Minister of Foreign Affairs Appointment
Once again, I must appoint another minister to finish off the term. Time is drawing short but there is still much to do. I have proudly brought in new talent into this role in every one of my terms, and they have all stepped up in what proves to be an incredibly challenging position. Thank you @Brendog for agreeing to take on this challenge despite the time constraints you had. I know it isn't always an easy job, but you pushed yourself here as you have in every role you have served, and I'm glad you were able to serve in the cabinet again.
I have opted to bring in a more experienced hand this time, one whose background in foreign affairs fits neatly with my own FA goals, someone who has been keeping up with events this term and does not have to be brought up to speed. If nothing else, I hope that in the relatively short amount of time he has, he can lay the groundwork for these goals, and in the meantime I expect the Diplomatic Corps will be refreshed and kept on task as we start to take this term to a close. Retaining talent and experience in the ministry is crucial for its long-term functionality and I hope that additional new talent can be fostered and supported with his steady hand. I am incredibly proud to bring @mcmasterdonia back to the cabinet once again, and consider us very lucky that we can call on his extensive experience as a former occupant of this office in the game of today. Very glad to have you back McM!