From The King of Plembobria
To the People of Plembobria, and the Nations of the World,
For eight years I have had the honor and privilege to serve this nation, the Kingdom of Plemboria, our home, as its King. I have presided over the most momentous changes in our institutions Plembobria has seen in the modern age. I oversaw the final transition of our nation from Monarchy to Democracy. I witnessed brutal terrorists attempt to murder me and destroy our palace. Because of this the Crown weighs heavily upon me.
As I have led this nation out of an era into another, I feel the time has come for someone else to lead our Kingdom into what further greatness the future has in store for us. I am not the man to carry forth this task.
Now that the election has concluded, I have invited the Right Honorable Alec Durand to form a new government as Prime Minister. With new leadership in the house of the Government, I feel now is the opportune moment to place the Crown in new hands as well.
Tonight I shall great the people at the doors of the Rethel Palace with Mr. Durand as I have done many times before. However this time I shall give official notice of my abdication to him in writing as well as to each of the acting High Officers. At such moment I shall cease to be your King. My dearest sister shall, upon the declaration of the Privy Council, become Queen of Plembobria and assume all of the powers and responsibilities of the Crown.
Queen Maria shall be the first to lead a Democratic Plembobria forward. Her reign shall not be scarred by transition and instability, but rather by prosperity, strength, and power for our nation. I pray that the Goddess guide her in this new role.
Memento Mori
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