So basically, I am a substitute ambassador until we can get an actual ambassador to you guys! Ideally, I won't remain the TEPian ambassador here for long (so you guys can get a person more focused on your region.)! Nice to meet you all! 
Seeing as our news agency hasn't been doing well recently, here are some highlights of what's going on in TEP:

Seeing as our news agency hasn't been doing well recently, here are some highlights of what's going on in TEP:
- The Magisterium is reviewing the Standing Orders of the Magisterium (Our document dictating the rules of our legislative branch.)
- Two new Arbiters are being welcomed into the Conclave soon, and two current Arbiters are being renominated for their positions.
- TEP's Valsora RMB Roleplay is currently holding a major festival roleplay.
- Davelands is the new Provost of the Magisterium.
- The Marsupial License program has continued to be successful with our latest hunter, New Union of Sovereign Soviet Republics having 43 marsupial ejections under his belt.