Conservatives Win Outright Majority in Plembobria



National Party Leader Alec Durand greets supporters in Rethel
On the heels of a victory in a constitutional referendum, the National Party have won 73 out of the 140-seat Parliament, giving them a 3-seat majority, allowing them to form an all-National government for the first time in history. The Libertarians and New Left parties were nearly completely wiped out, each winning one seat. While the Crilalian Nationalists have come back with 8 seats.

"Today Plembobrians have voted again for stability," Durand said, "Plembobria will once again be a strong, united nation. No more coalition governments. No more surrendering to the wills of extremists. And no more independence crises!"

Tomorrow the King of Plembobria is expected to invite Mr. Durand to the Palace and ask him to form a government. After which the National Party will begin implementing its plan to reform Plembobrian government institutions and policies, which they will be able to do without the help of any other political parties in the house.
Statement from the Office of the Chancellor

While it is disappointing to see the members of the left lose so much ground this election, democracy is all about the will of the people. While we now will see ourselves in political opposition with Plembobria, we wish them the best of luck during their transition to a new government.

We are also transitioning to a new leader, and they will be in contact shortly.


Chancellor Alicia K. Durand