Breaking News:
The Most Exciting Election Yet...Maybe
Today begins the second election cycle of the year for The North Pacific, the Judicial Elections. These elections are always the most exciting for like, five people, and if you’re reading this, you aren’t one of them. Not even the Attorney General wanted to be involved with these elections, so we elect them during the more important General Elections with the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Speaker.
The first candidate was none other than position gatherer, @Dinoium, who would like to remind everyone that he could’ve been Speaker if he hadn’t conceded it to our current Speaker, @El Fiji Grande. We tried to interview him, but all he kept repeating was “my precious” while grasping tightly onto @Limerick1’s gavel.

Dinoium after seeing the election cycle start.
If elected, Dinoium will have his work cut out for him. The Citizen Oath Amendment Request for Review has been sitting for 40 days before the Court, with no sign of an end date. While this is surprisingly a short time for the Court, which averages about seven years for each R4R, it will still be interesting to see which direction the Court takes on @Gracius Maximus’ review. There have luckily been no criminal cases this term, which is good, because those never end. Here in TNP, it’s innocent until you CTE, or the Court stops caring, whichever is sooner.
Incumbents @Eluvatar and @King SillyString are both expected to run for a record thousandth time. If they do run, Greitbart expects that SillyString becomes Chief Justice again, as she slowly rewrites the Constitution one review at a time. When asked about it, SillyString said “I know the law better than most of the region. You’d be a fool not to vote for me. And if you don’t, I’m going to expose the loophole that makes me Supreme Leader of NationStates.” We asked Eluvatar about his run, and he just nodded.

SillyString explains a section of the Constitution while Eluvatar tries to figure out what she’s implying.
After the end of the first day of candidacy declarations, we have a total of one candidate. For a region dedicated to getting new blood into the political sphere, the field is wide open with little hope of actually bringing anyone new to the Court.
With all that being said, Greitbart predicts this will be the most exciting election to date, with a wide range of candidates, huge competition, and at the end of this election we can guarantee we’ll have three Justices, but of those, we don’t know how active they’ll be.

The March 2019 Court stands together for a portrait.
Stay tuned for more.
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