Minister of Defense Appointment
I want to start off by saying I have been pleased with the work the NPA has done this term, and I know I am not alone in that sentiment. I want to extend again my thanks to @Darcania for his work and the innovations that the NPA have had thanks to his leadership. You really rose to the occasion and I’m glad you could fulfill the work you never got to pursue the last time you had this office.
Continuing a proud tradition of having three letter MoDs, I would like to formally appoint @Bobberino as our next Minister of Defense. From where I stand Bob has grown a lot in the role as deputy and had the benefit of learning from some of the best in the field. It has been great to see him demonstrate his potential and a side of himself too often unseen, that of a leader. Of course, Bob was instrumental in this term’s effort in his capacity as deputy. He has been a steadfast and eager member of the NPA command, and I know we can count on him to continue what Darc started and lead the NPA to new and exciting frontiers. I fully expect that journey to be a fun and lively one, and I can’t wait to see where it goes.