Farewell Address
Time flies when you’re having fun, and I certainly hope that you have all had fun these past 4 months. Once more you gave me the honor of being your delegate, and I enjoyed the opportunity immensely. What I have taken away from this experience, and what I hope you have as well, is that we have a lot of opportunity to grow and build on the work we have put in this term. The biggest aspirational goal I had when I ran in January was an expanded University with a greater presence for Roleplay and an opportunity to work on a NS history project with TWP. This is still a great opportunity for collaboration and cultural enhancement, and our work this term on the Roleplay Reel shows that we have a lot of content and a lot of experts who can make this a reality in the months ahead. Roleplay Reel shows us that this has to be a labor of love, a passion project that is built from the ground up, immune to deadlines and top down orders. Given enough time and attention, I am confident the University will be a cultural focal point for TNP.
I was very excited by the opportunity the new NS cards offered us, and we have leveraged them to great effect. Our endorsement numbers in general, and our number of keepers of the north specifically spiked considerably as a result of our card lottery program, and WA participation increased as a result of our incredibly popular card request program. Our events and competitions have tangible rewards which encourage greater participation from gameside-minded players. There’s always a new angle to pursue for utilizing the cards and I’m sure subsequent governments will find new and exciting ways to use cards for their events and programs.
The NPA did a fantastic job under two capable ministers, and is continuing to expertly make use of our experienced and proven soldiers. Communications hit all of its goals and put out increasingly-complex and unique publications. The latest TNL release focusing on the WA was the most ambitious we have put out in years, featuring foreign authors and being longer than any release, and it dovetailed nicely with our WA Symposium, an event that was so popular it was extended to a second week. We saw multiple successful WA resolutions authored by our own or our neighbors, and our relationship with our WALL partner Europe is set to improve even more when a bilateral treaty is finalized in the term ahead. The symposium allowed our NBS program to get international attention and renewed interest, which I hope will help the program gather additional talent in the future. Consolidation of telegrams and work with dispatches helped us figure out a better way to communicate with the region and revealed that many of our methods remain effective despite the refrain that there’s too many telegrams and alerts. Home Affairs continued to have repeated successful AMAs, and got us off to a good start with our expanded mentor program. As much of my platform was focused on improved foreign outreach, TNP was more present and communicative on the world stage, and our diplomatic corps has begun a long-term effort retooling our ranks to be prepared for a more outward-looking and interactive group of ambassadors.
Of course there’s a lot still to be done, and all of these things can be built up even more. But I pledged not to seek another term before I was even elected because I felt the next generation should continue to lead and be given the chance to do so as TNP has so often allowed in our storied history. The game we were facing when I set out in January is very different from the one we are facing now, and it is one that has developed into an even greater opportunity for a new generation of leadership. These leaders occupy positions in my cabinet or serve as their deputies, and will carry the torch for us in the months ahead. January has not always been the strongest month for events, celebrations, or activity in general, but you guys did a good job in shaking up that pattern. It is important that we keep the momentum going, and we give the next delegate our all. Your help, your skills, every contribution of any kind that you have to offer is what makes this region special. TNP would not be what it is if each and every one of you wasn’t here doing what you do. Thank you once again for allowing me the chance to serve as your delegate. Good luck to the next delegate and their government, and I hope the next term takes TNP to even greater heights!