The Ministry of Defense
11 May, 2019
I'll keep this address short and sweet. I'm sure you all want to get back to jumping as much as as I do. But I'd also like to take this time to make a few announcements and acknowledgments.
I'd like to thank @El Fiji Grande for reappointing me, and keeping me on in the office I hold dear. While this was slightly more expected than my appointment in March, I still broke out in a grin when I saw my appointment in Fiji's opening address. He will be an incredible Delegate. I will not let you down.
To restate, I have a vision of the NPA that is able to do more diverse operations and be able to handle some of the more tricky aspects of the game. We have accomplished this - we have successfully reclaimed Warzone Airspace for the Warzone Federation through a complex series of liberations and through the next few updates we've defended it and several other Warzones. The NPA needs to continue to do operations like this to continue to strengthen its numbers and foreign standing. We need to continue to bolster our numbers through recruitment, promotions and working with Culture to get events regarding the NPA done and out and published. We can do this. It's been done, and will continue to be done.
Aiding me in this vision will be Deputy Ministers of Defense @Knightblood and @Koopa103. Both are productive and active NPAers, and I'm proud of the work they've done and will continue to do.
Let's do this. Here's to a terrific, productive, and full term!
Hail NPA! Hail spam! Hail TNP! Hail floof!
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