Communications: July Report



Office of the Ministry of Communications
July 3, 2019

It took a while, but NBS is in a position to explode with new content and creators. This has so far mostly been expressed through the recent RP shows, but the additional exposure is starting to bring in aspiring talent and individuals who want to offer their own take on shows and start adding much needed variety to NBS. We did have some delays in TNS and TNL, though it will be worth it as I expect the quality of the content to go up, especially in TNS. Issues with securing a reliable interview for TNS meant that we are experimenting with a new format. I expect it will make the spotlight feature one to look forward to, and give it a bit more meat than the previous straight brief interview. As for TNL, our efforts to bring in foreign authors has once again borne fruit, and we anticipate another very strong, very beefy issue. Getting all the content assembled has been tricky the last week in part because of the timing and in part because authors can be unpredictable, but the delay will allow us to put together the issue we want to have, not the one we think we have to have to meet an arbitrary deadline.

The train keeps moving. Once again my deputy has laid out the specifics of our work in the last month. Our projects were not ready for the first of the month, but they will be wrapped up by the end of the week and published within the same month as the original target. I anticipate this to remain the case the rest of the term.


Legend (Key):

denotes a larger scale project such as TNS, TNL, RPR, or NBS
^ denotes a smaller, subsequent assignment or task to a project

We're halfway into the administration of our elected Delegate, @El Fiji Grande, and at this point in time the Ministry of Communications here in the North Pacific has completed the following tasks since our last report for the month of May:

[1.] The North Star (TNS) Issue IX Planning^ (Completed 2 June 2019, Revisited 21 June 2019)
[2.] The North Star (TNS) Issue IX Publication & Release* (Awaiting Completion 3 July 2019)
[3.] DRAFT for TNS IX: NPA Bulletin^ (Submitted 1 July 2019)
[4.] DRAFT for TNS IX: The Spotlight #20^ (Awaiting Submission 3 July 2019)
[5.] DRAFT for TNS IX: WA Digest^ (Submitted 7 June 2019, Added Onto Each Resolution)
[6.] DRAFT for TNS IX: RA Highlights^ (Submitted 28 June 2019)
[7.] CODING for TNS IX: Off-Site Distribution^ (Awaiting Completion 3 July 2019)


At the present date, the Ministry of Communications (under the leadership of appointed Minister @Pallaith) is actively working to complete the following projects:

[1.] The Northern Lights (TNL) Issue XXIX Planning^ (Started 25 May 2019)
[2.] The Northern Lights (TNL) Issue XXIX Publication & Release* (Expected 7 July 2019)
[3.] DRAFT for TNL XXIX: A Little Culture and Community, by Escade^ (Submitted 19 June 2019)
[4.] DRAFT for TNL XXIX: Will there be a NationStates Belt & Road Project?^ (Submitted 1 July 2019)
[5.] DRAFT for TNL XXIX: Playing with a Full Deck^ (Submitted 30 June 2019)
[6.] DRAFT for TNL XXIX: Outreach and Recruitment^ (Submitted 2 July 2019)
[7.] DRAFT for TNL XXIX: An Idiot's Guide to Building a Region's ...^ (Submitted 19 June 2019)
[8.] The North Star (TNS) Issue X Planning* (Started 3 July 2019)
[9.] DRAFT for TNS X: NPA Bulletin^ (Assigned 3 July 2019)
[10.] DRAFT for TNS X: The Spotlight #20^ (Assigned 3 July 2019)
[11.] DRAFT for TNS X: WA Digest^ (Assigned 3 July 2019)
[12.] DRAFT for TNS X: RA Highlights^ (Assigned 3 July 2019)
[13.] Communications Point & Ranking System Update* (Ongoing)
[14.] Weekly Northern Broadcast Service (NBS) Shows* (Ongoing)
[15.] The Northern Lights (TNL) Article Editing (Work-In-Progress)


Once again, in accordance with the Ministry of Communications' point and ranking system that was introduced and implemented by former Minister of Communications, @El Fiji Grande, the following totals have been accumulated and accounted for in an effort to update the program for this month's activities:


As of the third (3rd) of June in the year two-thousand and nineteen (2019), the most up-to-date totals for each member of the Executive Staff serving the Ministry of Communications' term points were calculated. In addition, each member of the Executive Staff serving the Ministry of Communications' legacy points were also recorded. Keep in mind, both a member's term points and legacy points are cumulative. Meaning that in such a case where an Executive Staffer was to appear on and participate in ten shows brought to you by the Northern Broadcast Service (NBS). they would accumulate thirty points in total that would culminate into their total points for the term.

The only difference between the two values being that term points reset upon the conclusion of each four-month period, whereas legacy points are constant and do not reset. With that being considered, here are the newest totals for each member of the Ministry of Communications:

NameLegacy PointsLegacy Rank
Marcus Antonius33

Artemis wrote for TNS (+1)
Bobberino wrote for TNL and participated in NBS (+8)
Gorundu wrote for TNS (+1)
Highton participated in NBS (+3)
Knightblood wrote for TNS (+1)
MadJack participated in NBS twice (+6)
Marcus Antonius assisted in editing and formatting (+2)
Prydania participated in NBS twice (+6)
Robespierre wrote twice for TNS and participated in NBS (+5)
Syrixia participated in NBS (+3)

NOT LISTED: Escade, McMasterdonia, Owenstacy, Pallaith and Yuno all wrote articles for the Northern Light's twenty-ninth issue, but the Minister of Communications has voluntarily exempted himself from earning term and legacy points. Escade is a foreign author who's not on our Executive Staff roster, so by virtue of that, she doesn't gain any term points either. Dinoium was relieved of his task in writing for the North Star on the twenty-first of June, therefore he will not be receiving any term points for that either.

Church of Satan
participated in an NBS broadcast on the seventh (7th) of June as a foreign speaker, but because he's not on our Executive Staff he also doesn't receive term points for that. El Fiji Grande has also waived his gaining of any term points by his own wishes and SillyString is not a part of our roster to receive her term points for participating in an NBS broadcast. Essalanea (Tim) and Goyanes both took part in the Eras RP show that took place on NBS programming on the twenty-third (23rd) of June, but alas neither of them is on our staff either.

Furthermore, our Strangereal (SR) RP show that took place on the twenty-eighth (28th) of June under the production of NBS featured speakers: GSP, Krinslo, Sartinaynia/Syca and Western Vapia. As is the case with the other names in this category, none of them are on our Executive roster and because of that they may not receive term points.


(DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that you, as a viewer on this thread, will have access to all of the links herein as they relate to the appropriate destinations for each project completed or for each project currently in-progress. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either the Minister of Communications @Pallaith or myself - Deputy Minister @Robespierre.)