aforementioned heinous deeds of subversion across the world.
Hereby CondemnsNorth East Somerset.
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